Chapter 128

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"Pippa, do you and Steven want to come out with Anthony and I for dinner before the show?" Jazzy asks Pippa the next day. "We aren't really going anywhere fancy, and will probably end up at McDonald's if I'm being totally honest, but it will be fun!"

"Sure," Pippa replies, "with one stipulation."

"What's that?"

"Can we please go somewhere a bit healthier than McDonald's?"

Jazzy laughs. "That's fair."

"Let me go get Steven and we will meet you in the lobby in fifteen minutes," Pippa says.

"Sounds good. I've gotta grab Ant too."

Pippa laughs. "Men are pieces of work."

"You can say that again."

Both girls laugh, and then they part ways.

"Steve?" Pippa asks, walking into the hotel room. "We are going out to dinner with Jazzy and Ant before the show, if that's okay."

"Oh, like a double date?"

"I guess so," Pippa replies.

"Sounds fun. When are we meeting them?"

"In fifteen minutes, in the lobby," Pippa replies.

"Alright, great, let me just put on something more presentable," Steven laughs, motioning to his faded tee shirt.

Pippa giggles, and Steven pulls an orange polo shirt out of his suitcase. He quickly puts it on, and then grabs his wallet and phone, heading over to Pippa.

"Let's go, babe."

"Let's go," she smiles up at him and they walk down to the lobby, hand in hand.

"There's my OTP," Jazzy exclaims, walking up to them with Ant trailing behind her, a few minutes later. Pippa blushes.

"Shut up, Jas," she murmurs.

"No, seriously, Steven. She talked about you non-stop when you two were apart."

Pippa blushes bright red.

"Shut up Jas," she mumbles again.

"Trust me, I talked a whole lot about her with my guy friends back at home," Steven says, holding Pippa close, as she buries her face into his chest with embarrassment.

"You're adorable," he whispers to her. "Well, shall we get going?" Steven suggests.

Jazzy and Anthony nod, and walk out the door, with Pippa and Steven trailing closely behind them.

The quartet walks around for a while, before finally stumbling upon a restaurant that looks nice, but not too expensive, or weird. A lot of the restaurants in Australia have tried to serve them really weird types of seafood.

They are quickly seated at a table, with Jazzy and Anthony on one side, and Pippa and Steven on the other.

After they page through the menus and decide what they want, Pippa watches Jazzy rest her head on Anthony's shoulder. She copies what Jazzy does, knowing that she's the expert on this sort of thing. She's like the wiser older sister, in Pippa's eyes.

Little does Pippa know, Steven is also watching Anthony, so when he puts his arm around Jazzy's shoulder, Steven does the same thing to Pippa.

Steven figures that if Jazzy and Anthony are getting married, then they know what's up with this whole couple thing.

"So," Steven begins, "what does it feel like for you three to be taking the stage at the Sydney Opera House?"

"Oh my God," Jazzy gushes, "it's incredible."

"I never thought that I'd get to say that I am," Pippa admits. "I mean, first I got to say that I am on Broadway, and now this... it's just a dream."

"Well, even if you didn't know, everyone else did," Steven tells Pippa.

Pippa blushes.

"Seriously, you're so talented, I'm sure everyone knew except for you."

Pippa smiles and pecks Steven's cheek with a kiss.

"Oh, get a room you two," Anthony laughs, pretending to be disgusted.

"Shut up," Pippa mutters. "You slobber over Jasmine all of the time right in plain sight."

"Oh, like this?" Anthony asks, pulling Jasmine into a full on makeout session.

"Two can play at this game," Steven whispers into Pippa's ear, and Pippa giggles a bit before kissing Steven, but not quite as passionately as the engaged couple across the table gets.

"I'm out," Pippa laughs, after a moment. She's not highly practiced in the kissing department and needs a breath of air. Steven laughs too.

"We get it. You guys are perfect together and you're going to get married and have little mini Jasmines and little mini Anthonies. You don't need to rub it in our faces," Pippa tells her friends.

The two break apart.

"Pippa, you and Steven are perfect together and all of that junk too," Jasmine assures her.

They all laugh.

A few minutes later, their food comes. They all enjoy everything that they ordered, and then, they have to go get ready for that night's show.

Once they're at the theater and the girls are in their dressing room, Steven walks in and announces that there are no tickets left for that night, so he won't be able to see the show.

"You can stay in here," Pippa offers.

"Just so long as he gets his butt out of here when we are actually changing," Jazzy laughs.

"That's assumed," Steven chuckles. "Thanks, girls."

"This is your half hour call," the loudspeaker announces.

"Steve, sweetie, that time has come when we actually have to change and put on our corsets, unfortunately. Go wait in the hallway, alright?" Pippa says.

"Okay," he replies, and slips out of the door, closing it behind him.

"So, Pippa," Lana smirks once Steven leaves. "He's been hanging around here a lot."

"I mean, he did fly all the way here to see me, what do you expect? Him to sit in our hotel room the whole time?" Pippa defends.

"I think he's in loveeee," Lana taunts.

"Well, that's good if he is," Pippa sighs, "because I think that I am too."


here's another chapter because i feel bad hahaha enjoy these updates guys it's been a while

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