Chapter 82

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Daveed didn't quite wake them up in the middle of the night with a whistle, but he does wake them up at 8:00 sharp by individually shaking every cast member.

"Daveed, for future reference, crashing a girls slumber party is never a good idea," Jazzy tells him, rolling her eyes.

"Oh brother. Get up and get ready for rehearsal. If we are stuck here, then we might as well make the most of it."

Jazzy and the rest of the girls groan, and pick up their blankets from the stage. They all stash them in the ensemble dressing room, since the audience members who were staying there were still asleep.

Fifteen minutes later, everyone was in the house, listening to Daveed spit out a list of things that needed to be fixed. So many of them were clearly directed towards James, but a few of the things that Daveed picked out surprised the cast. He was especially picking on the cast members that had been on Broadway with him. It was strange, really. He told Jazzy that her high note wasn't clear enough on 'Say No To This,' and Pippa that she wasn't showing enough emotion on 'That Would Be Enough.' Daveed even told Oak and Anthony that they needed to have better diction on 'My Shot.'

"And don't even get me started on the Laurens Interlude," he groans. "We need to start by running that because it's lacking emotion. Brett, your best friend just DIED! Channel that. Work up some tears. Let's get going."

Tensions are high as the various scenes are worked through and through. By the time that they're given a break, Pippa thinks that her legs are going to fall off. Her feet hurt from her character shoes, and her head hurts from listening to Daveed yell, combined with stage lights that are causing her to overheat. She can't even imagine what Lana must be feeling right now.

Lana, as the matter of fact, felt like she was going to pass out. Her head was throbbing, and whenever she wasn't singing, she was massaging her temples with two fingers to try to soothe it. She was sweating, and felt like she had a fever. Her throat was sore, and she didn't know how much longer she could keep singing, to be honest.

During a run of "Satisfied," they had to stop because Lana was going into a severe coughing fit. After she finally is able to stop coughing, she has very little of her voice left. It is raspy, and quiet.

"I can't take this anymore," she says, with tears forming in her eyes. "I'm sorry Daveed, but I have to take care of my vocal chords. I can't risk this. Continuing would be a great way to get nodes."

A bit of sympathy grows in Daveed's eyes.

"Okay Lana. Go ahead and sit this out. Alysha, can you come on?"

"Yeah," she replies, and steps forward into Lana's spot. "Don't worry Lana. Go rest your voice."

"Yes, Lana. You're on strict vocal rest until you are feeling better," Daveed tells her firmly.

Lana nods, and sits down in the house, taking a sip out of her water bottle.

Lana watches them run through the songs, and soon, it is time for a break. Daveed comes down and sits next to her. Lana tenses up, hoping that she doesn't get yelled at for things that are out of her control.

"Are you doing alright Lana?"

Lana shakes her head no.

"I was worried about that. Is there anything that I can do to help you out?"

Lana shakes her head no again.

"Okay, well, just keep drinking your water, don't talk, and try not to stress too much. By the time that we get out of here, we will probably be on break, so you can go back to New York, sleep in your own bed, and maybe go to the doctor. We might have a medicine kit at the theatre. Are you okay with taking something if we do?"

Lana nods.

"Great. I'll be back in a few minutes," Daveed tells Lana. She smiles, and watches him walk away.

That was oddly nice compared to how he has been acting recently, Lana thinks to herself.

"Everyone, could you please listen up?" Daveed says into a microphone onstage about ten minutes later. Everyone's attention snaps to him.

"I just wanted to apologize for everything that has been going on lately. I have realized that I have been overworking you. Unfortunately, it has taken a casualty to realize that. Lana is out for a few days. We will have our standbys, swings, and understudies fill in accordingly. The show tonight is cancelled, and it is looking like tomorrow's may be too. If that is the case, then we will not need to fill in, because we will be on break after that. I'm sorry for any inconvenience I may have caused anyone. I'm sincerely sorry."

Everyone breathes a sigh of relief, and begins to clap for Daveed. He's back to his fun-loving self.

"Also, you all have the rest of the day off. Relax, rest your voices, drink water, and all that jazz. I'm sure that the Schuylers will be having a nice gossip session, and I will encourage that for the rest of you too. It's a nice break from everything."

Everyone laughs, and Jazzy and Pippa exchange glances, knowing that Daveed is right.

"Now, disperse!"

The cast cheers, and runs off in separate directions, to find their various friend groups. Things are starting to look up, finally.


an update on the freshman- she's been taken off the ventilator which is really good, but keep thinking of her!

thank you for all your comments and reads! you guys are hilarious and amazing! 

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