Chapter 176

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"Pippa, do you want to come to Hollywood Studios with Anthony and I?" Jazzy asks.

"Actually, weird story, Steven and I have a voice lesson."

Jazzy almost chokes on her water that she is sipping out of her water bottle. "Together? What good is that going to do you? It's not like he has the same vocal range as you."

Pippa rolls her eyes. "It's some friend of our director, Sophia's. It was her idea. It should be an experience."

"That's an understatement..." Jazzy mutters. "Well, have fun with that."

"I have to admit, it'll be nice. I haven't had a voice lesson since before the tour," Pippa says.

"True," Jazzy replies. "I'll see you later."

"Alright." Jazzy walks away, leaving Pippa to finish her breakfast by herself, before she heads back up to her hotel room, where she finds that Steven is still asleep. She giggles to herself before lightly shaking him awake.

"Babe, rise and shine. We have to be at that voice lesson in an hour."

He groans. "Why?" His voice is raspy from having just been asleep.

"So that you don't go onstage sounding like that," she giggles. "As adorable as your morning voice is to me, babe, I don't think that the whole world wants to hear it."

"Fair enough," he replies, climbing out of bed and heading to shower and get dressed.

Half an hour later, Steven and Pippa hop into the rental car and drive to the location that they've been given- the music building at the University of Central Florida.

"We are supposed to go to room 217," Pippa says, looking at the e-mail on her phone. They find a staircase, and eventually make it to the room, where they knock on the door and are greeted by a smiling lady.

"Steven and Phillipa?" she asks.

"That's us," Pippa replies. "But, you can call me Pippa, please."

"Excellent. I'm Kelly. Sophia wants me to work with you on some music, correct?"

"Yeah. Thank you so much for doing this," Pippa says. Steven nods in agreement, and Kelly leads them into her office.

She takes them through a typical set of warm-ups, and Steven stares at Pippa in amazement as she sings up to two octaves above a middle C.

After that, Kelly tells them to grab music stands from the corner and they begin working through some of their songs. First, Pippa stumbles through 'The Sound of Music,' and then, Steven works on 'Edelweiss.' Pippa can't help but swoon as he sings, being once again reminded of just how gorgeous his voice is.

"I'm assuming you two are a couple?" Kelly asks.

"Gee, what was your first clue?" Steven laughs.

"You can't keep your eyes off of each other," Kelly replies with a smile.

"Yeah, we just got engaged!" Pippa exclaims, fiddling with the ring on her finger.

"Oh, congratulations!" she replies. "So, 'Something Good' should be a walk in the park for you two."

They both laugh. "The chemistry part, yeah. The vocals could be a whole different story."

"Actually, I'm impressed at how well you two are doing. If you keep up the good work, then you should be perfectly on track to start rehearsals," Kelly informs them.

"Thank you so much," Pippa smiles.

"Now, 'Something Good?'"

"We'll give it a try," Steven replies, and Kelly begins to play the piano.

They work through 'Something Good,' and then, Pippa does some solo work on 'I Have Confidence,' and they do a little bit of the reprise of 'Edelweiss.'

"You're doing great," Kelly assures them. "Do you have any other numbers that you want to work on?"

They look at each other and shrug.

"That's fine. I think you two should be good. Just for fun, do you want to do some duets from other shows, just to get you two used to singing together?"

"Sure," Pippa replies.

"I'm going to put you two on 'As Long As You're Mine' from Wicked, if that's good."

Pippa squeals a little bit.

"This one likes Wicked," Steven laughs, motioning to Pippa.

Kelly smiles and hands them sheet music. After they sing through that, Kelly pulls out another book.

"How about we do some Bridges of- Oh god, scratch that. How about Dear Evan Hansen? 'Only Us?'"

Steven and Pippa nod.

They sing through a few more songs, and then, Kelly tells them that they're ready. "Just keep looking over your music, and you'll be great."

"Thank you," Steven says, shaking her hand.

"Yeah, it was really nice of you to do this for us," Pippa adds.

"Oh, Sophia and I go way back. We were roommates in college. I'd do just about anything for her. I hope that I'll be able to come see you two when the show opens."

Steven and Pippa thank her one more time, and then they say their goodbyes. The couple decides to grab a nice lunch at a restaurant in downtown Orlando, and by the time that they make it back to the hotel, it's just about time for Pippa to go get ready for her matinee. 

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