Chapter 38

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Pippa was so upset about missing opening night, but she knew that Daveed was right. An allergic reaction really wasn't a small matter, and she knows that she can't treat it like one. When she was a very little girl, her parents would always be there to make sure that she didn't eat anything that would make her sick, but now, she's so on her own.

Her mind drifts to her parents back in the United States. If her dad was here, he would have been able to tell the people that she is allergic to eggs, since he speaks Chinese. 

She grabs her cell phone and decides to try giving her parents a call, too lazy to calculate what time it is there. 

Thankfully, they pick up. 

"Pippa?" her dad asks, groggily. "What do you need? It's 5:30 in the morning."

Oh. It's earlier than she thought. 

"Daddy, I had an allergic reaction, and I just feel so gross," she whines. 

"Pippa, sweetie! It's okay! Are you missing the show tonight?"

"Yeah. It's opening night," Pippa says, feeling tears coming to her eyes. 

"It's important that you rest."

"I know. I think that I got into trouble because nobody speaks English here, Daddy. How do you say that you're allergic to eggs in Chinese?"

Pippa's dad teacher her to say it, and though she speaks with an American accent, it is good enough that restaurant owners will be able to understand her. 

"Do you have your medicine with you, Pip?" he asks, after they have practiced what Pippa needs to say. 


"Alright, take one of those pills, drink a lot of water, and get some rest. I'm sure that you'll feel better soon," Pippa's dad says.

"Alright," she replies, thankful to have a doctor as a dad. "Goodnight Daddy."

"Goodnight sweetie. Get some sleep."

Pippa promises that she will, and then hangs up the phone.

Back at the theater, Jazzy is freaking out. She can't find Pippa, and nobody seems to know where she is. 

"Daveed," Jazzy says, in a final attempt to locate her friend before she has to get ready, "do you have any idea where Pippa is?"

"Didn't she tell you?" Daveed asks, surprised. "I made her go back to the hotel. She felt miserable. Carleigh is going on for her tonight."

"Carleigh is doing what?" she asks, walking into the room, in her full ensemble costume, ready for the show. 

"You don't know either?" Daveed asks. "You have to go on for Pippa."


Daveed slinks back into the corner, guiltily.

"I thought that someone would have told you," he admits. 

"Does Lin know?" Carleigh asks. 

"I don't think so," Jazzy says. "I'll go let him know, and then I'll be in to help you get ready, alright Car?" 

"Thanks Jas," Carleigh smiles, and the girls part their separate ways. 

"I'll deal with you later, Diggs," Jazzy says, half-laughing, but half-serious.

Ten minutes later, the girls are in Carleigh's dressing room, loosing a fight against Eliza's corset. 

"No, Carleigh, you have to suck it in more," Jazzy says, pulling at the strings on her back. 

"I'm trying. I'm not as used to this as Pippa," she laughs. 

"That's true," Jazzy agrees. "Okay, I think I've got it! Can you breathe?"


"Then we are good." 

Both girls laugh, and they sit down at the vanity table. Jazzy does Carleigh's hair, while Carleigh puts some finishing touches on her makeup. 

"Are you ready?" Jazzy asks Carleigh, once they're both finished. 

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be," Carleigh sighs. "Thanks for your help, Jazzy."

"Places. Five minutes until curtain," the loudspeaker blares throughout the backstage area. 

"I guess that's for us," Jazzy says, grabbing Carleigh's hand and pulling her to the stage. "You've got this." 

The two girls share a hug as the lights dim in the house and Aaron Burr steps onto the stage, ready to begin the show. 

It feels weird to not have Pippa there on opening nights. At intermission, Jazzy texts her friend, to make sure she's alright. It isn't like her to miss opening night, and it certainly isn't like her to leave without telling anyone. 

Jazzy: are you alright? i'm worried about you.

Pippa: yeah, i'm fine. i took my allergy pills, so i should be back on my feet soon. i talked to my dad, and he taught me how to say that i'm allergic to eggs in chinese, too, so i shouldn't have the same issue again.

Jazzy: You have to be more careful, pip! It's seriously the weirdest to do 'The Schuyler Sisters' without you!

Pippa: hahaha. i'm sure that you did wonderfully.

Jazzy: I expect you to be asleep when I get back to the hotel.

Pippa: Ugh, I can't sleep. everything hurts too much.

Jazzy: Just put on a movie and try to relax, alright? 

Pippa: ok. break a leg with the rest of the show.

Jazzy: thanks. i'll see you soon.

After she turns her phone off, Jazzy realizes that she has to become Maria Reynolds now. She changes her outfit and makeup at record speed, and makes it onstage right on time. Thank goodness.



also I can't wait for y'all to read what we are writing! It gets soooo good!!


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