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Lana looks around the empty room one more time, making sure that everything is perfect before the guests come.

"Is it all good, babe?" Jessa asks, walking up behind her.

"Yep, it's ready. They'll be here soon," Lana says.

"I can't wait to see everyone. It's been so long."

"It's been a good five years since we were all in the same room together," Lana nods. "It's so weird to think that we ended the first round of the tour ten years ago."

"It's even weirder to think that we have known each other for ten years," Jessa replies. "I mean, in some ways, it only feels like ten days, but in some ways, it feels like I've known you my whole life..."

"I know," Lana laughs. The two share a quick kiss, before they're interrupted by four people dressed in their nicest clothes walking into the country club banquet room.

"Pippa!" Lana exclaims, running up to her and Steven. "Oh my god, you look so good! How are you? Oh my god, they're so big! How old are they now?"

"Lana. Deep breath," Pippa laughs. "It's so good to see you. Let's see, Annie is seven, and Jack is three. Annie, Jack, you do you remember Auntie Lana?"

The little girl nods, but the little boy shakes his head.

"I didn't figure," Lana says, bending down to his level. "I think that the last time that I saw you, you were just learning to walk."

"That was a long time ago," he says, with wide eyes.

"Not too long ago," Pippa laughs. "It feels like yesterday."

"It does," Lana sighs. "Time flies when you're having fun I guess."

"Mommy? Are there going to be any other kids here?" Annie asks, tugging on her mother's arm.

"Uh, Lin's kids should be here... Sebastian and Averie. They're a little bit older than you, but will probably play if you ask them."

"Okay," the little girl smiles, then, lays eyes on the cookie table. "Jack! Cookies!" She grabs her brother's hand and they run over to the table. Pippa and Steven exchange a glance before the two of them, Lana, and Jessa all burst into laughter.

"She's a feisty one..." Jessa remarks.

"You're telling me. I'd better make sure that they don't get into trouble, but I'll talk to you guys later," Pippa says, walking off, with Steven trailing behind.

More cast members trickle in, and soon, the entire gang has arrived, and the party is in full swing. Everyone is having a great time, talking, dancing, and reminiscing on old memories.

Lana can't help but notice that Kaitlyn and Brett, who went their different ways, are eyeing each other from opposite sides of the ballroom.

"Look at that," she whispers to Jessa. "Ten bucks they'll be back together by the end of the night."

Jessa rolls her eyes, but smirks. "You're on. Loser has to buy the winner a drink."

They shake on it, and continue on with the party, keeping their eyes on Kaitlyn and Brett.

"So, Lin, when is your new musical opening?" Lana asks.

"We are set to open next year," he replies. "It isn't going to be as incredible as Hamilton, but it'll be a good show. Our cast is incredibly talented... you know some of the members. A press release will be going out soon, but my lips are sealed until then."

"That's great," Jessa smiles. "I can't wait to see it."

As they all party into the late hours of the night, as Lana called, her and Jessa catch Kaitlyn and Brett stealing a kiss in the corner. Jack falls asleep in his dad's arms, and some of the other kids are very near to doing the same as the party draws to a close. Before everyone leaves, though, Lin walks to the front of the room and pics up a microphone.

"Before you all go home, I just wanted to thank each and every one of you for the impact that you've made on not only my life, but the lives of the others in the room, and audiences around the world. Ten years ago, you were all kind enough to agree to go on this crazy tour with me, and I'll never be able to thank you for that. Though my run was short, I'll always treasure those times that we shared. Look at everything that has come out of it. A group of people, who would otherwise not know each other, becoming a family. I love all of you. Thank you, thank you, thank you."

Applause rings throughout the room as Lin sets the microphone down, and retreats to his seat next to Vanessa. People begin to get up and leave, stopping by and thanking Lana for organizing the event on their way out, and before she knows it, everyone is gone. It is just her and Jessa left.

"Well," Jessa says, grabbing Lana's hand, "we had better get going. That dang dog is probably wanting to be let out."

Lana laughs. "Yeah, probably..."

After a final glance around the room, the two of them walk outside, hand-in-hand.

"The sunset is so pretty," Jessa states.

"It all is," Lana replies, taking in a deep breath of the fresh air and gazing out at the horizon. "Look around, look around..."

~ the end ~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2019 ⏰

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