Chapter 74

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When the plane landed in Canada, Daveed had been beaten in Sorry (and insisted on a rematch) five times, and Carleigh had beaten Lana and Brett at spoons at least ten times. They had lost count.

Pippa and Jazzy slept through most of the flight, so by the time that they had landed, Pippa's energy levels were high, and Jazzy was... getting there. She had woken up about half an hour after Pippa, though. Pippa, being the pure human that she is, had stayed perfectly still, since Jazzy's head was on her shoulder.

"Pippa, you should've woken me up sooner!" Jazzy protests.

"I woke you up right before we landed. How should I have known that you wanted to be woken up sooner?"

"I have to suck on a mint or something during take-off and landing. My ears are plugged now, and I can't hear out of my right ear, and it's ALL YOUR FAULT!" Jazzy screams, laughing.

"Wait, seriously?!" Pippa asks. "That's not good!"

"It should pop in a few minutes, it's just annoying," Jazzy assures Pippa.

Before they get off of the plane, everyone turns on their phones.

"It's -5 degrees out there!" Daveed announces to the plane. "PLEASE DRESS PROPERLY."

"Fahrenheit or Celsius?" someone asks.

"Fahrenheit," Daveed replies. "Does everyone have coats?"

"Canada, what are you doing?" Jazzy groans, reaching into her small suitcase that is in the overhead compartment and pulling out her winter coat.

She hears a small squeal, and snaps her head back to Pippa.

"Was that you?"

Pippa smiles and nods.


Pippa's smile confirms that.

"Let me see!" Jazzy squeals, sitting back down next to Pippa.

Steven: When are you coming back to New York?

Pippa: December 20, so not for a few more weeks.

Steven: That's too bad. I bet that you're ready for a break.

Pippa: i am, but at the same time, i'm having a lot of fun on the tour. It helps that my friends are here.

Steven: That's true. It just seems like it would be so exhausting.

Pippa: trust me, it is!

Eventually, everyone is ushered off of the plane. Jazzy wraps her scarf around Pippa's face, since all of Pippa's winter things are under the plane.

"Really, Jas, I don't need this," Pippa insists.

"We can't have you getting sick again," Jazzy rolls her eyes.

"Okay, I guess that's fair," Pippa chuckles, and they all enter the airport.

"Okay, you guys know the drill! Get through customs and we are all going to meet at the carousel!" Daveed announces to the cast, and they all nod, heading towards bathrooms, newsstands, and cafes, but essentially heading to customs.

They all get out their passports, to show so that they will be let into the country.

"Pippa, I feel like you have a great passport picture," Lana says, coming up behind them.

"Not really..." Pippa laughs. "Is anybody's really great?"

"If anybody had a perfect passport picture, it would be Pippa," Jazzy tells Lana. "Let's see it, Pip."

Embarrassed, Pippa pulls out her passport and hands it to Jazzy.

"Of course," Jazzy rolls her eyes and shows it to Lana.

"How am I not surprised? Yours is a million times better than mine, Pippa. I look like a criminal or something, and you look like a model," Lana tells her friend.

Pippa laughs. "Me. A model. That's a concept."

"Pippa, shut up. You're gorgeous," Jazzy says, playfully slapping her friend.

"Thanks," Pippa smiles.

Once they get through customs and grab their luggage, Daveed leads them outside, to where he swears the bus will be parked.

He leads them to an empty parking lot.

"What the heck?" Daveed mutters, under his breath. He pulls out his phone and starts looking through it for the directions to where the bus is.

"It's so cold out here!" Kaitlyn whines. "Daveed, I can't believe that you got us lost!"

"Come here, babe," Brett tells her, with open arms. She runs in, and buries her face in his chest, as he holds her tight.

"Ant?" Jazzy asks, with pleading eyes.

"Get over here, you cutie."

Anthony grabs Jazzy and pulls her in, close to his body.

Jessa walks over to Lana and Pippa.

"I can't believe that Daveed did this," she says.

"It's typical of him," Pippa laughs. "I love him, though. I'm going to go see if he needs any help."

Pippa walks away, leaving Lana and Jessa lone.

"Lana, do you not have a coat?" Jessa asks, noticing Lana hugging herself in order to make the most of her Columbia fleece.

"I do, but it's at the bottom of my suitcase. I'm going to get it out as soon as we get to the hotel, if we ever actually make it there."

Jessa rolls her eyes. "It's unlikely."

"I wish Lin were still here."

"Me too," Jessa admits. "It's already not the same without him."


Everyone laughs, and claps, following Daveed and Pippa back in the direction that they came from. 



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