Chapter 63

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Jazzy is beyond happy. She could not believe that Anthony had asked her to marry him- it was something she'd dreamed about but never even thought it would happen. She figured that, at some point, he'd get tired of her and leave.

She had thought that it was inevitable. Part of her had been scared that he had brought her on the date to break up with her. She'd been mentally prepared for that outcome, so she'd been surprised when he had gotten down on one knee and proposed.

It still felt like she was walking through a daydream as they went back to the hotel. Anthony had one arm around Jazzy. She couldn't stop smiling- it felt like her face was going to fall off from how wide her grin was.

When Jazzy got back to her hotel room, Anthony kissed her gently goodbye before going to the floor above to where the guys were staying.

"Are we going to tell people?" Jazzy asked, looking up at Anthony.

"They're our family- I think they deserve to know," Anthony said. "But only if you're alright with it."

"Of course I'm okay with it- I love them all so much," Jazzy said instantly.

Jazzy took a deep breath outside her hotel room, knowing that Pippa was waiting inside. She opened the door and Pippa immediately stood up from her bed.

"How was your date?" Pippa asked. Jazzy could tell that she was trying to see how the date went.

"Well..." Jazzy hedged. "It was alright."

"Just alright?!" Pippa exclaimed.

"Yeah, I mean, he got us lost like five times, and then we went on the London Eye, but I don't know..."

"Is that all?"
"Well, that and he proposed," Jazzy said.


"I said yes," Jazzy laughed.

"Thank GOD," Pippa breathed, flopping down on the bed. "I was gonna die if you said no."

"Wait, you knew about it?" Jazzy demanded.

"Of course I knew," Pippa said, rolling her eyes. "Anthony wanted everything to be perfect so he asked me of what I thought about your ring and where he was taking you."

"Well, thank you for encouraging him," Jazzy said, hugging Pippa tightly. "It's your turn next."

Pippa snorted. "I doubt it. But right now, tell me everything. What did he say?"



The next day, after Jazzy and Anthony announced their engagement at rehearsal, the cast threw themselves into the run-through with new energy. James was being put-in, again, and Brett was also put-in as Hamilton. Brett was doing a fantastic job, but then again, Pippa wasn't surprised. Brett had been Lin's understudy for the entirety of the tour.

On the other hand, there was James.

James was... well... making progress.

Pippa could see how uncomfortable he was making everyone in the cast, especially Carleigh, Kaitlyn, and Lana. Kaitlyn was most often James' dance partner, whereas Carleigh was usually next to James in the dances.

And Lana... Pippa could tell there was some kind of history between the two of them. She wanted to know what it was, but she didn't want to push Lana to admitting something that made her uncomfortable.

Lana had been looking paler than usual, which was saying something. Lana had unusually pale skin, but she was clearly on edge about James' presence.

They had made it through the first half of act one and Alex had granted them a fifteen-minute break.

Pippa, Jessa, Lana, Jazzy, and Carleigh were all sitting in a circle playing Uno.

Kaitlyn walked over. Her hair was in a ponytail and she was wearing a purple headband. "Hey, guys! Congrats on your engagement, Jazzy."

"Thanks, Kait. Have a seat!" Jazzy said, scooting over and patting the ground beside her. "We'll deal you in next round."

"What do you guys think the tour's going to be like when Lin leaves?" Kaitlyn asked, sitting down next to Jazzy.

"I don't know. Hopefully it'll be nice," Pippa said, but she was doubtful. "Brett will definitely be an amazing Hamilton, but James..."

"James is by far the creepiest individual that I have ever danced with," Carleigh said, while flipping through her cards. "He's just... ugh."

"I agree with that," Kaitlyn said, hugging her knees to her chest. "I've never had hand placement problems with Brett, mostly because he's a gentleman, but with James it starts to get really, really awkward."

"Well, of course you and Brett are perfect together," Pippa snorted. "Brett knows what a waist is, and even if he didn't, you're dating, so."

"Pippa, you're disgusting," Kaitlyn laughed.


"That's not what I was thinking," Carleigh protested.

"Well, you said earlier that your heart is dead, and so maybe that also applies to your brain?"


"Sorry," Pippa said quickly. "I'm sorry, Carleigh. I still love you and you're still my bean."

"Pippa, Carleigh is not your bean," Jazzy said, rolling her eyes. "Beans cannot own other beans, besides, I do think that James is making an effort to improve."

"Why did it have to be him?" Lana groaned.

"What do you mean?"

"I just mean, out of everyone in the world, I get stuck with him," Lana backtracked quickly.

"I mean, none of us knew him beforehand, so we're only now just starting to see what he's like," Pippa reasoned.

"I just wish Lin had run the choice past everyone," Lana said.

"Why? Would you have said no?" Jazzy asked, frowning.

Lana looked slightly uncomfortable. "Yes, I would have."

"Don't be rude, Jazzy," Jessa said sternly. "If she doesn't want to talk, then don't make her."

"Just know that if you want to talk, we're always here," Pippa told Lana. Lana started fiddling with the end of her long ponytail.

"It's hard to talk about."

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