Chapter 158

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One last show in Brazil. Soon, it was all the cast had left before their final stop in Orlando. Everyone was extremely excited for Orlando, especially Pippa, who gets to see her other half again, and Lana, who gets to see her family. Since there will be many visitors, Daveed calls a cast meeting to sign up for rooming assignments.

"Well, I have some good news, before we put together our rooming assignments," Daveed begins. "Since we are performing at the Walt Disney Theatre, Disney was kind enough to give us passes to all of the Disney Parks for the entire month that we will be there. Two per cast member, actually."

A collective gasp falls over the room.

"That's insane!" Jazzy whispers to Pippa.

"Honestly, it was probably because Lin works with them," Pippa replies with a laugh. "I'm not complaining though, at all. This is going to be so much fun."

"Also, we are having a pop-up performance of 'Yorktown' on our opening day, in front of the Magic Kingdom castle. I know that's our problematic song, but it is a high-energy number. HOWEVER, we will have to have some lyric changes for Disney World, which Lin is working on as we speak. This is a family-friendly institution, so Oak, even though we all know how much you love it, you can't sing your f-bomb."

Everyone laughs, as Daveed smirks at his friend, who is blushing slightly.

"If you don't want both of your passes, please give your spare one to a cast member who needs multiple ones for their entire family. I know that Lana has multiple guests coming, and I know that many others will too. The passes can be shared, so if you have friends coming for a week, but not on other days, then you can lend your passes to other cast members," Daveed explains. "Please make sure to profusely thank the workers at the theatre."

Everyone nods, and then, Daveed continues talking.

"Now, onto rooming assignments. We will have two cast members per room this time, if you don't have family members or friends coming who you would rather room with. If you do, let me know, and if it doesn't matter, then just tell me and I will pair you with another cast member. Let's just start up front and work our way around."

Soon, it is Anthony's turn to tell Daveed his rooming assignments.

"I would like to room with the greatest woman in the world, Beyonce. But, since that can't happen, I guess I'll settle with Jasmine Cephas Jones."

Jazzy rolls her eyes, and playfully slaps Anthony. "I hate you."

"Love you too, babe."

When Pippa's turn rolls around, she blushes a deep scarlet color. "Uh, Steven's coming in," she murmurs. "I'm going to room with him."

"Pippa and Steven sitting in a tree," Jazzy chants, "K-I-S-S-I-N-G. Pippa has a crushy."

"Can you not?" Pippa groans.

"I don't know why you're so embarrassed about Steven still," Jazzy comments.

"I'm not... embarrassed, particularly. I just knew that would happen."

"You're not fifteen, Pippa. Everyone knows that your relationship is a little bit more serious than just a schoolgirl crush. It's not like you've never kissed before, because we have all seen it."

"Still, you didn't need to announce it to everyone," Pippa retorts. "You're so immature sometimes."

"I'm immature?" Jazzy raises her eyebrows. "I'm not the one who spends her every waking minute thinking and talking about some guy and then being scared to admit that I love him. Because I know that you do love him, and I don't know why you won't just own up to it."

"Jazzy, I love him, and I never said otherwise. I just don't need you telling the whole world that right now. I just wish that you would think before you speak sometimes!" Pippa spits.

"Jazzy, Pippa, we are trying to get things accomplished over here. If you two could stop talking, it would be excellent," Daveed says. Both girls blush and sink into their chairs a little bit.


The show that night is awkward, to say the least. With Jazzy and Pippa barely talking to each other, Lana feels stuck in the middle of whatever has happened between them. The girls' dressing room is not the party that it usually is, and their numbers together just don't have the same chemistry. The show is still good, but just not amazing.

After the show, Pippa goes back to the hotel room and gets ready for bed. After she climbs under the covers, Jazzy still hasn't come back, which is weird, since she didn't even stagedoor that night.

Pippa decides to text Anthony to see if he knows anything.

Pippa: hey, do you know where Jazzy is? she hasn't come back to the room.

Anthony: She's with me and the boys. She wanted to give you some space after today, I think. I hate seeing you two like this. What happened exactly?

Pippa: i don't know, honestly. i think we were just both having a bit of a weird mood swing today and we went off on each other...

Anthony: Jazzy feels bad, but I don't think she wants to he the one to apologize... her stupid pride. She probably started it all. She's amazing, but doesn't think before she speaks sometimes, especially during those weird mood swings that you were talking about, haha.

Pippa: okay. well, i'll just give her some space too, and talk to her in the morning, i guess. thanks ant.

Anthony: No problem. Goodnight Pippa.

Pippa: goodnight.

Pippa sighs, and curls up in her blankets more. Tears well up in her eyes as she realizes just how alone she really is now. Of course she has the other girls on the tour, but without Jazzy, and the ensemble girls in another hotel, it's hard for her.

Before she can register what she's doing, she pulls out her phone again and starts to send a text.

Pippa: steve, i got into a fight with jazzy and she's sleeping in another room... i'm so lonely... can we talk for a little bit? i just want to hear your voice...

Steven: oh my gosh, Pips, I'm so sorry to hear that. of course we can talk for a little bit.

Pippa smiles at Steven's almost instant reply, and then, feels her phone vibrating from the call. She answers, and her boyfriend's face pops up on the screen.

"Are you okay?" he asks, instantly, noticing the tear tracks on Pippa's cheeks. There's no hiding that she's been crying, between that and the little bit of makeup that didn't come off with her wipes after the show being smudges around her eyes.

"I... um, yeah," she replies, quietly. "I miss you, baby."

"I miss you too, so much. I'll see you in just a few days, okay? I'll get to hold you, and kiss you, and take you on rides and to meet princess at Disney World..." Steven stops talking abruptly. "Just a second, babe. I'm in a bit of an uncomfortable position. Let me readjust."

He changes the way that he is laying on his bed, moving his phone with him. What Pippa doesn't know is what he is really trying to do- get something out of the frame on the camera.

A ring box sitting on his dresser.



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