Chapter 75

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They all hurried into the hotel room. The girls decided to all pile into Jazzy and Pippa's room to warm up and hang out.

Lana immediately got her blanket out of her suitcase and hid under it for at least ten minutes. Carleigh was sitting on Pippa's bed shivering.

"Don't you have a coat, too, Carleigh?" Jazzy asked.

"I'M TOO LAZY STOP JUDGING ME," Carleigh said. Jessa seemed the most normal out of the ensemble girls- she was still wearing her gray coat, but she wasn't acting strangely. Pippa was huddled next to Jazzy, and Kaitlyn hadn't arrived yet, because she was apparently trying to find hot chocolate.

"What do you guys want to do?" Pippa asked. "We can play games-"

"No," Araella said instantly. "I'm not playing games with Kaitlyn anymore."

"What?" Kaitlyn asked, walking in the door just as Araella was speaking.

"I was saying that I refuse to play games with you anymore, especially Sorry. First of all, you're addicted, and second, you win all the time," Araella explained.

"Let's watch a movie," Jessa suggested. "We're all tired anyway, so we'd all get loopy if we tried to actually function with our brains."

"That's probably a good idea," Jazzy said.

"I have food," Kaitlyn said, grabbing a bag that she had left outside the hotel room. "Goldfish, anyone? I also have gummies, if anyone wants those."

"I'll take the gummies," Carleigh said. "Thanks, Kait."

Lana poked her head out of her blanket like a turtle. "Is there any chocolate?" she asked.

"Um. No, because Oak stole it all two shows ago, while we were all onstage," Kaitlyn replied.

"I have some," Jessa said, pulling out a bag of pretzel M & M's. She handed Lana the bag and Lana retreated back under her blanket.

"Lana, do you want my sweatshirt?" Jazzy asked.

"I have a sweatshirt, I just lack the energy," Lana said.

"What movie do you guys want to watch?" Jazzy asked, scrolling through Netflix.

"Tangled," Carleigh said instantly.

"NO!" Kaitlyn and Araella shouted.

"What about if we watch Grease Live," Pippa suggested. "I never got a chance to watch it when it aired, and I've been meaning to see it."

"That sounds good," Jessa approved.

"Everyone, up on the bed," Jazzy ordered. "Squish together."

Carleigh groaned but moved to sit next to Pippa.

On Pippa's bed, Pippa, Jazzy, Carleigh, Kaitlyn, Araella were squished together, and on Jazzy's bed, Lana, Jessa, Alysha and Ariana were together. Jazzy started the movie.

About forty-five minutes into the movie, Carleigh had eaten way too many gummy bears, Araella had given up and sat on the floor, and Lana was asleep.

Pippa was enjoying the movie. The Grease Live production was good, and it was fascinating to see how they fit the production together.

They all got a text from Daveed when the movie was almost over.

Daveed: Attention all cast members: tomorrow begins our rehearsals to get acquainted with the theatre. They are also our put-in rehearsals for James and Brett. Please make your best effort to be at every rehearsal. If you need to miss one, let me know at least three days in advance, if possible. We will be rehearsing for about a week, and then we'll begin our shows. We'll still rehearse during the day to make sure that our cast in new roles are confident in what they are doing.

Pippa inhaled. She was not looking forward to James being a full-time member of the cast. It was just not a good situation for anyone.

Carleigh sighed and flopped onto the floor. "Yet another tour stop of me tripping over incompetence," she complained.

"You'll be okay. He'll get it down," Alysha said, but she didn't sound all that confident.

"Yeah, right. He has the show about as well memorized as I have the entirety of the Declaration of Independence," Carleigh groaned. "Which is not at all."

The movie ended, but they were all too tired to get up and disperse to their different hotel rooms. Pippa got yet another text from Daveed telling her that the entire cast was eating dinner together.

"We're supposed to eat in the conference room tonight," Pippa announced. Everyone just nodded, except Carleigh, who just made a weird clicking sound.

"Are you mentally stable, Carleigh?" Ariana laughed.

"No, the gummy bears went straight to my brain."

"Carleigh, you honestly need a lot of sleep or something, because you seem really loopy," Araella laughed. "You're a fun person but you're usually never this sarcastic."

"My soul died when James killed it, along with my sanity, so until he leaves, I get zero sleep. Do you know how many freaking times that I've stayed late at the theatre to run through the entire stinking show with him? At least four."

"You don't deserve this," Pippa said. "If James does anything remotely questionable he's probably going to get fired." She didn't add that Lin had given her the permission to fire James whenever she felt like it was necessary.

"When he does, I will sing praises from the rooftops and then fall off of the roof from exhaustion," Carleigh said, her face stuffed into Pippa's cinnamon roll pillow. "I cannot wait."

"I should probably get changed for dinner," Jessa announced. She gently moved Lana off her shoulder and stood up.

"I'll walk with you," Kaitlyn said. "I need to at least brush my hair."

"Do you want to take Lana with you?" Jazzy asked, motioning towards Lana, who was still curled up in a tiny ball on the bed.

"I don't know... I'd hate to wake her up but we do need to unpack our stuff before dinner," Jessa said reluctantly.

"Pippa and I will let her sleep for a while and if it gets to about a half hour before dinner, we'll wake her up and send her to you," Jazzy told her.

"Alright, thanks," Jessa said gratefully. With that, she, Carleigh, Araella, Alysha, and Ariana left. 


i forgot how insane i started to write carleigh whoops

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