Chapter 170

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Pippa and Steven are having a lazy day at their hotel, cuddled up and watching a movie, when Pippa sees her phone light up with a text. She grabs it off of the nightstand and unlocks her phone, smiling when she sees that it is from Renee.

Renee: hi Pippa! I just flew in for a few days with the kids, and we are all settled into the hotel and have some free time before we have to get ready to see the show tonight. Jazzy and Anthony have some sort of 'obligations,' but do you and Steven want to come over and hang out for a little bit? There is a really nice pool here... Ben and Bri are dying to get in it... we could sit by the pool and catch up perhaps. I'm at the swan resort.

"Oh!" Pippa exclaims, with a smile.

"What's that, love?" Steven asks.

"Renee just told me that she flew in for a few days to see us, and she wants to know if we are able to hang out by the pool for a little bit."

"Oh, that sounds like fun!" Steven replies. "Tell her that we will be over in a few minutes."

"Yay!" Pippa replies, typing up a quick reply.

Pippa: renee! that sounds like so much fun! i miss you so much! steve and i will be over in a few minutes!

Steven and Pippa change into their bathing suits, and then, Pippa pulls a sundress over hers. Steven throws a t-shirt on, despite Pippa's protests, and then announces that he's ready.

"But you were so hot before..." Pippa whines.

Steven chuckles. "Shh, I'm sure that we will be swimming, and I wouldn't want this shirt to get all wet and chlorine-ey... it's one of my favorites," he replies, cheekily.

Pippa laughs and throws her arms around Steven, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek, before grabbing her purse and lacing her fingers through his.

"Ready?" he asks her.

"Yep," she replies, with a smile.

The couple makes their way over to Renee's hotel, and they walk around to the pool, where Renee is in a lounge chair, keeping watchful eyes on her children. It seems like they have already made friends and are playing and splashing around in the huge, gorgeous pool.

"Renee!" Pippa squeals, running over to her.

"Pips!" Renee replies, standing up and pulling her friend into a hug.

"Oh my gosh, I've missed you so much!" Pippa says.

"You too. You look amazing. How's the tour going?"

"It's going well, but I'll be glad when it's over," Pippa admits.

"Did I hear that you have a few exciting things happening after it's over?" Renee raises her eyebrows, as Pippa's face lights up.

"Yeah!" she exclaims. She turns around to Steven, who is standing a few feet away, and beckons for him to come over. "This is Steven... my fiance."

As the words come out of Pippa's mouth, she can't help but let a giant smile cross her face. She absolutely adores calling Steven her fiance. That smile is all that it takes for Renee to know that Pippa is head-over-heels in love with this man.

"Hi Steven," Renee smiles, holding her hand out for him to shake, which he accepts. "I'm so happy for you two."

"It's so nice to finally meet you," Steven replies. "I've heard a lot about you."

"The same goes to you," Renee says.

"Babe, tell her our other news," Steven whispers.

"Oh yeah!" Pippa exclaims. "I'm going to be New York-based for a while after tour tour, because Steven and I are going to be in an Off-Broadway production of The Sound of Music!"

"Aw, Pips, that's so exciting!" Renee exclaims. "Congratulations to both of you!"

"How about you, Nee? How's your life going?" Pippa asks.

"It's good," Renee replies. "I'm not too focused on acting right now... I'm mostly just relishing being a mom."

"They're growing up so fast..." Pippa remarks, glancing at Benjamin and Brielle, who are having the time of their lives in the pool.

"They are," Renee agrees. "Well, how about we go sit down and catch up some more? I want to hear all about the tour, but more importantly, the engagement."

"Sounds perfect," Pippa smiles. The group sits down on the lounge chairs, and they talk for a long time, catching up. Pippa is thrilled at how well Renee and Steven get along.

Eventually, Steven sits up. "It's pretty hot out here. What do you girls say I run over to the snack bar and get some ice cream?"

A small, mischievous smile grows on Pippa's face. "Don't tell Daveed, or he might flip out on me for having dairy on a show day, but that sounds amazing."

"That's so kind of you, Steven. Thank you so much," Renee nods.

"Great. I know that Pippa wants chocolate... what about you, Renee?"

"I'll have the same," she smiles, and Steven walks away, leaving just the girls. Renee takes this opportunity to get the true gossip out of Pippa.

"So, Steven..." she begins. "You really love him."

"I really do," Pippa nods. "I feel like I never knew what it felt like to truly love someone until I met him."

"You didn't, but you deserved that feeling. I'm so glad that you've found it," she smiles. "So, what are you thinking? Will you ever have kids?"

Pippa jumps a little bit at this question, since she didn't expect it. "Well, if I'm being honest, I can't say that I've never imagined it... Just probably not for a while, with The Sound of Music and all..."

"Aw, Pips!" Renee squeals. "My little Pipsy is growing up!"

Pippa rolls her eyes, but giggles.

"So, when do you think the wedding will be?"

"We just got engaged a few days ago, Renee..." Pippa laughs.

"Don't pretend that you haven't discussed it."

"Yeah, okay... you've got me," Pippa replies. "It won't be for a while. Right now, we are planning on waiting until a few months after the show has opened and we are all settled into that. We will probably take a few weeks off and go on a proper honeymoon and all that jazz."

"Oh, I just can't tell you how happy I am for you," Renee states, grabbing Pippa's hand and giving it a squeeze.

They have a few more minutes of girly gossip before Steven walks back over with their ice cream.

After it has all been eaten, and very much enjoyed, they decide to swim for a while, and then, eventually, it is time for them to part so that they can all be ready for the show.

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