Chapter 149

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It was hard to believe that there were only two more stops left to the tour. There was an odd sense of finality, now that they were wrapping up their last few months of time together.

Daveed had toned down the rehearsals since there was barely any time left, and the general vibe around set was just relaxed. It was a nice change from the intensity of the tour a few months ago, Pippa thought.

She stepped onto the plane to Rio with her carry-on in hand. She'd already said goodbye to Steven, which was hard, but knowing that she'd see him in Orlando in a month made it a lot better.

Now the only thing that worried Pippa was her strained relationship with Jessa.

It turned out, Pippa would have to deal with that problem sooner than she thought. Pippa froze when she saw Jessa sitting next to Pippa's empty seat. Jessa hadn't spotted Pippa yet, because she was on her phone, but Pippa knew it would be impossible to avoid talking to Jessa the entire flight to Rio.

Pippa stuffed her carry-on into the overhead compartment as quickly as possible and sat down, praying that Jessa wouldn't look up from her phone.

"Oh, it's you," Jessa said, frowning.

"I can move if you want," Pippa said awkwardly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. At this time, all passengers should be in their seats with their seatbelts buckled," the overhead announcements declared. Pippa mentally groaned.

"Better not," Jessa said a little coldly. "It's a little late for that."

They were silent the entire time the plane was taxiing down the runway. Soon, they were in the air.

The quiet was getting oppressive to Pippa, who finally turned to Jessa.

"I never should have said the things I said," she blurted out. Jessa looked taken aback, probably because Pippa was admittedly a little louder than she needed to be, and also because Jessa had been reading for the entirety of the takeoff.

Jessa frowned. "No, you shouldn't have," she said. "It's none of your business."

"I'm sorry, Jessa. It came out wrong, I never meant it the way it sounded," Pippa continued. "It's your life, and you're right, it's none of my business."

"I deserved some of it," Jessa said finally. "But I will never, ever be talked to like that again. I will not be treated like that by anyone, even from you. I don't care how nice you've been in the past. We both should have been more respectful."

"You're right," Pippa agreed.

"But thank you for apologizing in person," Jessa said after a beat of silence. "It's a heck of a lot more than other people have done in the past."


"No, she's apologized way too many times for things she can't control," Jessa said. "Just other people. No one you'd know."

"I didn't realize how hard this could be for you, too," Pippa said. "I guess I was always thinking about Lana's side of things."

"I'm glad you're looking out for her, but she's independent. She doesn't need people to anything for her. Neither do I. We're sorting it out ourselves."

"I hope you don't take this out on her," Pippa said.

"I've left my personal issues behind in New York. The tour is not somewhere to air my dirty laundry, it's a place to perform. I'm not about to stir up unnecessary drama," Jessa told Pippa.

They were quiet for a while.

"How was your break?" Jessa asked Pippa a few minutes later.

"It was nice. I had so much free time," Pippa said. "Oh, and I got Maria in Sound of Music!"

"Congrats," Jessa said earnestly. "I thought you got it, but I didn't want to bring it up in case you didn't."

"I'm excited. It'll be a nice change," Pippa gushed.

"That's awesome. I know how much you wanted it."

"What about you? Did you do anything unusual?" Pippa asked.

"Kaitlyn and I went to the LEGO store," Jessa replied. "We saw Harry Potter with a live orchestra, too, which was amazing."

"That sounds cool."

"It was."


When they landed, they were hit with the humid temperatures of Rio. The streets were bustling and the crowds were lively. Pippa and Jessa took a taxi to the hotel that Daveed had told them to go to, only to find most of the cast sitting in the lobby with all of their suitcases.

"What's going on?" Pippa asked, wheeling her luggage over to Araella.

"Apparently our rooms were flooded, so we can't check in," Araella explained. "Daveed is trying to sort it out."

"Who's been here the longest?"

"Maybe Oak? I know he flew in yesterday. Most of us just got here," Araella said.

"Who are we still missing?"

"Hubble, Jazzy and Anthony, Beckett, Danielle, Jonas, and Axel," Araella said, while scanning the cast.

"Alright guys, looks like we're going to have to split up into different hotels," Daveed said two hours later, after a long bout of negotiations. "The hotel's paying for it, but here's how this is going to go. All of the individually listed cast members will be in the hotel across the street, the ensemblists will be about ten to fifteen minutes away."

"Does that mean our rooms are different now that we're splitting up?" Pippa asked.

"I'll send you all a copy of the list," Daveed snapped.

Pippa sat down on the floor next to Araella and Lana. A few minutes later, there was a text.

Rooms- Marriott Hotel (principal actors)

Oak Onaodowan, Daveed Diggs, Anthony Ramos-110

Brett Rico, Elijah Windham, Beckett Christopher Spencer, Axel Graham- 112

Phillipa Soo, Jasmine Cephas Jones, Lana Carnell- 111


Rooms- Hilton Barra- Ensemble

Kaitlyn Knox, Jessamine Bradley, Araella Marquis- 307

Carleigh Bettiol, Ariana DeBose, Kaley Oliver, Danielle Sicily- 309

Daniel Montgomery, Jonas Hunt, Thayne Jasperson, Logan Wood- 306

Louis Roy, Wes Vernon, Erik Asis- 308

Doyle Nash, Neil King, Hubble Lynch

Pippa wasn't sure how she felt about the cast being split up. Now she wouldn't be able to walk across the hall to see her friends- of course she was still with Jazzy and Lana, but it wouldn't be the same. And they only had two tour stops left. Pippa would have rather spent it as close to her friends as possible. 

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