Chapter 89

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The morning after getting back to her apartment in New York City, Lana is feeling well enough to be productive the next day. She practices 'Satisfied', but by then, she doesn't feel well enough to run through any more of her songs.

Her parents were going to come over to celebrate Christmas, though, so Lana had to clean her apartment. She didn't want to, but it wasn't terribly cluttered. She'd been on tour for months now, and so the main problem was that the dust that had collected made her sneeze.

A few of the ensemble girls had texted to check up on her, and Lana had told them that she was feeling better.

To be truthful, Lana felt better that she'd had in a few months. Ever since James had arrived, she'd been stressed out, frightened, and just altogether on edge. Now that she knew that he was going to be fired, she could finally breathe again. Soon, she wouldn't have to deal with her ex-boyfriend and his excessive creepiness.

Her phone rang and she picked it up without looking at who was calling.

"Hi Lana!" it was Jessa. "I was just calling to make sure you were okay, and that you got home safely, and that you're feeling better."

Lana immediately panicked a little bit inside, but she kept her voice steady. "I'm feeling a lot better, thankfully," she said. "And I'm home now."

"Good," Jessa said instantly. "If you're feeling up to it, I was thinking of going to Barnes & Noble. I know it's super nerdy, but I love bookstores, and going with other people is more fun than going alone."

"Sure," Lana said. "What time?"

"Um, I could walk down with you, depending on how far away your apartment is from mine," Jessa offered.

Lana gave her the address.

"That's fantastic- you're like five blocks away. I'll be over in... ten minutes, and then we can walk to Barnes & Noble. Alright, bye!" Jessa said happily, and hung up.

Lana hadn't actually changed out of her pajamas yet, so she quickly washed her face, brushed her hair and did her makeup before trying to decide on what to wear.

She didn't feel up to actually putting effort into her outfit, so she decided on leggings, boots, a gray t-shirt and a green flannel over top. Plus her coat and gloves.

Just as Lana was finished getting dressed, there was a knock on her door. She hurried to answer it, opening the door so that Jessa could step inside.

"Hey, feeling better?" Jessa asked.

"Yeah, thanks for asking," Lana replied. "We can go, unless you want a drink or use the bathroom before we go..."

"No, I'm fine," Jessa laughed. "Ready?"

Lana nodded, and grabbed her phone before heading out the door. Jessa followed.

"You know, your apartment is really pretty," Jessa commented as they walked down the five flights of stairs. "Considering it's on THE FREAKING FIFTH FLOOR. There's this amazing invention called the elevator that I think everyone would greatly benefit from."

"I'm used to it," Lana laughed. "Besides, that's how I stay in shape for all of my shows. Running up and down stairs. When I did Newsies, my dressing room was below the stage, so I was running literally all the time."

"That. Would. Suck."

"It was an adventure," Lana agreed.

They stepped out onto the street and were immediately hit in the face with a gust of icy cold wind.

"I swear, it was not this windy when I got to your apartment," Jessa complained. "I should have checked the weather. I don't want you to be outside when you're still sick."

"It's fine, don't worry about it," Lana told Jessa.

"Are you sure? We can always do this when it's not like Antarctica outside," Jessa said.

"We're close to Barnes & Noble anyway, so let's go," Lana said, pulling Jessa down the street.

"Look at us," Jessa said. "Barnes & Noble is such a daring excursion."

"Who ever uses 'excursion' in daily life?" Lana demanded.

"I do, don't judge me," Jessa retorted, but she was smiling. "What's the most complicated word you've ever used in conversation?"

"Umm... 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious,'" Lana said. "Because in high school I was Mary Poppins and that dance is the hardest dance ever to learn, and so I complained all the time."

"You shouldn't complain, then, because 'excursion' is shorter," Jessa said.

They walked for a couple more minutes and then finally reached Barnes & Noble. By that point, both of their cheeks were pink and they were ready to be indoors.

"Where do you want to go first?" Jessa asked.

"It doesn't matter."

"How about we get food first," Jessa suggested.


ship ship ship

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