Chapter 51

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The show went very well. Brett did a fantastic job as Hamilton, as always. Pippa loved the tour cast. She had never thought she would grow was fond of the tour cast as she had been with the original Broadway cast. But here was a whole new set of wonderful people- most of all, Kaitlyn, who Pippa now loved as another Schuyler Sister.

Pippa was content. Vanessa was here, and Sebastian, and everything felt complete.

Well, except that she was still single.

"Pippa, do you want to go to the cast movie night tonight?" Jazzy asked. Pippa was snuggled up in her blanket and curled in a ball on her bed, reading Harry Potter. Jazzy had convinced her.

"What movie?"

"I'm not sure, I think they were talking about seeing Into the Woods," Jazzy said.

"Sure, I'll come," Pippa said. She got up and put on her fluffy wolf socks, grabbing her blanket and pillow to take with her.

The cast had started a tradition of movie night at the theatres they visited. So far they'd only watched musicals or Disney movies, but Pippa didn't have a problem with that.

They took the cast van back to the theatre and went to the stage, where they had set up a large screen and a projector.

"I will be taking your votes now!" Thayne exclaimed. "Your options are Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring, Into the Woods, or Captain America: The First Avenger. Put your heads down! Votes for Lord of the Rings."

Pippa didn't put her hand up. She preferred not to watch scary movies, and despite how many good things her parents have told her about Lord of the Rings, she never felt the inclination to watch the movies.

"Into the Woods votes," Thayne continued.

Pippa raised her hand.

"Votes for Captain America," Thayne announced. "Okay, put your heads up. We're watching Lord of the Rings."

Pippa sighed. She got her pillow and prepared for a long three hours.

Anthony and Jazzy were sitting together and Anthony was attempting to braid her hair as the movie began. It was turning out better than Pippa expected.

She had to admit, the Lord of the Rings music was majestic. She found herself getting lost in the movie, even though she had no idea what it was about.

She checked her phone quickly and her heart immediately started pounding.

There was name she never expected to see on her screen sitting there in her notifications.


Pippa tucked her pillow under her chin and nervously opened the texts.

Steven: Hey, I got this number from the landlady. I thought you'd want to know that a pipe burst on your floor and your apartment got flooded. It's Steven, from the floor below you.

Pippa: Wait what?!

Steven: It was the pipe, I don't know why it happened. They moved most of your stuff out of your apartment.

Pippa: When did this happen? And where is my stuff?

Steven: I think Carl has it.

Pippa: Oh god, not Carl.

Steven: I know, I don't know why they chose Carl to keep your stuff.

Pippa: Ugh and I'm on tour, I can't come and get it. We won't be on break until Christmas.

Steven: I can get your stuff from Carl if you want. I know I wouldn't want it to be in that apartment for too long.

Pippa: Would you really do that? That would mean a lot, knowing that it's not getting beer dumped all over it.

Steven: I will! I'll let you know how it goes.

Pippa: Thank you SO much. Do you know how much was damaged?

Steven: No, I can find out for you. I should have time to do that tomorrow.

Pippa: That's fine. Don't rush.

Steven: I'm off to speak with Carl now :)

Pippa: Oh gosh, good luck.

Pippa sighed and put her phone down. She'd missed some of the movie while she was texting Steven, but it still made about as much sense to her now as it had fifteen minutes ago.

She could not believe she had just texted Steven, but it had been comfortable. He didn't seem annoyed, and it felt natural. It didn't feel forced, to her, at least.

Brett was passing out popcorn and, for some strange reason, Strawberry Kiwi drink.

"Want some, Pippa?" he asked.

"I'll take some popcorn, but who knows how much sugar is in that drink?" Pippa laughed. Brett rolled his eyes while handing Pippa a bag of popcorn.

"I have no idea, it's apparently Kaitlyn's favorite drink, so," Brett said, shrugging.

"Relationship goals," Pippa laughed, opening her bag of popcorn and turning back to the movie. 


Sorry about the lack of updates!

So our region has the equivalent of the Tony Awards, but for high school theatre. Our pit was nominated for Best Student Orchestra and our play was nominated for Best Play, as well as some actor nominations, but WE DIDN'T WIN ANYTHING even though PIT NAILED EVERY SHOW. I am still salty about it.


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