Chapter 142

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As Steven, Pippa, Jazzy, and Anthony are sitting in the airport waiting for their flight back to the states, Pippa shoots a quick text to her cousin.

Pippa: i just heard your good news last night- wow! well done, young one.

Addy: omg Pippa! thank you so much! I haven't talked to you in forever! how's the tour?

Pippa: it's good! we have a few days off and i'm headed back to nyc with my boyfriend, jazzy, and ant. can we meet up sometime?

Addy: of course! just let me know when you're available. I didn't even know that you had a boyfriend, so we clearly have some catching up to do, haha.

Pippa: absolutely! i have to get on a plane now but i'll talk to you later, alright?

Addy: alright!

Pippa turns off her phone and sticks it back in her backpack before hoisting it up and following the others onto the plane.

She settles into a window seat next to Steve, with Jazzy right behind her.

"I already can't wait for this to be over," Pippa remarks.

"Pips, we haven't even gone up in the air yet," Steven laughs.

"I know," she giggles.

Behind them, Jazzy is already practically asleep on Anthony's shoulder.

Pippa, giving up on any chances of having a conversation with her best friend, sighs and puts in her earbuds.

Before they know it, the pilot comes on and gives them a speech about safety- one that they have all heard countless times.

Everyone drifts off to sleep on the long flight, which kills some time. For the other part of the flight, Steven and Pippa share earbuds and watch movies on the screens and Jazzy and Pippa connect their phones using the in-flight wifi to play multiplayer games.

It seems to take forever, but eventually, they land.

"Sweet, solid ground," Jazzy exclaims.

"You're still on the plane," Ant reminds her.

"Shut up. The plane is on solid ground."

"She's not wrong," Steven laughs.

Eventually, they are able to get off of the plane, quickly run through customs and head to their homes.

Pippa gets a bit emotional as Steven grabs her hand and leads her to his apartment. Yes, she's been here before, but this is the first time that she's going there with it being her home, too, not just Steven's.

"Go ahead, and unlock the door," he tells her, as she digs around in her purse for her keys. She finds them and slides the key into the lock.

It turns, and the door opens.

"Welcome home, my love."

They step inside, and Pippa kisses Steven's cheek after they close the door.

"So, I know you already told me, but I was half -asleep that whole flight, so what are the audition details again?"

"Tomorrow evening, you're going to go in and meet the director and have a session with her on the material, and then, the next afternoon, she's going to have you come in and audition," Steven reiterates.

"That sounds perfect," Pippa smiles, yawning after. "This time difference is kicking my butt."

"Same here," Steven laughs. "Do you want to head to sleep?"

"That would be much appreciated," Pippa laughs.

They both drag their suitcases back into the bedroom, and flop them open on the floor.

"We are going to have to get you a dresser and stuff," Steven remarks. "Right now, can you just keep your stuff in the suitcase? We can go out tomorrow and do some shopping."

"Alright. Do you need any help unpacking?" Pippa asks.

"No, I'm just going to dump my whole suitcase in the washing machine tomorrow. I'm too tired to even touch it now."

They both laugh, as Steven opens his dresser drawer and pulls out a tee shirt and a pair of pajama pants.

"Do you want to watch TV or something, or just sleep?" he asks Pippa.

"Whatever you want to do," she replies. "We can watch something, but I can't promise that I'll stay awake."

"Alright," Steven laughs. "Have you seen Smash?"

"I'd suppose you could say that," Pippa giggles. "Have you?"

"I'm on season two. I think I just finished episode ten. The next one is called 'The Dress Rehearsal.'"

Pippa giggles under her breath. "Sure, go ahead and watch that."

A few minutes later, they are cuddled in bed, and happily watching the show.

Then: "Pippa, is that YOU?" Steven exclaims.

A smile breaks onto Pippa's face. "It might be."

"You stinker," Steven laughs, playfully slapping her.

"It's so weird to watch this," Pippa remarks.

"Trust me, it's so weird for me to watch Do No Harm too," Steven laughs.

"Honestly, I want to see this show," Pippa teases. "I mean, you, Lin, Jekyll and Hyde, what could possibly be bad about it?"

"It literally broke some sort of record for being a flop. How about you actually watch the show before making that decision?" Steven suggests, rolling his eyes.

"Alright, so... we will marathon it tomorrow?" Pippa asks, cheekily.

Steven cringes. He really set himself up for that one.

"If you insist," he mumbles.


jeez i didn't realize how long it had been i'm so sorry children

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