Chapter 148

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Steven comes home, and his heart sinks when he sees the condition that Pippa is in. She is wrapped in blankets in their bed, and she has panda eyes from crying without taking off her makeup.

"Pippa," Steven whispers, running right up to her and pulling her into his arms.

"Steve?" she sniffles. "Remember when we were in Australia and you told me that if I ever needed anything, ever, then I could talk to you about it?"

"Of course."

"Well, I think I just ruined my relationship with one of my best friends."

"What? Pips, what happened? Did you have a fight with Jazzy?"

"No, no, that's not it... It's Jessa..."

"Oh," Steven says. He is vaguely aware of the drama that has been going on between Jessa and Lana, but isn't everyone who is even the tiniest bit associated with the tour? What he isn't sure of is quite how Pippa fits into it all.

"She's just... I don't know..."

Pippa breaks down into a fresh set of tears. She hates Steven seeing her like this, but realistically knows that if they are going to have a long-term relationship, then she will have to learn to be okay with it.

Steven doesn't say much of anything, just holds her in his arms tightly, allowing her to cry into his chest. He doesn't care that she's getting makeup on his shirt, and he doesn't care that it's late and he would normally be getting ready for bed by this time. All that matters to him right now is the girl that he is holding, and making sure that she is okay.

"Talk whenever you're ready," he whispers in her ear, and she nods, rubbing her eyes.

"So, tonight, Lana texted me some screenshots of Jessa going completely crazy, and I just texted her to ask her what was up, but she did pretty much the same thing to me. I know that she has a lot going on in her life right now, of course, but she still shouldn't be acting like this..."

Pippa feels more tears welling up in her eyes.

"Shhh, Pips," Steven says, upon hearing her begin to violently cough. "You've gotta stop crying, or you'll cough up a lung."

Steve hopes to get a little laugh from her on this, but he is only responded to with more coughs. He wants to go get her a drink of water, but doesn't want to leave her.

"Pips, what can I do to help you? Do you need water? Chocolate? Just a hug?"

"All of the above," she manages between sniffles.

"I'm going to get up now, is that okay?"

She nods, so Steven stands up and quickly fills up her water bottle in the kitchen, bringing it back to the bedroom with a bar of chocolate.

Steven hands them to her, and she takes them, taking a sip of water. "Would you mind showing me the texts?"

She nods and hands Steven her phone. He reads them over and frowns. Pippa watches him as she nibbles on the chocolate bar.

"You would've done really well growing up in Hershey with me," he laughs, rubbing her back. "My dad was a big-shot at the company."

"Steve," she groans, "what do you think I should do?"

"Honestly, Pips, I think that you should try to reach out to her again. I know that you're not at fault here, but just apologize... you've got to cut her a break, because you said it yourself: she's dealing with a lot."

"I guess so," Pippa sighs.

"Would it make you feel better? Because that's all that really matters right now. You're miserable, and it hurts me to see you like this."

"I think it would."

"Alright, then send her a text, and we can go to bed, alright?"

Pippa nods, and takes her phone back from Steven.

Pippa: jessa, I'm sorry. I get that you're having a hard time with some stuff right now, and I should've been more supportive of that. please forgive me?

(read at 12:16 am)

Pippa sighs and puts her phone down. "She left me on read."

"That's okay Pips. You tried. She's making her choices. You did everything just right."

Pippa snuggles in closer to Steven, and he wraps her tighter in his strong arms. She feels so safe there, and she never wants that to change, ever.

Eventually, the couple changes into pajamas and then, they cuddle in bed until they each drift off to sleep. It takes Pippa a while, though. All that she can think about is Jessa, and if she'll ever be able to mend the newfound wounds that have been created with her friend. She hopes with all of her heart that she can. Not just for the sake of not wanting to tour with somebody who she can't even be in the same room as without things being awkward, though that is certainly a factor, but mostly just because she wants to ensure that she keeps her friendship. It would be a hard thing to lose.


ugh we still have like a month of school and i have to take state testing (THERE GOES MY GRADUATION WHOOPS) 

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