Chapter 132

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After her little "talk" with Jessa, Lana runs back to the hotel while fighting back tears. Forgetting that Pippa and Jazzy weren't rooming together, she goes and bangs on Pippa's door.

Steven opens that door. A look of horror crosses his face.

"Pippa, I think you should handle this one."

Lana blushes as Pippa comes to the door. When she sees Lana, she looks between her and Steven, and then, "Steve, I think that we need some girl talk... could you go hang out with Anthony and send Jazzy over here?"

"Yeah, sure," he mumbles, grabbing his phone and hurrying out of the room. After he leaves, Pippa pulls Lana into a hug and brings her over to the bed.

Neither of them say anything for a few moments, but it is not an awkward silence. Soon, Jazzy knocks on the door and Pippa lets her in. The three Schuyler Sisters are together at last.

"Lana, do you want to tell us what's wrong?" Pippa asks, eventually.

"It's Jessa..." she stammers. "I don't know what's been with her lately..."

Jazzy and Pippa exchange glances. They can't pretend to have been oblivious to the change in Lana and Jessa's friendship since the night that Lana poured her heart out to Jessa.

"It just seems like she left me when I needed her the most. When I went into that dressing room tonight, I had full intentions of asking her for help. I wanted her advice on how to come out to my family. Like, I know that I can always talk to you guys but it just seemed like she would be better to talk to for this, you know? But then, she started yelling at me, and I couldn't form those words on my lips."

Lana stops and takes a breath.

"Lana, what did you say to Jessa, when she was angry- if that's the right word for it?" Jazzy asks.

"I guess that when she started yelling at me, I started yelling back," Lana admits. "I'm just so confused right now. I'm only sure of one thing. I want to be more than just friends with Jessa, but at this point, I would even take just friends. She's been acting so crazy lately."

"Lana," Pippa begins, "It's possible that Jessa is just as confused as you are. She values your friendship too, and doesn't want to ruin it, no matter how much she may want to try out being more than friends. You're counting on her to make the right decisions, but she is as lost as you are. It's uncharted territory for both of you."

"I guess you're right..." Lana says, after taking a moment to process what Pippa has just said.

"Also," Pippa continues, "I know that you may not know this, but Jessa and I have been mutuals for a while. We were never friends before the tour but we had crossed paths more than once. You probably think that she came out ages ago, when she was in high school or something, but she didn't. She was raised in a very religious household that didn't support that type of thing. Believe it or not, she only came out to her parents about two months before we went on tour. It hasn't been that long."

"Oh," Lana sighs.

"Hold up," Jazzy interjects. "I didn't know this about you, Pippa."

Pippa rolls her eyes and lets out a small chuckle. "It never came up in conversation. Anyway, Jazzy, we are talking about Lana right now."

Jazzy groans.

"I was just trying to tell you that Jessa doesn't have it as easy as you might think that she does. She's still just as confused and scared as you are," Pippa tells Lana.

"I guess so," Lana admits, looking skeptical.

"I'm not saying that it gives her any excuse to be mean to you, of course, but just try to see things from her point of view, alright?" Pippa asks.

"I'll try," Lana replies.

"That's our girl," Jazzy smiles, pulling Lana into a hug. "And Lana? I know that this isn't going to be much help coming from me, but honestly, even if your family doesn't like this news, they're going to have to deal with it. It's who you are, and they can't ask you to change that."

"Thanks Jazzy. That really does help," Lana says, mustering up a smile.

"Is there anything else that we can do to help you feel better?" Pippa asks.

"Can we just do something to forget about it?" Lana asks. "Listen to music or watch TV or something?"

"Fine by me," Pippa replies. She puts on her Broadway playlist, and they all start to dance and sing (at the tops of their lungs) to "All That Jazz," which comes on first.

It takes just over an hour and a half, but eventually, Lana is feeling almost completely better. She is ready to face the new day, and Jessa, as the matter of fact, with a new light.

Lana and Jazzy both head back to their own rooms, and Steven comes back in with Pippa. All is back in place, as it should be.


have you ever felt like there's a story idea that's *this* close to being a really good story idea but you can't quite come up with what it would be like? that's me now :|

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