Chapter 127

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When Pippa and Steven returned from the aquarium, Pippa had to get ready for the show. Steven sits in the dressing room as Pippa, Jazzy, and Lana run around trying to gather their stuff together for the beginning of the show.

"Do you have your mic?" Jazzy asked Lana.

"Yeah, why?"

"The sound manager was asking around for you a couple minutes ago."

"Well, I just got my mic, so I think it's okay?" Lana said, raising her eyebrows.

"Do you guys want to do different hairstyles for the show tonight?" Jazzy asked. Pippa turned from where she was putting on her mascara.

"Like what? There's only so many hairstyles that I can do?"

"You should let me do your hair," Steven spoke up from his position on the couch. "I totally know how to braid hair and stuff."

Lana and Jazzy raised their eyebrows.

"Is this a group offer or just a Pippa offer?" Lana asked.

"It can be a group offer, whatever works for you," Steven said immediately. "Pippa first, though."

"Obviously," Jazzy snorted. She handed the hairbrush to Steven. "Bobby pins are on my station, hairspray's by Lana, and you're gonna have to hustle some hair ties from Carleigh."

"But you have hair ties right here," Steven said confusedly.

"Steven, they're pink, babe," Pippa said. "Pink isn't a colonial hair tie color. And neither is neon green. It doesn't really go with the color scheme."

"Ugh, rules, rules," Steven groaned. He started gathering Pippa's hair together, with Jazzy watching intently. Lana had gone down to get some hair ties from Carleigh.

After about five minutes, Steven had finished doing Pippa's hair.

Jazzy wolf-whistled. "Wow, I'm impressed. You have more hair skills than I do."

Pippa's hair was tied back in the front, similar to her Eliza hair in the first act, but it was braided instead. The end of the braids weren't visible- they were tucked behind her ears.

"Okay, who's next?" Steven asked.

"You can do mine," Jazzy said.

Steven ended up making Jazzy's fishtailed, twisting in strange ways, but somehow it worked.

"You should do my hair more often, Steven," Pippa said. "You're doing a great job."

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your ten minute call until places. You should be in costume and be warming up or making your way to the stage," the loudspeaker announced. "Lana Carnell, please report to the stage at this time for a mic change."

"Crap, there's not enough time," Lana said. "I'll get one of the girls to do it, I have to go."

"Good luck, Lana," Pippa called. Lana just flapped a hand in acknowledgement.


The cast circled up a few minutes before curtain to do a prayer circle for Daniel, who was officially debuting.

"Daniel, we thank you for your persistence, your strength, your talent, and your kindness. Jumping into a production halfway through is never easy, but you did it with grace and poise. You deserve much more praise, and we hope that you have an amazing debut," Daveed said. "We have a few gifts for you for your first real show."

Pippa presented Daniel with a small vase of flowers that the entire cast had contributed to. Brett passed his old ensemble jacket down to him, and Carleigh had chosen to give Daniel a stuffed T-rex wearing a 'Yorktown' coat.

"Because of you, 'Yorktown' is no longer a train wreck," Jessa said with a smirk. "You're the true MVP."

"Thanks, Jessa," Daniel laughed.

"Alright, guys, places," the stage manager called.

The cast scattered to take their spots for the top of the show.

"Your hair looks pretty today, Pippa," Araella said as she walked past. "Whoever did that is accomplished."

"It was Steven," Pippa admitted.

"Wow, I need to get myself a guy that does that," Araella replied. "He should be hired as official hairstylist."

"I wish," Pippa laughed.

The show went fairly well. It wasn't without its little mistakes- there was an awkward point in 'Reynolds Pamphlet' when the actual papers were missing, so instead of normal paper, the cast just threw Playbills all over the place.

Lana's mic, despite the additional check before the show, died halfway through 'It's Quiet Uptown' so then the ensemble awkwardly sang some of Lana's lyrics before they got to the actual part where everyone sang.

Whoever was in the sound booth wasn't paying attention, apparently, because her backup mic kicked in for the last note 'It's Quiet Uptown'.

After the show, Pippa went back to the hotel with Steven.

"What was up with the Playbills in 'Reynolds Pamphlet?' I was really confused. Do you always do that? I didn't notice it before..."

"No, we don't usually do that, but apparently someone lost the papers we were supposed to use."

"That makes more sense."

After getting ready for bed, they both decided to watch an episode of a TV show. They were both too awake to even try to go to sleep quite yet.

"So you're okay?" Steven asked quietly.


"Are you sure?"

"I'm okay, Steven."

"Alright, but if you ever need to talk, or, I don't know, just tell me, okay?" Steven told her.

"I will."

"Promise me. If you need anything."

"I promise."

"Love you, Pip."

"Love you too, Steven."



and my finals are done now so whew but i have a band festival tomorrow and we're gonna play all day and i already am not liking that idea

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