Chapter 100

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After rehearsal, everyone goes back to their hotel rooms to relax. They're all worn out from their first day of rehearsals after break, that they don't even want to go out to dinner. Pippa and Jazzy order room service, and Lana, Jessa, Araella, and Kait head down the street to grab McDonalds.

Jazzy sits on her bed, aimlessly spinning her ring around her finger, when Pippa plops down next to her.

"Are you alright, Jas?"

"Yeah, of course. Why?" Jazzy asks.

"Oh, I don't know. You just look sad."

"Well, I don't know... Pips, how would you feel about me and Anthony sharing a hotel room next time? I just... I haven't been able to see him very much... well, not as much as I thought I would be seeing him when we agreed to the tour, and I just miss him."

"Oh." Pippa says. "That's fine, Jas. You two are getting married. Of course you would want to have a room together. I feel foolish for not expecting that already."

"Just for a little bit. I promise that I'll come back and room with you sometimes, too. Maybe we can do an every other stop thing, or something?" Jazzy suggests.

"That sounds fine," Pippa smiles.

Jazzy breathes a sigh of relief.

"I was so nervous that you wouldn't be okay with it."

"Of course I'm okay with it," Pippa smiles. She stands up, and walks over to her keyboard, running her fingers across the keys.

"You can play, if you want," Jazzy tells her. "I think I might go down the hall and talk to some of the other girls, anyways. They invited us earlier."

"Alright. I think that I will. Have fun, Jas," Pippa smiles. Jazzy thanks her and leaves the room, leaving Pippa alone with her thoughts and her music. She begins playing "On My Own" from Les Mis. After she's done, she hears her phone vibrating on her bed.

She goes to check it, and notices a text from Steven.

Steven: Hey Pips. I hope that you're settled into the hotel, and enjoying Moscow. I just want you to know that I've been thinking of you. I miss you already, love.

Pippa's heart flutters at the message. At what he called her at the end.

Nobody has called her that in so long, that she has forgotten what it feels like.

Pippa: hey! omg you're so sweet! moscow is pretty, and our first day of rehearsal was good, but tiring. we have to build our stamina back up, haha. i miss you too.

Steven: That's awesome! Don't worry, I'm sure that it will come back soon. When will you be back in the states so that I can see you?

Pippa giggles. She just got to Moscow.

Pippa: not until may... sorry.

Steven: Oh well. That will just make it better when I do get to see you. So tell me, where am I flying to?

Pippa: oh my gosh, you don't have to do that!

Steven: But I want to. Where?

Pippa: orlando

Steven: Awesome. I'm taking you to Disney World. No ifs, ands, or buts.

Pippa: yay! i can't wait to see you! xx

Pippa clicks off her phone, and lays down on her bed. It is becoming hard to keep her eyes open. She decides to turn off her keyboard and watch The Sound of Music until she falls asleep.

Meanwhile, down the hallway, Jazzy, Kaitlyn, Lana, Araella, and Jessa are sitting in a circle gossiping, as the girls on the tour have become infamous for doing. Well, at least according to the boys.

"So, does anyone know about how Carleigh is doing?" Kaitlyn asks.

"She texted me earlier, and said that the flight she rescheduled should leave tomorrow evening, but who knows. Apparently that airline is really unreliable," Jessa says.

"Oh no!" Jazzy exclaims. "I hope that she's able to get here by the time that we start shows."

"I'm sure that she will," Kaitlyn says. "That's still five days from now."

"True," Jazzy giggles. "It just seems like nothing's going right on this tour."

"Tell me about it," Araella groans. All of the girls laugh.

"Some good things have happened," Lana butts in. "Jazzy, you got engaged, and we all made a lot of new friends, and have gotten to see some pretty cool places."

"That's true," Jessa agrees. "You just have to look at the good things, and you will realize that there are usually more of those than the bad things."

Everyone nods, and a silence falls over the room.

A little voice enters Lana's brain, as she looks around the room at all of her friends that she has grown to love like sisters. It says to tell them. To spill her secret.

She is a bit taken aback at the thought entering her brain, but she as she quickly thinks about it, she realizes that she's ready.

"Hey guys?"

"Yeah?" her friends ask, turning to her.

"Um, can I tell you something? Like, will you promise to not tell anyone?"

"Of course," Kaitlyn says. "That's what friends are for."

Lana breathes a sigh of relief.

"I've really needed to get this off of my chest for a while. Um... well... I'm bi."

"Really?" Jessa asks. Lana nods, blushing.

"Lana, that's awesome. We are all really proud of you," Jazzy says, squeezing Lana's hand.

"Yeah. If you ever need to talk about anything, I'm here," Jessa adds.

"Me too," Kaitlyn adds.

"We all are," Araella assures her.

Lana smiles.

"You guys are the best friends that anyone could ever ask for."

"We know," Jazzy giggles, flipping her hair. Everyone laughs.

"So, do you guys want to play Heads Up?" Kaitlyn asks.

"Yes!" everyone exclaims.

Lana is glad that her friends don't make a big deal out of her news, and plays the game with the other girls, smiling the whole time.


whoo hoo, chapter 100! it's been so real guys! 

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