Chapter 97

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Before Pippa knew it, she was on a plane to Russia. It was a little weird not flying over to a new location with the rest of her friends from the tour- she'd grown accustomed to traveling with Jazzy, Anthony, Lana, Kaitlyn, and everyone else. But they were all flying over separately, so Pippa was alone.

At least she could catch up on her favorite shows and watch movies. It was a nice break before the craziness of the tour picked back up again.


Pippa whipped around in her seat.

"Kait, what are you doing here?"

"I'm flying to Russia," Kaitlyn laughed. "I didn't realize you were on this flight! We could have sat next to each other."

"Well, at least we know we have friends on this plane," Pippa said. "If the plane crashes into the ocean, we both won't die alone and friendless."

"You're so morbid, Pippa," Kaitlyn said.

"I'm stating what we were both thinking," Pippa retorted. Kaitlyn rolled her eyes. "Is Brett here too?"

"No, the flight was full. His flight is connecting in Vancouver before going to Moscow, so he's going to be at least four hours behind."

"That. Would. Suck."

"I felt bad for him, but that's what he gets for procrastinating," Kaitlyn said. "Do you know what flights the other people are on?"

"I know that Jazzy, Anthony, Oak, Daveed, and Thayne are already there. Lana's flight leaves the US tomorrow, and I'm pretty sure that Jessa has to make a connection in New Zealand."

"Rest in peace, Jessa," Kaitlyn said. "Well, I'm going to sit down, but now we can text from ten feet away."

"Obviously," Pippa replied. Kaitlyn went back to her seat.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are officially halfway to Moscow. Dinner will be served in ten minutes."

Pippa had specifically requested for a vegan meal. She hoped that her dinner hadn't been lost in all the chaos and that she did get an egg-free meal, but if she didn't, oh well. She could always survive on the goldfish crackers that she'd put in her carry-on.

The stewardesses handed out the meals. Luckily for Pippa, the one that the stewardess handed her was very clearly labeled 'vegan', so Pippa was quite sure that they'd gotten it right.

As Pippa was eating her salad, she got a text from Kaitlyn.

Kaitlyn: carleigh just texted me and apparently her flight was grounded due to incoming weather, because she took the flight across the atlantic instead of the pacific

Pippa: oh no! when will her plane take off again?

Kaitlyn: not for at least five hours or so, i'm pretty sure it's policy

Pippa: poor carleigh- is there anyone else on her flight?

Kaitlyn: maybe araella? i'm not sure

Pippa finished her dinner and the stewardess took it away. Pippa then decided to start watching The Amazing Race, just because she was on an airplane and the contestants have to fly a lot there, too. She started imagining what it would be like to race for a million dollars.


Apparently Pippa had drifted off to sleep, because by the time she woke up, it was light outside her window and there were a couple texts from Kaitlyn that she hadn't seen. The TV show she'd been watching had autoplayed the episodes after the one she'd been watching, so she'd made it to season five.

Before she knew it, the plane was dipping down and the land mass was drawing nearer and nearer. Soon Pippa could start picking out individual streets, bridges, and skyscrapers. Moscow looked like a beautiful city. She tried to pick out the theatre that they were performing in but she wasn't quite sure what it looked like.

The plane touched down and Pippa prepared to get her stuff and dash out of the plane.

Unluckily for her, everyone else had the same idea and she found herself stuck behind a bossy old lady and her stuck-up son in law. The lady was complaining about the lack of room to move around. Pippa was pretty sure that the lady had plenty of room, whereas Pippa was sandwiched between the lady and a fat guy. And Pippa was pretty sure the fat guy kept smelling her hair.

It seemed to take forever, but then Pippa was free. She waited by the gate for Kaitlyn so that they could go through customs together.

"That took forever," Kaitlyn complained.

"Tell me about it," Pippa agreed. "I was stuck between a fussy old lady and a fat guy who kept smelling my hair."

"Well, there was a baby sitting next to me," Kaitlyn countered.

"Okay, you win," Pippa said instantly. She looked carefully at Kaitlyn. "Would you ever want kids?"

"No," Kaitlyn said immediately. "I never want kids. I feel like a career is enough, and if you have a guy that you love and care about, you don't need kids to make you happy. Plus, I'm not responsible enough."

"Yes, you are," Pippa told her. "You're one of the most responsible people I know."

"I'd rather have a dog," Kaitlyn admitted. "How are you and Steven doing?"

Pippa smiled.

"We're dating, actually."



sorry guys i am SUCH a slacker but ya know marching band is very time consuming, by now y'all should know we're more active during the spring ;)

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