Chapter 25

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Jazzy could not believe Brett's nerve. He deserved whatever Pippa had said to him. Pippa stormed into the dressing room, furious, when she returned from speaking with Brett. She hadn't said anything about what had they'd told each other, but Jazzy could tell that she was angrier than Jazzy had ever seen her.

They had about two hours of rehearsal and then an hour-long break before they had a full-run through of the show. Jazzy made sure that Kaitlyn stayed away from Brett for as much as possible. It was unfortunate that they were dance partners in most songs, or had similar choreography that made them stand close together.

Pippa was still angry, and Jazzy didn't know what to do there, either. Pippa had never been so upset during rehearsal. 'Burn' was even more venomous than Jazzy was used to. Brett really must have said or done something that ticked Pippa off.

"Alright guys, fifteen minute break. Get into costume and then be prepared for the show," Lin announced. Pippa and Jazzy returned to their dressing room. Kaitlyn was practicing 'Yorktown' with Araella and Ariana.

Pippa took all of Lana's costumes off their costume rack and hung them outside, and then locked the door.

"What are you doing, Pippa?" Jazzy demanded. "You've been like this all day. What happened?"

"You cannot tell Kaitlyn about what I'm going to tell you," Pippa said. "She cannot know. Ever. It would hurt her so much."

"I won't."

"I saw Brett kissing Lana before rehearsal, and then when I confronted him about it, he said that he didn't actually care for Kaitlyn anymore."

"He did what?!" Jazzy exclaimed. "I thought that he told her he liked her!"

"He apparently likes Lana," Pippa continued. "I cannot believe he has the nerve to play with Kaitlyn's feelings like that. I don't think he plans to fix things with her, either."

"And here I was, thinking that he was a decent guy," Jazzy said. She understood why Pippa was so mad. She was, too.

Jazzy heard a knocking on the door.

"Who is it?"

"It's Kaitlyn. I need to get in and get dressed," Kaitlyn said. Jazzy went over and unlocked the door while simultaneously trying to put her hair up.

Kaitlyn quickly pulled out her makeup and hair stuff. Pippa was mostly dressed, but she ran a brush through her hair and made sure that it was neat. She couldn't really hairspray it because she did a different hairstyle later in the show.

"Places in five minutes for full dress rehearsal," the loudspeaker announced. Kaitlyn quickly dressed in her costume and prepared to walk out the door.

"By the way, why was Lana changing in Jessamine and Araella's dressing room instead of ours? I get that you're mad that she went out to coffee with Brett, but don't you think you're going a little too far for this?" Kaitlyn asked, stopping at the door frame.

Pippa and Jazzy exchanged glances. "Lana wanted to change with Araella and Jessa today," Jazzy said quickly.

"Okay..." Kaitlyn said. "Good luck during the show."

"You too, Kait," Pippa said. "Don't pay any attention to Brett. Don't let him bother you."

The show went moderately smoothly. Everyone did a good job, even Lana. Pippa could tell that Kaitlyn wasn't enjoying herself out there. The audience probably couldn't tell, but Pippa knew Kaitlyn so well and knew that what was going on with Brett was throwing her off. Pippa couldn't do anything about it, either, because she didn't have the power to change choreography.

Pippa was fairly certain that 'Burn' turned out a lot more violent than she intended. She was still irritated at what Brett had done to Kaitlyn. He had no right to toy with her feelings like that. Pippa was compelled to protect Kaitlyn because she was like a younger sister. She needed protection from people like Brett.

Pippa, Jazzy, and Kaitlyn went stage dooring after the show. Some of the other cast members, such as Oak, Daveed, and Araella, were also at the stage door signing autographs and taking pictures. Many of the fans wanted pictures with Pippa and Jazzy, but some fangirled over Kaitlyn, too.

"Kaitlyn!" Pippa heard someone shout. Kaitlyn instinctively turned around. So did Pippa and Jazzy. It was Brett.

"What do you want, Brett?" Jazzy snapped.

"I just wanted to speak to Kaitlyn. Alone."  

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