Chapter 9

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Pippa was extremely tired from the day at the zoo, but it was worth it. She loved Jazzy and was starting to love both Lana and Kaitlyn. They had even jammed out on the way back from the zoo. Kaitlyn was so talented- Pippa was glad that she was the ensemblist who was understudying all three Schuyler Sisters, even if she was primarily Peggy/Maria.

Pippa and Jazzy got back to their room. Pippa flopped on her bed and buried her face in the pillow.

"Wake me up when it's show week," she groaned.

"Oh, Pip," Jazzy laughed. "How are you feeling?"

"The sleep helped a little. I'm just hoping that Lin doesn't make us run through the first act or something today," Pippa said, flipping over so that she was looking at Jazzy.

"I don't think he will. We have rehearsals tomorrow, but I think it's just reviewing songs like Guns and Ships. I doubt that Lin will make you do any of your songs. He knows you're not feeling well, and you almost never mess up, anyway," Jazzy told her.

Pippa glanced at the clock. It was six o'clock, but it felt so much later. She owed it to the time zone change, most likely.

"I think I'm going to skip dinner and go to bed," Pippa admitted.

"Okay," Jazzy said. "I'm going to go down with Kaitlyn and Lana. Will you be okay up here?"

"Go, I'll be fine. Don't worry if you wake me up when you come back in. I probably won't go to sleep anyway," Pippa reassured her.

Pippa just laid down on the bed and scrolled through her Instagram and Twitter notifications. The fans seemed to be extremely excited for the tour to start- a lot of the notifications were the excited fans in Portland who were looking forward to the shows. Some had heard about Pippa's sickness and were wishing her well. Pippa decided to post a Tweet.

Hey Twitter! HamTour rehearsals start tomorrow! Thank you for all the well-wishes this week! I really needed them. This week was rough, but you guys made it better :)

She then put in her earbuds and then turned the Sound of Music soundtrack on.

It seemed like only minutes until Jazzy unlocked the door to their hotel room. She was trying to be as quiet as possible, but Pippa heard her anyway. She sat up and took her earbuds out.

"How was dinner?" she asked. Jazzy jumped a little bit.

"Oh, it was nice. I sat with some of the ensemble members. They're all very intelligent, kind people. I'm excited for rehearsals tomorrow," Jazzy said, sitting down on her own bed. "We had Chinese food and then I played Disney Sorry with Kaitlyn, Lana, and Thayne."

"Who won?" Pippa asked.

"Kaitlyn won. She was the green pieces."

"We can do something if you want," Pippa said.

"If you don't feel well, I can go to some of the other cast members. I want you to feel better," Jazzy said instantly.

"I'm okay. We can play more get-to-know-you games."

"Sure! Who do you want me to find?"

"Um, Kaitlyn, Lana, and some of the other girls. We need to get to know them a lot better, so we can support each other," Pippa suggested.


Ten minutes later, a good portion of the girls were sitting on the floor of one of the conference rooms that had been reserved for Hamilton. There were a ton of snacks, especially Goldfish, for some reason.

"I am so excited to get to know all of you! I've heard so many great things about you all," Jazzy said excitedly. "For now, I think we should just film a video for youtube. How does that sound?"

"Sounds great!" everyone chimed.

"What should we sing?"

"We could sing Wait for It," Jessamine suggested. "The fans are excited for the tour, and it's a song we all know."

"That's a really good idea," Pippa said appreciatively. "Let's do it!"

Jazzy summoned Oak to film the video for them. She hummed the starting note and then the girls sang the song, excitedly bouncing around the room. Pippa was so content to be with such an amazing group of girls. She was glad that there hadn't been any disasters yet.

Hopefully it stayed that way.



In case you've never played before, Disney Sorry has magical cards. For example, there are four 12 cards. Each 12 has a different color on it (red, yellow, blue, or green). If you get your own color 12 you get to move your piece closest to home into your home no matter how many spaces away it is. It's the best. Yellow is princesses, blue is heroes, red is villains and green is animals. :)

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