Chapter 98

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Pippa skipped out of the airport singing. Some people were giving her weird looks, but she didn't care. She was in a musical with a song called "Moscow" once. How could she not sing?

"Welcome, welcome to Moscow, where faded and fading princesses live!"

Kaitlyn giggles. "You are a princess Pippa."

Pippa laughs.

"No, I'm serious. I'm convinced that you're an actual, real-life Disney princess."

"Well, I hate to break it to you, but I'm not," Pippa teases.

"Whatever you say," Kait replies.

"So, Jazzy wants to know if we want to go out for dinner after we get to the hotel," Pippa tells Kaitlyn. "I'm game if you are."

"Yeah, whatever," Kaitlyn smiles. "It will help me get used to the time difference, anyway."

"That's true," Pippa comments. She types a text to Jazzy that they will gladly join the others, and then, they hop in a cab to the hotel.

Pippa gets her room key and drags her luggage up to her room, where she lets herself in.

"Pippa!" Jazzy squeals, hopping up off of her bed. Jazzy wraps her friend in a hug.

"Hi Jas," Pippa smiles.

"Did you have a good flight?"

"Yeah! Kaitlyn was on it with me!" Pippa exclaims.

"Oh! That's fun! I missed my seat buddy on my flight."

"Oh, you had Anthony to cuddle with the whole flight," Pippa rolls her eyes. "You didn't need me as your pillow."

"Hey! I do not use you as my pillow!" Jazzy protests.

"Actually, you have more than once," Pippa giggles.

"Oh. Well, I didn't know that I was."

"It's no big deal," Pippa smiles.

"So, speaking of Anthony..." Jazzy begins, "I hear that somebody isn't single anymore."

Pippa's pale face turns a bright shade of red.

"Come on! Spill the details!" Jazzy prys. "Is he treating you right? He's not making you go out of your comfort zone?"

"No," Pippa mutters. "He's great."



"Yeah?" she replies.

"Remember that day when you were trying to explain to me what it felt like, when you really loved somebody and they loved you back?" Pippa asks.

"Yeah, I remember."

"Well, I think that I know what you mean now."

Jazzy squeals.

"I'm so happy for you, Pippa. You deserve this so much. You have been through too much hard stuff recently."

Pippa smiles, and thanks her friend.

"Now, what do you say we head down to the lobby and meet up with the others? I think that we are headed out for dinner soon."

Pippa and Jazzy meet everyone else in the lobby, and they head to a traditional Russian restaurant right down the street from their hotel. Pippa notices that Moscow is a truly beautiful city. Though she had traveled quite a bit previous to the tour, she had never braved Russia before.

Maybe someday, if her and Steven get more serious, they can come here together.

Pippa shakes that thought aside quickly. One thing that she absolutely hates about herself is her tendency to be a hopeless romantic.

Once the group gets to the restaurant, they notice that the menus are all in Russian.

"So... does anyone speak Russian? Even enough to ask for a menu in English?" Kaitlyn asks Pippa and Jazzy. All three girls laugh.

"Google Translate," Jazzy smirks, pulling out her phone. They listen to the automated voice in the phone say it, and then, Pippa tries to replicate the noises.

She fails.

"Okay, Pippa. Step aside. Let the pro do this," Kaitlyn says.

"Excuse me?" Pippa giggles. "First of all, I was Natasha. Second of all, what qualifications do you have?"

"I speak fluent French, obviously," Kaitlyn rolls her eyes.

"Kait, that doesn't make you qualified," Jazzy tells her friend.

Kaitlyn laughs.

"Okay, honestly, I don't even speak it fluently. I took four years of it in high school."

"So, are we just going to have to do the blind ordering thing here?" Pippa asks, giggling.

"Looks like it," Jazzy replies.

"That could be a problem..." Pippa sighs. Her allergy can make that type of thing a huge issue for her.

"Oh no! Pips, do you have your pills on you?"

Pippa nods. If she takes a pill right after eating an egg product, it will make the reaction slightly less severe. It could still be bad, though.

"Okay, we can all blindly order something, and whichever one looks least likely to have eggs, you can take. Take the pill, too, though, just in case."

"Alright," Pippa nods. "Thanks, Jas."

After they all order, Pippa ends up with some weird cucumber, barley, and pork soup. That's what it seems to be, at least. It is better than she expects, which is a pleasant surprise.

She takes her pill after she eats the soup, and the cast ends up having a very nice time at dinner.

The next morning, when Pippa wakes up, she is relieved to find out that she doesn't even have the faintest sign of an allergic reaction.

Time to begin rehearsals in Moscow.


i'm gonna shower you with updates because i'll probably forget to do it this week to be honest

also are there any wynonna earp fans out there because it's so good and we need to talk if you are 

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