Chapter 160

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The next day, Pippa wakes up in the big bed knowing that it is the last day she will be waking up alone. She has to be at the airport in an hour and a half to pick up Steven, and she couldn't be more excited to see her boyfriend.

Pippa can't deny the fact that she puts on some nicer clothes than she normally does to go to the airport that day... maybe it's just to impress him, but maybe it's because deep down, she's worried that Steven won't like her anymore, after having not seen her for so long.

Little does she know, of course, Steven is more in love with her than ever. She won't find this out for another week, though.

After checking her outfit one last time in the mirror, Pippa shoves her phone and wallet in her purse, then heads out to the parking lot, where a few of the cast members have a rental car that they're all sharing, for occasions like this.

Before she knows it, she finds herself sitting on a hard bench at the airport, waiting for Steven. There is still a few minutes before his flight gets in, so she busies herself by watching people, taking a walk around the area that she is allowed into before security, and checking the reader boards every few minutes to see if the flight from JFK has landed yet.

After what feels like forever, she notices a change on the screen. Next to Steven's flight number, it states that the flight has landed, as well as the carousel that passengers can pick up their bags at. Pippa knows that Steven checked a bag, so she decides that instead of texting him, she will just surprise him at baggage claim. Even better...

Pippa: hey baby, i'm so so sorry but i'm stuck in some killer traffic and will be a few minutes late to the airport... i'll let you know when i'm getting closer... i'll get to hold you soon, i promise.

A reply comes through quickly.

Steven: babe, don't sweat it. Once I get my bags, I'll tell you which doors to get me at, okay? I love you so much.

Pippa smirks as she tucks her phone back away, and then, takes her seat on a different bench, one next to the carousel, where luggage from Steven's flight will start coming out any minute now.

A few minutes later, the first of the crowd starts to gather. Pippa keeps her eyes peeled, and after a moment, notices Steven walking up. As he takes his spot in the queue of people waiting to get their suitcases and finally make it to their destinations, he doesn't notice Pippa sitting on the bench a few feet away from him.

Perfect, Pippa thinks, sneaking up behind him. She throws her hands over his eyes.

"Guess who," she whispers in his ear.

Involuntarily, he jumps, but then, realizes what is happening. He whips around, and his eyes well up with tears as he sees the love of his life standing there.

"Oh my God," he breathes, pulling her into a kiss. "I thought you were in traffic," he tells her, once they break apart.

"I know you thought that," she smiles cheekily. "I've been here the whole time. I wanted to surprise you."

"I love you so, so much," Steven remarks, squeezing Pippa in a tight hug. "I missed seeing your smiling face every morning."

"I missed you too," she replies, wiping a little tear out of her eye. She can't help but get emotional upon being reunited with her best friend, who she just so happens to be dating.

The two spend a few more minutes catching up- mostly on the kisses that they've missed since they last saw each other, before Steven's bag comes out on the carousel. He grabs it, and Pippa leads him back to the car, in the short-term parking lot. They pull out of the airport, and then, Steven takes a deep breath and speaks.

"So, you and Jas..." Steven begins, "please tell me you're speaking again?"

"We are," Pippa nods. "We weren't for a few days, and it was absolutely horrible, but she came up and apologized yesterday, and then we went to EPCOT together."

"I'm so glad. You were so sad when you called me the other night... I couldn't stand to see you like that."

Pippa smiles.

"It just hurts my heart to see you anything but happy, and I want to make sure that you're always smiling."

"You're too good to me, baby," Pippa replies.

"Can I help it if I love you more than anything else in the world?" He leans over and kisses her cheek as the couple is stopped at a red light. Pippa flushes a bright pink and squeals with giggles.

"Hon, I've gotta keep my eyes on the road. Can we save the kisses for later?"

"It's been so long, I've forgotten how to keep my hands to myself," Steven teases, making Pippa laugh as she begins to drive again.

Once they make it back to the hotel, Pippa takes Steven back to their room so that Steven can get unpacked, and then, they have some down time before a cast dinner and rehearsal that evening.

"Do you want to go to a park or just relax for a little bit? I bet you're exhausted from traveling all day..." Pippa says.

"If it's alright with you, could we just relax? I'm am pretty tired," Steven admits. Pippa nods, and lies down next to him, underneath the covers. He wraps his arms around Pippa's skinny body and pulls her close against his chest. They spend the next few hours just talking, laughing, and watching a little bit of TV before it is time to get freshened up and head out for dinner with the rest of the cast. Of course, Steven is invited to all of the events for the cast, short of rehearsals. The Hamilton family has accepted him as a sort of honorary cast member, which Pippa loves.

Because of this, Pippa finds herself in a tight-fitting, blue cocktail dress, hand-in-hand with Steven, dressed in a shirt and tie, in the lobby of the hotel, where the entire cast is waiting for the bus to come and shuttle them to the restaurant.

Jazzy walks over to them, and grabs Pippa's arm, pulling her aside for a moment. "You're glowing tonight, Pippa. I'm so happy that you have found such an amazing person for you. I really can tell the difference between when you're with him and you aren't."

"Thank you so much," Pippa smiles, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

While Pippa and Jazzy are talking, it is a convenient time for Steven to check in with Jessa and Lana, who confirm that they got the box. Now, all that Steven has to do is wait... and worry.


things are about to get interesting ;)

also submit your musicals that you want us to react to! 

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