Chapter 6

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"Alright, celebrity crush, go," Jazzy tells Pippa and Lana during an intense game of what Jazzy likes to call "Getting To Know You;" The King and I reference completely intended, because let's be honest. Julie Andrews is a queen.
"Oh, Zac Efron all the way," Lana says.
"Ryan Gosling," Pippa tells the girls.
"I approve," Jazzy replies.
"Oh, you approve of my fantasy boyfriend? I'm so glad!" Pippa tells her friend, sarcastically. Jazzy and Lana both laugh.
Suddenly, they hear a timer going off.
"That must be the cupcakes!" Jazzy squeals, running into the kitchen and pulling them out of the oven. Once she places them on the cooling rack, she goes back to her friends in her living room.
"Alright, dream role?" Pippa asks.
"Reno in Anything Goes," Lana says, without hesitating.
"Probably Mimi in Rent." Jazzy has to put much more thought into this question than Lana did. There are so many roles that she would love to play, and a whole life ahead of her to play them.
"Alright, my turn!" Lana squeals. "If you could only see one more show in your life, that you haven't already seen, what would it be?"
"Oh, that's a good one!" Pippa says, thinking really hard. "I think that I would want to see Wicked, but like, with the original Broadway cast," she says.
"Fair enough," Lana replies, laughing. "What about you, Jasmine?"
"Hmmmm." This is a hard question for Jazzy. "I think I'd have to go with the OBC of Book of Mormon," she admits.
"Yes!" Lana says, giving Jazzy a high five.
They go for a few more rounds, and then, Jazzy announces that the cupcakes are ready to be frosted.
"Yes!" Pippa squeals, running into the kitchen, with the other two girls on her heels.
"No eating icing out of the container!" Jazzy calls, remembering the last time that they had made cupcakes together. More of the icing had ended up on Pippa's face than actually on the cupcakes.
"Yeah, yeah," Pippa replies, laughing.
The three girls go absolutely insane with sprinkles and various colors of icing. They basically end up with what Pippa likes to refer to as "diabetes in a wrapper." They eat them all anyway. Actually, they are all gone within fifteen minutes.
"Ugh, Pippa, why did you let me eat that fifth cupcake?" Jazzy groans.
"I was just about to ask you the same question," Pippa replies.
"We all ate too much," Lana whines.
"We should do it again sometime!" Jazzy says. They all laugh in agreement.
"So, Lin says that they're finalizing the casting this weekend. I can't believe that we are leaving so soon!" Pippa tells her friends.
"I know! It's going to be so much fun!" Lana agrees.
"Where are you guys most excited to go?" Jazzy asks.
"I can't wait for Hershey!" Pippa admits.
"Same here!" Jazzy says.
"I've wanted to perform at the Sydney Opera House since I was a kid," Lana admits, "so I'd have to go with there."
"That sounds like such a long plane ride, though," Pippa whines.
"That's true, but it's going to be so worth it," Jazzy says.
"It is," Pippa agrees. "It's just a month of endless beach days waiting to happen!"
The other two girls nod their heads in agreement.
They end up sitting around for a few hours, until all of their stomach aches go away, and then Pippa announces that she has to go home.
"Go get some rest," Jazzy tells her.
"That was the plan," Pippa says. She says goodbye to Lana and Jazzy, and then they head their separate ways.
Once Pippa is home, she has started to cough again. Probably from all of the laughing that she was doing.
Being a singer, she has throat lozenges stored in random places all over her apartment, so she is able to grab the nearest one to her, and curl up in her bed.
"Netflix sounds really good right now," she thinks to herself, turning on the TV that she has placed in front of her bed.
Five episodes of Pretty Little Liars, and a bag of carrots that she forced herself to eat, later, she is so tired. Instead of getting up and brushing her teeth like a good girl, she just figures that she ate carrots, which are supposed to clean your teeth. Pippa rolls over and turns off the lamp that is next to her. She hugs a giant teddy bear that Lin brought to her a few days ago, as soon as he found out that she was sick. It's the next best thing to having a boyfriend to cuddle with, she decides.
That night, she dreams about all of the fun that she is going to have on the tour. She couldn't be more excited that this opportunity came about, and can't wait for the tour to begin. 

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