Chapter 96

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Pippa has butterflies in her stomach, as she gets ready to meet up with Steven. She can't believe how kind he is being to her, after they only just met.

She checks her outfit one more time in the mirror. She is wearing a loose, blue sweater, with black leggings, grey leg warmers bunched around her ankles, and black ballet flats. Her makeup is minimal, and her hair is hanging down, framing her face.

Pippa smiles, and throws on a coat, to go meet Steven at Guitar Center. In only a few short days, she will be back on tour, but she intends on enjoying what is left of her break.

After a subway ride, that seemed to take much longer than it actually did, Pippa finds herself at the store. Steven is already inside, according to a text he sent her two minutes ago, so she heads in and finds him in the back room where the keyboards are.

"Pippa!" he exclaims, wrapping her in a hug. "How are you?"

"I'm hanging in there," she laughs. "I have to admit, I'm getting sort of antsy in the hotel. It's lonely and the bed isn't super comfortable."

"You poor thing," Steven replies, sympathetically. "Are you sure that you don't want to crash in my guest room for a few nights before you go back on tour?"

Pippa knows that this is nothing more than a kind gesture, but she still feels herself blushing. "I'm fine," she whispers, uncomfortably.

"Alright. I just thought I'd make sure," Steven comforts her, grabbing her hand. "So, how about these keyboards?"

Steven notices Pippa's eyes light up as she walks over to one. It is a medium sized, silver Yamaha keyboard. She places her hands on the keys and plays a song from memory. Steven recognizes it as "Stay" from Amelie, the show that she was in before she went on tour with Hamilton. Pippa is singing along with it, quietly and under her breath.

Steven can't help but wonder how she could be any more talented and gorgeous.

"I like this one," she says, picking up the price tag. It isn't too expensive, especially if she and Steven are splitting the cost.

"I can tell. How about you try a few others, just to make sure that this is the one, though?" Steven suggests. Really, he just wants to hear her sing more, but he would never admit that.

She plays a few other keyboards, but they all seem to be too "something." Too big, too small, too expensive...

Pippa goes back to the first keyboard that she played about an hour later, after playing just about every keyboard in the store.

"Is this the one?" Steven asks.

"I think it is," Pippa smiles.

"Amazing. Go grab a salesperson, alright Pips?"

"Okay." She walks away and returns a few minutes later with a tall, nice looking man wearing a Guitar Center shirt. Steven feels a pang of jealously, but he lets it slide once he sees that Pippa can't seem to take her eyes off of him to even look at the salesman.

The man explains that they will need a power pack to go with the keyboard, and they decide to get a stand, too. Overall, their total comes to $250, which means that they're each paying $125. Pippa tries to pay for the whole thing, once again, as they're checking out, but Steven won't let her. The salesman promises that everything will be delivered to Pippa's hotel that night.

"So, about that coffee that I promised you..." Steven begins, once they leave the store.

"Oh my gosh," Pippa laughs, tentatively grabbing his hand. To her surprise, he allows her to do so, and even seems to embrace it, so she inches closer to him as they're walking. He smiles down at her.

"I'm serious. Where do you want to go? My treat."

"What's your favorite place?" Pippa asks.

"I really like this little place down near Broadway," Steven says.

"Let's go there," she suggests.

"Okay. I think we will have to take the subway, though."

"That's okay. I have all of the time in the world," Pippa smiles. The two of them hop on the next train to Times Square, and get off to walk a few blocks to the coffee shop.

To Pippa's surprise, the coffee shop is only two blocks from the Richard Rogers, and only a few more blocks from the Walter Kerr. She can't believe that she has never been in it before.

It is a super cute, cozy little place, with lots of comfy chairs, tables, and a fireplace with a fire burning in it.

"This is so cute, Steve!" Pippa exclaims, squeezing his hand.

"I'm glad that you like it, Pippa!" he replies, leading her to the counter, where the barista takes their orders. Pippa gets a peppermint mocha, and Steven gets a cappuccino. They claim their drinks at the other end of the bar from where they order, and then take a seat in two arm chairs right by the fireplace.

Pippa feels butterflies fluttering around in her stomach as Steven looks at her, and the two sit there in silence. She can't believe that she is actually out on a date with Steven.

Is that what it is? A date?

What does that make Steven to Pippa? More importantly, what does that make Pippa to Steven. Does it make her his girlfriend? She feels a bit of panic upon thinking that. The last time that she was somebody's girlfriend, it didn't end well. As the matter of fact, if she's Steven's girlfriend, then Steven is her boyfriend, and the last time that she had a boyfriend... she shudders at the memory.

"Pippa?" Steven asks, breaking the silence between the two of them.


"This was really fun. I'm super glad that we got to do this."

"Me too," Pippa smiles.

"Do you think that we could do this again before you leave?"

Pippa panics. She doesn't want to get too serious, too fast. Even though she knows that going on a date isn't serious, she is scared.

"I don't think that I can. I have plans tomorrow, and we are leaving the day after."

She feels a pang of guilt inside of her for lying, and wants to admit that she just is scared, but can't seem to form the words on her lips.

"Oh. That's alright. I understand."

Pippa smiles. "I'm sorry."

At least that part isn't a lie.

Her feelings are so conflicting, and even though she likes Steven, she needs to spend some time thinking, and accepting this new idea that she has a man in her life. She is almost glad that she will have the tour to think about it.

"We can do it after the tour, though. I know that's not for months, but I am sort of booked..."

"No, that sounds wonderful," Steven smiles. "It's a date."


So it is a date.

So she is his girlfriend, and he is her boyfriend.

It's almost too much for Pippa to handle. She takes a deep breath, and forces a smile. 


hey y'all! abby here! sorry about our inconsistent updates... we are both in band which is taking up a huge amount of time, and of course school, and dance for me...

enjoy some steven and pippa cuteness (: there's plenty more where this came from...

on that note, a self-promo never hurts... go check out my new book, fearless, on @abbydancesx... lots of steve and pippa cuteness in that one (: 

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