Chapter 147

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Pippa sat in bed, watching 'Newsies'. Steven was away doing who-knows-what, so she decided to have her own personal slumber party. With herself. Because why not? She was also scrolling through her phone, because she discovered she got bored just watching movies.

Her phone lit up with a text from Lana.

Lana: i'm scared that jessa's angry at me

Pippa: what why?

Lana: she's just super distant and she's avoiding me and i don't know if we're still friends or not, and she hangs out with araella and kaitlyn and we never do anything together and i don't know, she said we were friends but i just don't know. and she's said stuff that kind of hurt.

Pippa: when was the last time you talked to her?!

Lana: i texted her yesterday asking her if she was okay and she bit my head off about it, i'll send you a screenshot

Pippa read the texts that Jessa had sent to Lana, her blood starting to boil.

Lana: are you okay? we haven't talked in a long time...

Jessa: i'm fine, lana.

Lana: you can talk to me if you need to

Jessa: i said i'm fine, it's none of your business, it doesn't concern you so you can back off a little bit.

Lana: i just wanted to make sure if you were alright, i wasn't trying to get into your personal stuff

Jessa: not everything is about you, alright? just keep doing whatever you're doing, i'm fine. you don't need to hover.

Lana: alright, i'm sorry

Jessa: good night, Lana.

Pippa was at the end of her patience with Jessa. Lana had cried too many times over Jessa's stubborn, rude behavior. Pippa didn't even think Jessa deserved to be Lana's friend, at this point. She treated Lana like trash, not like a friend.

Pippa: I'll talk to her.

Lana: don't make it worse, pippa, please. i'm probably just overreacting.

Pippa read Lana's message and quickly went to Jessa's contact. She didn't really text Jessa that much- it was mainly talking about rehearsal times, or meeting places for cast get togethers.

Pippa: We need to talk.

Jessa: let me guess, you're here to criticize me for my life choices when it's none of your business. just like every other member of this cast.

Pippa: You cannot go around treating Lana like trash. You're being extremely rude, offensive, and unkind to a cast member. She's your friend, and you should treat her like such. Not like a dog that shed fur all over your pristine bed.

Jessa: did it ever occur to you that i have my own problems and i don't need to worry about lana's drama on top of that? i'm not something everyone can dump their problems on, and i don't need people telling me how to handle issues that are none of their business.

Pippa: It became my business when you started being rude to MY schuyler sister.

Jessa: lana asked for these problems when she told me she had been secretly in love with me for months. right now, my relationship with lana is not my priority, alright?

Pippa: Nothing is more important than one of the best friendships I have ever seen. You could be more. Don't let something stupid get in the way of that, Jessa. You have the chance to turn this around and behaving like someone who deserves her admiration.

Jessa: my issues with my brother are not 'something stupid'. don't pretend that you know anything when you really don't. please just let me deal with this, alright?

Pippa: You're not even trying to set this right with Lana.

Jessa: if i didn't want to try with lana, i wouldn't be doing another year of the tour with her. i cannot spend all of my time thinking about my issues with her when i have to deal with the disappointment of everyone else in my life.

Pippa: Jessa. Listen.

Jessa: i shouldn't even have to explain myself to you. go back to your happy life and stop worrying about mine. good night.

Pippa: Jessamine Bradley, I'm not done.

(read at 11:12 pm)

Pippa had never been so angry with someone in her life. Even Brett hadn't made her this mad. Jessa was being unbelievably big-headed about the whole thing. It wasn't the sweet, funny Jessa that Pippa was used to. This Jessa was impatient and rude. Ever since Lana's confession, Jessa had changed. If someone had confessed to loving Pippa the way that Lana loved Jessa, Pippa would have been over the moon. And yet, somehow, Jessa wasn't happy. She seemed angry.

Steven: thinking of you, pippa. i'm heading home now. how's your night?

Pippa: not great, how about you?

Steven: it's fun, but why? did something happen?

Pippa: kind of...

Steven: i'll be home in fifteen minutes, we can talk then.


oof we haven't had savage pippa in a while so here ya go

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