Chapter 182

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"You all have ten minutes until places," Oak announces, looking at his watch. "Make sure that everything is ready for the show. Let's make this one the best show yet."

The whole cast cheers as they disperse, heading their separate ways. All too soon, places are called.

The entire company stands backstage in the wings, waiting for their cues to go on, and have to try very hard not to cry. They know that typically, when cast members say 'happy trails,' it is a time to celebrate, but they all also know that it is hard. When this many people leave, it is nearly impossible to look at the celebratory side of things.

After 'The Schuyler Sisters,' Pippa and Jazzy both look at each other, sadly.

"No more 'Schuyler Sisters' left," they say in unison.

The girls change into their outfits for 'Helpless.' This one and 'Burn' are going to be the hardest for Pippa, because they're her big numbers.

"Let's go," Lana smiles sadly, once they are changed.

"Let's do this thing," Pippa replies, her breath hitching a little bit before she forces herself to get in the mindset for her song.

Much too soon for anybody's liking, and after what is probably their best 'Yorktown' ever, intermission is upon the cast. Many of the departing cast members find themselves tearing up.

Kaitlyn has to console Brett, who is emotional, even despite the fact that he will be returning in a few weeks for the second round of shows. "I've just made such a family with this group of people. It'll all be so different."

"I know," Kaitlyn replies. "But at the same time, you have to think about the new cast as a new family. They're all great, and I know that we will click with them too."

Brett sighs. "I guess you're right."

Pippa receives a text from Steven, who is in the audience, telling her to stay strong. Jazzy and Anthony share a few quick kisses to help remind them of the reason that they're leaving the tour- to get married. Even Daveed seems to be a bit teary, but with after a hug from Oak, he heads to his place just as everyone else does, when their places are called for the second act.

Jazzy makes it through her final 'Say No To This,' but not without a fight. Anthony even forces himself to watch it this time, knowing that he'll never get the opportunity to see it again, and he might regret that later on in life.

As Brett and Axel sing their final 'One Last Time' together, the cast gathers in the wings to watch. That number is when the reality really sets in with everyone, and by the end, nobody in the cast has a dry eye. Thankfully, they have 'I Know Him' to compose themselves before many of the cast members have to be on for 'The Adams Administration.'

Before Pippa knows it, it is time for 'Burn.' The only thing that is keeping her together is the knowledge that it is an emotional song as is. If she sheds some tears, nobody will think anything of it.

And tears are definitely shed during the song. After she walks offstage, Jazzy is standing in the wings with tissues and a hug for her best friend.

"You were incredible," Jazzy tells Pippa. "Seriously, that was one of your best."

"I can't believe that I'll never perform that number in this show again. I mean, I'll probably do it in cabarets and stuff, but it just isn't the same," Pippa sniffles.

"I know, trust me. Deep breath, alright? You've gotta go back on soon. Save your crying for curtain call."

Pippa nods, and pulls herself together for the final few numbers of the show.

'Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story' is hard for everyone. This is it, and they all know it. This is the last time that they will all perform in Hamilton together, as that exact cast. Many of the individuals will never perform in Hamilton again, more likely than not.

This seems to help the cast, in a weird way, though. Collectively, the group puts on what everyone will later agree is their best closing number of the whole tour. There is a certain energy in the air, and as Pippa takes her final gasp and the song ends, there is a moment of glorious silence. They all relish that moment, and the entire cast knows that they will remember it forever, and then, the audience erupts into applause.

After that, it is time for curtain call. The cast lines up in their bow line, and Brett squeezes Pippa's hand as they all tear up and take their bows.

"It's been an honor to work with you," he whispers in her ear. "Thanks for being my pretend wife."

Pippa smiles at him. "And thanks for being my pretend husband. It's been one of the best years of my life... I'm really going to miss this."

Brett drops Pippa's hand after that. The cast which is leaving steps forward and takes one final bow, and the cheering in the auditorium gets much louder. Then, Daveed walks to the very front of the stage and is handed a mic.

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