Chapter 42

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The rest of the shows in Beijing come and go quickly, and before the cast knows it, they are on a plane to Hershey. Actually, they're flying into Harrisburg and taking a bus to Hershey, but that's only a fifteen minute bus ride, which is good. 

They have a 17 hour total travel time first, though.

"Is it alright if I sit with Anthony on the plane?" Jazzy asks Pippa. 

"Sure," Pippa replies, sighing. She takes a seat behind Jazzy, next to a window. If nothing else, she can kick Jazzy's seat. Jessa and Lana are sitting behind her, but nobody sits down next to Pippa for a few minutes. Eventually, a frazzled-looking Lin runs up to Pippa.

"Can I sit here?" he asks. 

"Of course! Take a deep breath Lin! What's wrong?"

"I was just on the phone with the bank. They were freaking out over my credit card expenditure and shut it down. Everything is good now, though."

"Oh no!" Pippa chuckles. "Calm down Lin. Breathe, buddy." Lin chuckles. 

"I'm good, I promise."

The plane takes off soon, and everybody puts in headphones, to watch movies. Pippa is watching Rent, and Lin is watching Singing in the Rain. In front of her, Jazzy and Anthony are sharing earbuds and watching Tangled. Across the aisle, Kaitlyn and Brett are doing the same, but watching The Lion King. Behind Pippa, Jessa and Lana are whispering and giggling about God knows what. 

Pippa leans a pillow against the window and decides to try to sleep. It looks like Old Man Miranda next to her is already out, with the movie still playing in his ears. She can't sleep though. Her mind is spinning, thinking about everything that's been happening in her life. Soon, she feels Lin becoming restless next to her.

"Lin, wake up. It's okay," she whispers, shaking her friend.

"Nessa?" he asks.

"No, Pippa. You're on a plane to Hershey," she reminds him. 

"Oh yeah. Gosh, I had a dream that Nessa... Nessa lost the baby," Lin admits quietly.

"Oh Lin!" Pippa says, wrapping her friend in a hug. "Don't worry. Vanessa and the little one are fine, I'm sure."

"I just can't wait to meet him or her!" he tells Pippa.

"I can't either! I'm invited to the baby shower, right?"

"Of course you are!" Lin laughs. "You girls would all straight up kill me if you weren't invited."

"That's true," Pippa laughs. "Do you know the gender yet?"

"Nessa and I are finding out as soon as I get back from London."

"That's so exciting!" Pippa squeals. "I think you need a little girl at home because she would be the most adorable, spoiled little child ever."

"Okay, that isn't false," Lin chuckles. "But I'll be happy with whatever I get. Unless there are like, quadruplets or something."

"I think you're safe there, Lin," Pippa chuckles. "Vanessa would've been a lot bigger in Austria if there was four babies in there." They both laugh. 

"How much longer on the flight?" Lin asks.

"I think there's still nine hours before we transfer in Toronto, and then a few more hours still from there," Pippa admits. 

"That's what I was afraid of," Lin groans.

They look around the dark plane and quickly realize that everybody else is asleep. 

"So, why are you awake?" he asks.

"I don't know. I just couldn't get to sleep," Pippa admits.

"You poor thing. Try to get some shut-eye. A sleepless night can affect you for a while to come," Lin suggests.

"I'll try," Pippa says. "Thanks Lin."

"No problem. Goodnight Pip."


Pippa rests her head on her pillow again, and tries to find a comfortable position. Eventually, she drifts off, and she manages to sleep until they begin their descent. 

"I guess you were more tired than you thought," Lin teases her.

"I guess so," she replies, smiling. 

In Toronto, the group all grabs a quick bite to eat and then boards their next flight.

Jazzy sits next to Pippa on this flight, so it goes pretty quickly. They talk and laugh the whole time, forming many new inside jokes and sharing secrets. Before they know it, they have landed in Harrisburg, where the bus is waiting, ready to take them to their hotel in Hershey. 

"Somebody give me chocolate right now," Jazzy demands, and Pippa laughs.

"Don't worry, I'm sure there will be some at arm's reach at all times here," she says. Both girls laugh, and get on the bus. 


Hey guys. I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've had a lot to think about this past week. The next two weeks are a little crazy for me, because our orchestra director suddenly 'resigned' with two weeks before the concert, and I have a lot going on. But here's the update that I forgot to do two days ago, and the next one is coming shortly.


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