Chapter 108

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While Jazzy and Anthony were out on a date, and everyone else was out doing various other things, Pippa found herself alone in the hotel. She knew that Jessa and Lana were hanging out down the hall, but she didn't want to intrude on their alone time, especially for Lana's sake. She decides to see if Steven is awake.

She pulls out her phone and presses Facetime on Steven's contact. To her surprise, he picks up right away.

"Pips!" he exclaims. "What a nice surprise!"

"Hey Steve," she says. "I miss you."

"I miss you too, babe. How's the tour going?"

"It's pretty good... everyone else is out doing stuff right now, but I am stuck at the hotel because I didn't want to third wheel Jazzy and Ant's date," Pippa says.

"Oh Pippa," Steven says. "You're so sweet. Have you eaten dinner yet?"

"No," Pippa replies.

"How about you get dinner, and I'll get my breakfast, and we can eat together over Facetime. It will be just like a date," Steven suggests.

A smile springs to Pippa's face.

"Not quite, but almost," she laughs. "I just wish that you were here to hold me."

"I'll be there soon enough," Steven tells Pippa. "I wish that I was there to hold you too, trust me. It sounds like you need it."

Pippa shakes her head. "Not really... I'm just needy," she laughs.

"I don't think I would say that, Pippa. I would actually say that you're perfect, just the way that you are."

This makes Pippa blush. She feels a surge of love in her heart, and wishes that Steven were there in person, so that they could share a kiss.

Stop it Pippa, she thinks, shaking away the thought. You're moving things too fast, and you're just going to get hurt, just like you did last time.

Still, she can't help but feel as though something is different with Steven. She feels like Steven actually cares about her, and could really see herself staying with him for the rest of her life.

"Call in your room service, okay? I'm going to take you to my kitchen and make eggs."

"Okay," Pippa giggles, and leaves her phone on the ground, and walks over to the hotel phone.

She ends up ordering chicken parmesan, and it comes at almost exactly the same time that Steven is done making his scrambled eggs and toast.

"I can't believe that you're eating dinner just as I'm eating breakfast," Steven laughs. Pippa smiles.

"I know, but that's what time differences will do to you," Pippa says. "Once, I was in Europe and I had a friend on the west coast, and I would literally be waking up at the same time that she went to bed."

"Wow," Steven laughs. "That's crazy!"

Pippa nods and takes a bite of her chicken. "So, how is everything back home?"

"Nothing too exciting has happened. I think you're living a much more eventful life right now than I am."

Pippa laughs. "Yeah, a lot of stuff has been going on. We have been in rehearsals like crazy, and everyone is still in break mode, so some of the dancing and stuff isn't as sharp as it could be. Daveed has been yelling again, too."

"Oh, Pips, I'm sorry," Steven says, knowing how Pippa hates when Daveed gets mad.

"You should have heard him going off at Lana and I when we hit a wrong note in 'Take A Break.' It was literally one note, that made the harmony a tiny bit off, but he was so mad at us. He almost made us, and Brett and Ant, stay after for extra music rehearsal because he claimed it was 'trash.'"

Steven groans. "Hang in there, baby. It will be okay, I promise. I'm sure that Daveed is just stressed out."

"We all miss Lin so much," Pippa says.

"I know, but it's a lot more important for Lin to be home right now. He has to help out Vanessa, and be there for Sebastian. He can't miss the birth of his own child because he's in Moscow or Australia or wherever the heck you're going to be when she's born."

"I know, Steve," Pippa says. "And I'm glad that he went home, to be with Vanessa, too. She's one of my best friend, and I know that she would have been devastated if Lin wasn't there for her pregnancy, but it's just so much harder without him."

"You'll be okay, Pips, I promise. How much longer is there?"

"6 more months," Pippa replies. "But we do have a few off weeks that we can travel or take breaks during."

"Alright, well, use those to relieve yourself. Relax, and make sure that you can regain your energy back up for when you go back to performances, okay?"

"Alright," Pippa smiles.

"We can get through this, together," Steven promises her. Steven takes a deep breath. He is scared to say it, but he knows that Pippa needs to hear it right now. "Hey, I love you, okay?"

Pippa looks up from her chicken. She doesn't know what to say.


"Of course I do. You're sweet, talented, beautiful, and just overall amazing. I'm here for you if you need to talk. Just, don't stress yourself out over little things, alright Pips?"

"Alright," she nods. "And Steve? Just for the record, uh, I love you too."

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