Chapter 166

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Before going to get Pippa, Steven has to take a few minutes to calm his nerves. He takes a deep breath and tries to contain himself. Anthony walks over, noticing that Steven looks like he has something on his mind.

"Are you alright?" he asks, patting Steven's back.

"Yeah, I'm fine... it's just... I'm going to propose to Pippa in a few minutes, and I'm pretty nervous," Steven admits.

"Oh my god, that's so exciting," Anthony exclaims. "Don't worry, I know she'll say yes. You should have seen her when you weren't with us on tour. She really just wasn't herself. She loves you so much, Steve."

"That means a lot, Ant," Steven smiles.

"Seriously, don't get too worked up about it. You have to savor the moment, because it'll only happen once."

"Thank you so much, Anthony," Steven takes a deep breath. "I think I'm ready."

"You'll be great. I'll see you later, okay?"

"Bye Ant," Steven replies. He sticks his head into the girls' side of the tent. "Is there a Miss Phillipa Soo in here?"

Carleigh walks up to him. "Not for long. She'll be a Mrs. Phillipa Pasquale pretty soon," she whispers. "Pips?"

"Hm?" Pippa replies, looking up from her phone from across the room. She sees Steven and a giant smile spreads across her face.

"I was just about to text you!" she exclaims, grabbing her backpack and running over, giving her boyfriend a kiss.

"You guys were so amazing," Steven tells her, stroking her hair. "Are you ready to go out in the park for a little bit?"

"Yep," Pippa replies. "What do you want to do?"

"I don't know... can we just take a walk? Maybe go to the castle? We could take some cute pictures or something..."

"That sounds amazing," Pippa smiles. "I need something cute to put on Instagram."

"We can definitely make that happen," Steven smiles, leading her out of the backstage area in the park and taking her on the path, which he rehearsed mentally many times, absorbing himself in park maps, so that he wouldn't get them lost and mess up the moment.

When they make it to the bridge to the side of the castle, where Steven had planned to propose, he is lucky, because the area is almost empty. Only a few other families are in the area.

Pippa stands on the bridge and looks at the side of the castle, remarking on how pretty of a view it is.

"It really is, isn't it?" Steven asks. "Let's get a picture here. I'll go see if someone can take one."

"We could just get a selfie," Pippa suggests.

"No, real pictures are classier. In fifty years it will be more timeless, whereas the selfie will be out of style, do you know what I'm saying?"

"Whatever you say, babe," Pippa laughs, rolling her eyes a little bit. Steven squeezes her hand quickly, before walking over to a family.

"Excuse me?" he asks, tapping the mom on the shoulder. She turns around, and smiles at him. "Would you mind taking a picture of me and my girlfriend? Um, the thing is... I'm about to ask her to marry me, and I sort of wanted to get the moment on film, if you know what I'm saying..."

"Oh my gosh, that's so exciting for you!" the mom exclaims. "Of course, I'll take a lot of pictures for you."

"Thank you so much," Steven smiles, handing her his phone. They walk back over to Pippa, where Steven puts his arm around Pippa's shoulder for a moment, allowing the woman to take a normal picture, before Steven pulls his arm off of her, and grabs one of her hands, getting down on his knee.

Pippa looks at him with confusion, unsure as to what is happening, as the lady with Steven's phone happily snaps away.

"Pippa, I just wanted to take a moment to tell you that you're the best person in my life. I love you so, so much, and I just want to call you mine forever," Steven begins.

Pippa's mouth drops open as she begins to realize what it happening. It is coming as a complete surprise to her, and as Steven's next words come out of his mouth, the world around her seems to stop spinning.

He drops her hands, reaches into his pocket, and pulls out the little black ring box, flipping the lid open.

"I was hoping that you would let me do that. Phillipa Soo, will you marry me?"

Pippa's eyes well up with tears as she clasps her hands over her mouth and nods, not able to speak due to having been rendered both speechless and... helpless.

Steven slides the ring onto her finger, and then, stands back up and pulls his fiance into a tender, passionate kiss.

It seems to last forever, in the best possible way, before the couple pulls apart.

"I love you, Steve," Pippa manages to choke out, between her tears.

"I love you too, Mrs. Pasquale," Steven replies, feeling his own eyes well up with tears.

Pippa feels all tingly upon hearing him call her that for the first time. They steal another quick kiss before Steven remembers the lady taking their pictures.

He holds up one finger, indicating that Pippa should wait right there, and walks over to the lady, a few feet away.

"Thank you so much," he tells her.

"It was my pleasure," she smiles. "Congratulations to both of you."

"Thank you so much," Steven replies, taking the phone from her and walking back over to Pippa. "Were you surprised?"

Pippa nods, a huge smile still on her face.

"You were so close to finding out..." Steven chuckles. "Jessa and Lana held the ring for me for a week."

"Oh my god," Pippa laughs. "It's so gorgeous, by the way." She twirls the ring around on her finger, allowing the diamonds to sparkle in the sunlight.

"I'm so glad that you like it," he tells her.

"You know, now that I think about it, that really explains some of Jessa's weird behaviour recently..."

"In the auditorium the other day, before you borrowed Jessa's backpack, she had to throw the ring ten feet away to Carleigh. Thankfully, Jazzy was distracting you with an Animal Kingdom map so you didn't notice the ring box flying through the air..."

"Did Jazzy know?" Pippa asks, raising her eyebrows.

"Absolutely not," Steven laughs. "I knew that telling her would be basically the same thing as telling you."

"That's not a lie," Pippa laughs. "I just can't believe how many people were in on this..."

"Your friends love you almost as much as I do, Pipsy," Steven replies, giving her a cuddle. "I still can't believe that you didn't suspect a thing."

"You're the best," Pippa says, placing her hand on his chest and giving him yet another quick kiss.

"We have a little bit of time left," Steven says, after they pull apart. "How would you feel about meeting some princesses?"

"Isn't that a super long wait time?" Pippa asks, skeptically.

"I might have gotten some fastpasses..."

Pippa squeals with laughter, as Steven grabs her hand and runs off in the direction of the Princess Fairytale Hall, with Pippa right behind him.

All in one day, Pippa got to perform at Disney World, is set to have an opening night, and most importantly, got engaged. She decides that this is the best day of her life.

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