Chapter 54

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Everyone goes to the rehearsal, and they're specifically going to be focusing on the ball scene.

"Let's start with 'Helpless.' I want Brett to be Hamilton, and Kaitlyn, you're going to be trying the choreography with our auditioning replacement. This is James," Lin says. "Now, places."

As everyone is heading to their opening places, Kaitlyn can't help but notice that Lana's face isn't exactly a 'normal' color. It's a strange shade of white.

"Are you okay?" she whispers.

"Yeah," Lana replies. "It's just the stage lights. I'm super hot."

"Alright," Kaitlyn replies. She heads to her spot, and James walks up a few seconds later.

"Are you Kaitlyn?"

"That's me. I'm assuming that you're James?"

He nods. "I've been taught the choreography, but you can feel free to shove me around because I might be off."

"Don't worry about it. I'm sure you'll be fine," Kaitlyn assures him.

The songs begins, and Pippa starts to sing. James places his hands around Kaitlyn's waist, as the choreography states, and despite a few missteps, the first part of the song goes well.

Halfway through the song, though, things start to get weird.

Kaitlyn feels James' hands moving down her torso, and by the end of the song, they are resting on, well, somewhere that makes Kaitlyn very uncomfortable.

"James?" she asks, timidly.


"Do you know what a waist is?"

"Yes," he replies, rolling his eyes.

"So, that's where you want your hands to be during this song, please."

"They were," he replies.

"See, that's where you're wrong. They were for the first part of the song, but then-"

Kaitlyn is cut off by the opening arpeggio to 'Satisfied.' She rolls her eyes, and starts to guide James through the choreography. At one point, James it supposed to put his arm around her shoulder. He sticks his hand under the strap of her tank top and places his hand on her shoulder. She shoots him a glare, but he doesn't remove his hand.

Kaitlyn stiffly makes her way through the rest of the song, and when Lin calls for the cast to take five, runs away at top speed. She has to get away from James. She doesn't know anything about him, but he's definitely a creep.

She runs straight over to Pippa and Jazzy.

"Okay, did either of you see that?" she asks, out of breath.

"See what?" Jazzy asks.

"James. He was touching me in very uncomfortable ways," she admits.

"What? Seriously? Kait, you need to tell someone!" Pippa says.

"No. I can deal with this. Really. Just, do you have any advice?"

Pippa groans.

"Kait, I went through a situation like this once, and I refuse to watch you go through it. You are my little sister, and I love you too much. If it happens again, I need you to tell somebody, okay?"

"Pippa, I'm fine. I promise. I shouldn't have said anything. I'm probably just being overdramatic, anyway," Kaitlyn snaps. She walks away, leaving Jazzy and Pippa dumbfounded.

"Do you think that we should tell Lin or somebody? There's still time to make sure that James doesn't get the job," Pippa tells Jazzy.

"Pippa," Jazzy begins, "I know that you want to make this right, but I think that we shouldn't get involved. This is one battle that Kaitlyn has to fight on her own."

Then, Lana walks up to them.

"Is Kaitlyn alright? She just came by me and she looks really mad," she says.

"She's fine," Jazzy replies, frankly.

"Was it James?" Lana asks, in a soft tone of voice. "He's such a creep. I feel bad that she has to dance with her. The two of us go way back."

"Like I said, Lana, she's fine. Now, I'd suggest that you mind your own business," Jazzy says, turning away, leaving just Pippa and Lana.

After an awkward moment of silence, Pippa begins to speak, fumbling over her words.

"I'm going to see what's with Jazzy," she manages to say. "Sorry about her."

"No, it's okay. I'm... I'm used to it by now," Lana replies, with tears in her eyes. The girls part their ways, and Lana sits down in one of the seats in the house. She wipes her eyes and hopes that James doesn't see her. The less contact that she can have with him, the better.


hey guys! we also updated our tags/update book with some stuff about us! we'll hopefully be putting more stuff in there in the future!

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