9- not okay.

494 3 0

south's p.o.v

the setting sun behind me casts my shadow on the closed door of the hut i stand in front of. i lift my hand and timidly knock on the door. i'm half expecting no answer, as hiccup and toothless usually go on a secret recon flight at this hour. to my suprise, i hear a quiet 'come in' from somewhere in the hut. i gently openthe door and let myself in. i dont see hiccup. 

"over here" i hear his voice from behind a few barrels and chests, where his desk is. i nod to myself and walk over

"hey uh, hiccup" i rub the back of my neck. he turns to face me with a smile, though i can see it doesn't reach his eyes, of which are dull compared to the usual mossy, forest green i'm accustomed to. 

sleep deprivation.

"hey south! are you okay?" he asks. 

"i'm fine. the question is, are you?" i say gently as i sit on a barrel.

"what do you mean?" his voice drops a little in faux confusion. i sigh

"hiccup... i'm worried about you." i frown, and so does he

" dont follow. i'm fine!" he throws me another smile, though its clearly fake.

"i'm sorry hiccup, but you aren't a great liar. i can see that you aren't well. after viggo, you changed. you're distant and afraid. its okay to not be okay." i place my hands on his shoulders. he looks away but doesn't say anything. i sigh again.

"you know toothless came into my room last night?" we look to the night fury who is sat, watching us with concern on his face

"he did? why?"

"he came in and got me to follow him. he took me here, where i found you passed out on the floor. i put you into bed and stayed with you to make sure you slept through the night. i left just before you woke up" 

he looks startled.

"you... why would you do that?"

"because we're all sat here watching you destroy yourself piece by piece. i know you go on recon flights to try find viggo. you passed out of the fucking floor from exhaustion and even toothless is worried about you. so i sent for your father." hiccup gets angry

"why in midgard would you send for my father? are you mad? he has bigger things to worry about. you shouldn't have bothered him, south. this is not your business." he scoffs and slumps down. i fold my arms and lean back

"hiccup for thors sake i'm trying to help. what you're doing is destructive. think about us, about the dragons. so scoff at me all you like but i'm doing you and all of us a odin damned favour. dont come out with the crap that it's not my business. it's my business if my leader is not well, and it's my business to help him. i'm worried about you, we all are" i wipe my hand down my face and sigh for maybe the millionth time.

"look. i'm sorry for snapping. i'll see my dad when he gets here. i have to go." he stands up to walk off, but toothless blocks his way

"toothless, c'mon bud" he tries to get passed him, but can't.

"get some sleep, hiccup. i'll wake you up when your dad gets here. " i place my hands on his shoulders and guide him to his bed. he huffs and sits down. i sweep some hair our of his eyes.

"rest. you need it" i cup his cheek for a moment while he watches me with an unreadable expression. i walk away and leave the hut. astrid and fishlegs are waiting outside

"is he okay?" fishlegs worries. astrid is frowning and fiddling with her hands

"no. it's worse than i thought. he's completely shutting down. i got him to sleep." i sit down on the edge of the platform and look out to sea. astrid sits next to me.

"south. hiccup is the strongest person i know. he's also one of the most stubborn, so it will be difficult to get to him. but we just have to hope that we can." she places a hand on my shoulder

"you're even more stubborn than him, so i'm sure you will get to him eventually. he trusts you more than any of us. remember he told you about toothless, knowing you wouldn't tell a soul. you're his best friend. he trusts you more than even me." astrid says comfortingly. i scoff.

"i think we both know thats not true. he told me about toothless because he knew i was to chicken to tell stoick, and anyway, your his girlfriend. i'm just his annoying fried that clings to him because i'm incapable of fending for myself." i place my head in my hands and sigh.

astrid is about to reply when the flapping of wings cuts her off. stoick lands behind us.

"how is he?" i stand up as stoick asks.

"not great. he got angry at me when i told him you were coming. told me i was mad and that it wasnt my business." stoick places a hand on my shoulder.

"its okay lass. i'll take him back to berk for a few days. give him some time to properly rest.""

"thanks cheif. he needs you right now" i smioe up at the large man. he smiles back.

"aye. he needs all of us." he says gently.

"he's asleep right now, but feel free to walk around the edge. i'll go in and sit with him again, make sure he sleeps through the night. unless you want to, astrid?" i look at her. she shrugs

"you can. i'm going to bed, i've been up all day"i choose not to mention i havent slept in 3 days. 

"fair enough. if you get tired, cheif, feel free to sleep in my hut. i wont be there." stoick nods and walks away. 

"hiccup, please be okay" i say into the fading sun once i'm alone.

hey guys. summer is just about to start so i'll have more tme to write, between practicing the guitar and hanging out with friends. hope you enjoyed! comment if you want another part.

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