176- teachers pet pt 7

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Okay so, I'm moving the timeline back for teachers pet. This is now 5 months after they've been dating, not 8. Sorry if it's confusing, but t would have been the end of the school year, so I would have to end the series.

Hiccup's p.o.v

"You're warm" South murmurs. We're laying in my bed, and she's snuggled into my chest. I smile.
"And you're cold. My little lizard" I tease. She huffed
"Keep me warm" I nod and pull the covers closer over us, just as I'm settling to go to sleep, my phone rings. I groan, and south grumbles as I sit up and grab it. I gasp when I see it's my dad
"Dad?" I ask when I pick up
"Hiccup, my boy! How are you?"
"Uh, rather tired, dad. It's one in the morning here" I explain. He laughs boisterously
"Ah, that's not so bad. how's England"
"One sec, I don't want to wake my girlfriend." I say and slide out of bed. South gives me a sleepy smile and rolls into my side of the bed. I walk into the living room
"You have a girlfriend?" My dad asks, shocked
"Yeah. I met her the day I started working at the school."
"What's her name?"
"South trader."
"How did you meet her?" I freeze
"Ah, you don't have ter tell me, lad. So, how is England?" I spend some time telling him about Britain and my job, and he tells me what's happening in berk.
"By the way, lad. I'm coming down to visit next weekend" he says casually. I splutter
"I've already booked the ticket"
"Right... dad, I gotta go. South is gonna start moaning that she's cold" I chuckle, and so does my dad.
"I'll see you next weekend"
"See you" I hang up and take a deep breath, walking back to the bedroom. South opens her eye to peer sleepily at me
"Yeah, my dad is coming down next weekend" I slide into bed next to her. She snuggles back into my chest
"Oh... is that good?"
"I guess so. I do miss my dad"
"Then I'm happy for you" she gently pecks my lips. I drift off to sleep.

The next weekend

"Dad! I'm glad you came down" I hug my dad after I meet him at the airport
"Aye. This place is warmer than berk" he notes.'I grin
"It's rather bracing. Anyway. Let's head back to my house" I drive him to my place, making small talk. Once we're in, I chuck my keys onto the table
"Aye, there's the beast!" My dad yells when he sees toothless. Toothless barks, jumping up at my dad. My dad fusses him do a little.
"You hungry?" I ask.
"I'm a Viking! I'd be worried if i wasn't!" He hits his fist against his chest. I chuckle
"Right... steak?" He nods. Once it's finished cooking, I serve it up and we begin to eat.
"Dad?" I blurt
"My girlfriend, south... I really, really shouldn't be with her" I stress. My dad frowns
"She's... she's my student. We could get in so much trouble but by gods, I love her. I've never felt the way she makes me feel. She's just... perfect"
"How olds is she?"
"17. She's in her final year of sixth form. It hurts because we can't even go out in public together without risking being seen. We've already almost been caught." I tell him all about the Allie situation. He nods thoughtfully
"I see your problems, lad, but I couldn't give you advice without meeting the lass"
"I... She isn't busy. I could call her over?"
"Good plan. I'd like to see her" I. I'd and pull out my phone, food long forgotten.
"Hey baby. How's it going with your dad?" She asks when she picks up
"He wants to meet you. You're not busy now, right?"
"No, I'm laying in bed in your shirt, watching Netflix. Should I come over?"
"If you can."
"Okay, I'll be there soon. I love you"
"I love you too" me and my dad talk about her, until there is a knock at the door. I answer it.
"Hey" I say, leaning down to gently peck her lips. she smiles at me
"Hey" I lead her through to where my dad is waiting in the living room
"Dad, this is south. South, this is my dad"
"Hello, mr haddock. It's really nice to meet you" South smiles, holding out her hand. My dad shakes it
"And you. I understand you're my boys student?" She blushes lightly
"Yeah... I'm not with him to bolster my grades, because frankly, in drama, my grades are
Good enough. Your son is just... amazing" she trails off, looking up at me. I move her hair behind her shoulder, and she lightly leans into my touch. My dad smiles.
"I'm glad you're happy son." I grin back, wrapping my arm around souths waist. She pecks my cheek
"I gotta head to the hospital to see north. I'll see
You soon?"
"Yeah. I love you"
"I love you too" she pecks my lips before walking out. I watch her with a fond smile before looking back sat my dad
"She's a lovely lass"
"She really is. The other students pick on her because of her mature ideas."
"That's dreadful. How long u TIL she graduates?"
"6 months. We'll be fine to be out in public after that"
"You see yourself with her for that long?" This question brings me up short.
"Yeah... Yeah, I do"
"As long as you know what you're doing with her, and you understand the risks you take to be together, then I see nothing wrong with such a relationship"
"Thanks dad. I'm glad you understand us"
"That's quite alright son" he grins at me, then claps me on the back
"Tell me, did you finally become a man?" At first, I'm confused
"Uh, dad, Ive been a man for three years"
"No, not that!" I then realise what he means
"Dad, really?" He grins wryly
"Doesn't answer my question"
"Fine. Yes, I have slept with her"
"That's my boy!"

Sorry it's so short

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