7- toothless?

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hi so this chapter is gonna be different- i've decided to make this into a various oneshots book instead of just hiccup x oc. i hope you enjoy it though.

hiccups p.o.v

somethings not right. my eyes flutter open as i feel a sinking feeling in my stomach. the light in the room shows its still night, but the full moon shines bright, casting a faint glow across my roof. 

"toothless?" i mutter as i sit up and look at the stone he usually sleeps on. its empty. my eyes fly open and i shoot out of bed.

"toothless!?" i whisper- yell as loud as i can without waking my dad. 

i bite my lip before looking to my window. i walk up to it and throw myself out before sprinting into the forest.

"toothless?" i continually yell out into the dark. suddenly, i hear a cry coming for a ways away, north-east from me. a human cry. for a moment, i'm torn between finding toothless and helping that person out, before i decide that toothless can look after himself so i should check it out. i jog towards the cries that are gradually getting louder. eventually, i came to the cove, where i see a boy around my age with jet black hair, pressed against a rock. i cant really see him, though. i scramble down to the cove and approach him slwoly. now that i'm closer, i can see him clearer. he's wearing jet black clothes that are the exact same colour as his hair. his skin is fair, and he has the heels of his hands pressed to his eyes. 

"hello?" i say gently, kneeling down in front of him. the boy removes his hands from his eyes and i gasp. his eyes are a shocking green and there are scales running along his cheekbones, temples and nose. 

"hiccup!" the boy yelps and flings himself at me. my breath gets knocked out of me when he collides into me. 

"woah there" i gasp and hesitantly wrap my arms around his shoulders. he pulls back

"s-sorry" he says sheepishly and i tilt my head

"no matter. what happened?"

"i'm not sure. i was asleep at home like normal when i woke up here, like this"

"what do you mean, 'like this'?"

"hiccup, its me, toothless." says breathlessly. my eyes widen

"toothless?" i gasp for maybe the 1000th time that night

"mhmm" he looks down before pressing the heels of his hands against his eyes again. i gently grab his wrists

"hey. toothless, its gonna be okay. let me see your smile." i place my hand under his jaw and lift his head to face me. he smiles lightly, and i smile back.

"there we go. now that you've calmed down, i assume you must be hungry. are you hungry?" i ask him. he sniffs, wipes under his right eye and says

"i'm always hungry" we both laugh.

"thats true. i brought fish with me for when i found you." i reach into my satchel and pulled out 3 fish. one for me, two for him. 

"dont eat it-" he takes a bite, then spits it out

"raw..." i trail off, trying to keep a staright face as he makes a face

"ew. it shouldnt taste like that." he pokes his tounge out. i laugh.

"yeah, i know. i'll cook them. can you grab me some dry sticks?" toothless nods and walks off. i grab two rocks as he comes back. he places the sticks down and i bash the rocks together, starting the fire.

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