33- soulmates

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hey so this is a joint idea between me and @LightlyFriedShrimp . i'm considering making this into a proper story, so let me know what you guys think. also, props to my sister for the new oc's first name. i'm using a new oc since this may become a story. thanksss.

hiccup is 17. punk rock hiccup (this should be fun)

hiccup's p.o.v

it's 11:57. ever since I turned 17 6 months ago, I've stayed up until 12:30 in the hopes that my soulmate will finally turn 17 and be able to reach me. you see, on your 17th birthday, your mind finishes developing, which means the bond between you and your soulmate finally reaches it's full. this means that you can reach them through your mind. they can access all your thoughts, feelings, memories, everything, that is unless you block them, though people don't tend to do that because they always fully trust their soulmates. i'm broken by my thoughts by a faint buzzing in my head, followed by a soft, feminine voice.

"are you there?" i pant hard.

"y-yes. i'm here" I say back.

"... sorry, I don't know what to say..." she says shyly. i can feel her nervousness.

"it's okay. i'm rather stuck myself" I tell her. i can tell she's giggling out loud.

"i hope you like who I am. most people don't" she says sadly.

"of course i will. we are soulmates after all."

"you're very sweet"

"wow um... that's the first time i've ever been called sweet. i usually get things like rebel, troublemaker, hooligan, that kind of thing"

"i usually get things like, fatty, nerd, slut, so I suppose i feel your pain" I can hear the humour in her thought, though i can also sense the twinge of sadness.

"i'm sorry. that's awful" i say. i may be a troublemaker, but i'm no bully. I've never picked on someone, i usually just annoy teachers with missing work, being late etc..

"why do they call you a troublemaker?" she asks curiously.

"let's just say i'm the type of guy that people with kids cross the street when they see" i say incredulously.

"how so?"

"I've got tattoo's, piercings and a generally bad attitude." she stays silent for a moment and I think i fucked up when she sends another thought to me.

"I happen to think that's quite hot. I suppose opposites do attract after all" a fierce blush takes over my face.

"oh really?"

"yes really. what school do you go to?" she asks.

"berk high"

"same! what's your name? i didn't want to pry your memories to find out"

"that's awfully nice of you. promise you won't freak out?"

"of course i wont"

"... hiccup haddock" her mind goes deathly silent until i feel a dull flash of pain through my shoulder blades and the back of my head.

"holy shit are you okay?" I frantically think to her.

"I-i'm okay. fell of my bed. who would have guessed" her thoughts are quieter, and i can feel the fear and sadness in her. is she... afraid of me.

"you're not... afraid of me, are you?" i ask her gently.

"no, hiccup. i'm just... I think you might prefer to go loveless than discover that i'm your soulmate"

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