184- freaky pt 3

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It's been another long while since the last freaky, so if you need to go back, it's chapter 38 for the first one, and chapter 79 for the second.

Hiccup is 15

Hiccup's p.o.v

I wrap another arm around souths shoulders, pulling her closer as we kiss. Her lips move fervently against mine. Her head snaps to the side as she makes a sound that resembles 'jabbajabba'. I pay it no mind as she quickly moves back to kissing me. I slide my hands to her waist, pulling her on top of me, moving my jersey down to her throat. Her head twitches to the side again, and she repeats the sound. It's not as adorable as the yip sound that she doesn't really make anymore, but its still cute to me.
"SHIT" she screams, then slaps her hands around her mouth. She looks at me with wide eyes, shifting back a little. We both dissolve into laughter.
"Oh gods, not again" she cackles. I bury my head in my shoulder, trying to contain my laughter.
"Don't tell me that's happened before?"
"Yep. I'm cursed" she giggles. I shake my head with a grin.
"Sorry for ruining the moment" she says, not being able to keep the smile off her face
"That's okay. My dad could've walked in, and that would've been awkward" I say. She nods and pecks my cheek.
"That's for jabbjabba- understanding" I pay no mind to the tic in the middle of her sentence, pressing a swift kiss to her lips before standing up.
"You coming?" She nods.

In class, the next day

"What is the substance for-"
"FUCK" I turn around. South has blushed bright red. Everyone laughs
"Excuse me?" The teacher gasps.
"S-Sorry" South whimpers.
"As I was saying, does anyone-"
"Jaaa-krrrrr-" I head souths desk move. I turn back around. She looks mortified
"South, come up here please" The teacher says angrily. South gives me a terrified glance and stands, walking slowly to the front. On the way past, her arm juts out and hits snotlout Jorgenson in the face.
"Aahhhj! Miss, she hit me!" He screams.
"South grimborn! I know you think you're some sort of
Class clown, but you are distracting your peers" The teacher shouts at her. I clench my fists. South murmurs something
"What was that?"
"I... I can't help it... I'm sorry"
"Sorry doesn't excuse your actions! Go to the principles office!"
"Jabbaakrrrre" her head twitches to the side, and everyone laughs again.
"Hey!" I stand up, having had enough.
"Hiccup-" The teacher starts. I hold my hand up
"You're so ignorant." I scoff, picking up my bag and placing it on the table, picking my things away while maintaining eye contact with the teacher.
"How dares-"
"How dares I? How dare YOU pick on south because she has a disability. She said she can't help it, and she isn't lying!" I defend
"Hiccup, please-" I switch my gaze to south.
"South, pack your things away. I'm calling my dad. He'll deal with this" I say. South just nods and begins picking her things.
"What will your dad do? Make a complaint?" The teacher sneers at me. I chuckle
"Oh, Miss. take note of my last name, and ask yourself who also shares that last name? The mayor. I just hope the school can replace you in time for finals" I grab souths hand
"Let's go, babe" I wrap my arm around her waist, leading her out.
"You didn't have to do that"
"SHIT" she tics, her head snapping back. I squeeze her tighter as she stills.
"Sorry" she whispers, tears in her eyes. I turn her to face me, looking into her teary grey eyes.
"What did I tell you about apologising for your tics?"
"Jkrrrraaaaa, that I can't help it" she sniffs, wiping her eyes"
"Right. It's like having the hiccups. You can't control it, so you shouldn't have to apologise for it"
"Say that word one more time and I'm taping your mouth shut" I warn jokingly. She cracks a smile and wipes under her left eye.
"Good. Now, let me call my dad" I say as we reach a bench outside. I call him, but he doesn't answer.
"I could... call dad? He's not working today" she whispers. I freeze lightly, as I still haven't met her fathers.
"That's okay with you?"
"Of course. Dad won't leave me alone about you." She giggles. I nod
"Okay then. As linn as I'm not gonna be strung up from your wall, I'd love to meet them" she laughs at me, then takes out her phone.
"Dad?" She asks quince he picks up
"What's up? Why are you calling me at school?"
"Something happened... hiccup called his dad, but there was no answer. Can you pick us up?"
"So I finally get to meet that boyfriend of yours?"
"Then I'm on my way right now, hun"
"Thanks dad. I'll see you soon. I love you"
"I love you too, sweets" she hangs up. We sneak out the front doors of the school and wait in the car park. Soon, a classic Chevy rolls up, and a white haired man steps out. He's tall-ish, with bright blue eyes. He looks to be in his mid to late thirties.
"Hey south" He says.
"Jkkkrrrrr hey dad" she steps away from me and buried herself in his arms. I smile fondly.
"So this is that mystical boyfriend. Hi, I'm jack"
"Hiccup. It's nice to meet you, sir" he shakes me hand, wrinkling his nose
"It's not sir, man, I'm not that old yet" I chuckle and nod
"I'll remember that"
"Is papa at home?" South asks
"Yeah." She nods and slides into the backseat of the Chevy. I slide in after her
"I have to say, this is an amazing car." I say. Jack looks In the rear view mirror at me.
"Are you trying to score points or do you genuinely like my car?" Me and south laugh at his humour
"No one knows cars better than my FUCK hiccup" she grins.
"Oh gods, not that again. Is that what happened today?" He asks.
"Yeah, I ticked in the middle of class, and the teacher got upset with me. Hiccup yelled at her then we left" she explains. I squeeze her shoulder, and she slides over to cuddle into my side. I wrap my arm around her. She smiles up at me.
"I hope you're not canoodling back there" south giggles
"No! Of we're jkkkrrrraa- not" her head snaps to the side and clips my jaw. I yelp.
"Sorry! Oh god, are you okay?" She cradles my jaw, looking a little anxious. I just kiss her forehead
"Of course I'm okay." She sighs and kisses my cheek. Jack smiles.
"Here we are" he pulls up outside the familiar little cottage. Me and south follow him in.
"Yo, Eret!" The white haired man calls out. Another man rounds the corner. He's taller than jack, and much buffer, with tattoos on his chin and thick black hair in a braid.
"Jack? South? Strange boy? What's up?" I snicker at the way he casually addresses me
"Yeah, that's souths boyfriend"
"Jakkkaa- SHIT" South twitches.
"That again?"
"Yeah. Got me in trouble at jaaaaa- school. Hiccup got me out of it." I lean down and kiss her forehead, making her smile
"As long as he makes you happy, I guess" the man, known as Eret, shrugs, reaching into the fridge and pulling out a soda.
"Does your mother know where you are?" I freeze.
"I don't have a mother, she died ten years ago. I'll call my father soon"
"Oh... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" jack starts. I just smile
"It's okay. I don't remember her, so it doesn't bother me too much" jack blushes and ducks his head.
"No hanky panky up there!" Eret warns. South rolls her eyes
"Yeah, Oka- FUCK" her head snaps back, hitting my collarbone. I chuckle, holding her head there for a second so I can kiss her hair.
"Let's go, m'lady" she leads me up to her room. It's relatively simple, with only a wardrobe, a desk and chair and a bed.
"Why so little stuff?" I ask, sitting on her bed. She sits in my lap with a sigh, wrapping her arm around my neck
"Well, sometimes I tic really bad, and it can make me fall over. By having little furniture, I'm less at risk of hurting myself. I mean, I don't have seizures, but some leg tics make my legs lock, and it makes me fall" she explains.
"Oh, that makes sense. Like, I have to have less furniture in case I fall because of my leg."
"What is it like?"
"Not having a leg" I contemplate her words
"Well, I only lost my leg a few months before I met you. I still have issues with it, and sometimes it hurts so bad I can't walk and have to use a wheelchair. Phantom pains suck as well" she tucks her head under my chin. She makes a quick punching motion with her hand before moving back against my chest.
"I have a question" she looks up at me after I speak
"What's -aaaaaaahh- up?"
"Your tourettes. I was wondering how severe it is. Is the form you have pretty mild, or is it pretty bad?"
"It's quite bad, I think." I nod, accepting her vague answer. I cradle her in my arms, almost, and despite my skinny and awkward stature, she seems to think I'm pretty comfy as she actually falls asleep. I smile and slide back, gently taking off her shoes and then mine before pulling the covers over us. it doesn't take me long to fall asleep, either.


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