128- paradise

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So this is dumb af but I keep hearing the song paradise and now I can't help myself.
Context- south lives in a city in England called Nottingham (its a real place). She works as a tour guide. Hiccup and the gang are in a band called 'dragon riders' and they are doing a show in Nottingham. They hire south to take them around the city to see the sights (there are many)

Hiccup is 20, south is 18

Hiccup's p.o.v

I collapse onto the bed in the hotel with a grown. That was a long flight. I sigh and sit up again, glaring down at my bag that I know I should unpack, but I really can't be bothered. The tour guide should be here soon, so I simply just lay down to wait. After an hour, there is a knock on my hotel door. I open it, and see a girl around my age, maybe a bit younger. She has bright grey eyes and long brown hair. She's really pretty
"Hiccup haddock?" She asks in a thick British accent. Heh, that's adorable. No, don't even think about it, hiccup.
"Yeah, that's me. You're the tour guide?"
"Indeed. I must say, it is an honour to meet you" She sticks her hand out. I shake it, cursing myself for relishing the soft warmth of it.
"Likewise. Are we leaving now?"
"That's up to you. I wasn't sure what you guys wanted to do, whether you wanted some time to chill after your flight or to go out now."
"I'll ask the others" I grab out my phone and go into a group call. Everyone answers
"Yo, the tour guide is here. Do you guys wanna leave now or chill for a bit?" After some discussion, we decide to give it an hour.
"Well, you can wait in here" I take her inside
"I um... I brought some snacks?" She says sheepishly. I grin at her
"Relax, babe! Don't be so nervous." She blushes at my casual term of endearment, yet gives a slow nod
"Yeah uh... if you want some, it's in that bag" she nods to a plastic bag left near the door. I grab it and sit cross legged next to her on the couch, tootling through it.
"I brought some of the most British snacks I could find" she giggles.
"What in the same hell is a Jaffa cake?" I ask, holding up the little blue box
"It's like, halfway between a biscuit and a cake"
"Somehow I doubt biscuit means the same to us"
"Yeah, I know. You call it a cookie. Me, a cookie is reserved only for the ones with like, chocolate chips"
"I see" we make casual conversation as we wait for the others. One by one, they come into the room. Fishlegs, then Astrid, then heather, then the twins and finally snotlout.
"You guys ready to go?" I ask. They all nod. South leads out out of the hotel and takes us to what looks like a large plaza with fountains and a large museum looking building. She explains about 'the left lion" and some other things. She's funny, witty and keeps harming snotlout as he tries to flirt with her, winning the approval of both Astrid and heather. She explains how she is a big fan of the band, but she understands that being screamed at isn't much fun, so she's keeping herself calm.

Over the course of the week, my feelings for the beautiful British girl grow. She often comes by the hotel just to hang out, always with different British snacks and drinks for us to try. I love British tea, and I have at least four boxes of it in the little kitchen area. The show is tomorrow, and I'm hanging out with south again. This time, she's brought some chocolates called Maltesers, and we're having a competition to see who can catch the most in our mouths. She is totally winning
"That's ten! I win again" she tears me as she catches yet another. I groan
"You have gotta be cheating"
"Nope! Not my fault you can't catch them" she keeps teasing me. I mock glare at her and throw one at her. It hits her nose and she yells.
"Hey! You're such a sore loser" she laughs, rubbing the tip of my nose. I grin at her.
"What's your favourite song?" I ask her curiously
"Paradise by George Ezra. I love how upbeat it is" she tells me. I nod, making a note of this
"What about you?" She asks
"Probably forest fire by Brighton. I like how calm it is" we ask each other more trivial questions such as this. Soon, she has to go, and I'm left in my own again. I summon the gang I to my room
"Guys, I really need your help" I say
"With what?" Astrid asks me
"I... I want to ask south out" I say sheepishly. They gasp.
"Really? How can we help?" Fishers asks
"I want to preform her favourite song st the end of the show, paradise by George Ezra. We did the song back when we used to do covers, so we all know it. I just need his permission"
"We'll do it." Snotlout says determinedly
"Woah, really? I thought you of all people would be against me asking her out" I laugh. Snot just shrugs
"I flirt with her because that's just who I am. I don't actually like her"
"Damn" Astrid laughs
"Thank you guys. This means a lot" they all leave and I swiftly text the producer to let him know if my plan, and he confirms to me that I have George Ezras approval to use his song.

At the show

We have South a backstage pass to watch the show. I can see her watching us from my right side. My heart is thumping hard as we get to the song
"Alright, guys! This is a little different, but we're doing a cover. This is for a certain someone." I hand my guitar to tuff, who puts down his trumpet to take it.
The guitar and drum start, and I soon begin singing

My love (my love)
My lover, lover, lover
I'm in paradise whenever I'm with you
My mind (my mind)
My m-m-m-m-mind well, it's a paradise whenever I'm with you
(I look over at south. Her eyes are wide.)
Ride on (ride on)
I will ride on down the road
I will find you, I will hold you, I'll be there
It's long (how long?)
It's a mighty long road but
I'll find you, I will hold you and I'll be there
I know you heard it from those other boys
But this time it's real
It's something that I feel and
I know you heard it from those other boys
But this time it's real
It's something that I feel and
If it feels like paradise running through your bloody veins
You know it's love heading your way
If it feels like paradise running through your bloody veins
You know it's love heading your way
My time (my time)
My t-t-t-t-time well, it's a never ending helter-skelter
We'll be out whatever the weather
My heart (my heart)
My boom-boom heart
It's a beat and its a thumping
And I'm alive
I know you heard it from those other boys
But this time it's real
It's something that I feel and
I know you heard it from those other boys
But this time it's real
It's something that I feel and
(I do a kind of half jog, half dance over to south and grab her hand and lead her out, dancing her around the stage)
If it feels like paradise running through your bloody veins
You know it's love heading your way
If it feels like paradise running through your bloody veins
You know it's love heading your way
(I hold the microphone in front of her, trying to get her to sing this next bit. She keeps shaking her head with humoured eyes, but when the bit comes, she gives in and starts to sing)
Paradise, hold on hold on
Meet me there, hold on hold on
("Holy hell!" I laugh)
Paradise, hold on hold on
Meet me there, hold on hold on
Paradise, hold on hold on
Meet me there, hold on hold on
Paradise, hold on hold on
(I join in with her at this point)
Meet me there, hold on hold on
Paradise, hold on hold on
Meet me there, hold on hold on
Paradise, hold on hold on
Meet me there, hold on hold on
("That was amazing!" I yell before singing the next chorus)
If it feels like paradise running through your bloody veins
You know it's love heading your way
If it feels like paradise running through your bloody veins
You know it's love heading your way
I know you heard it from those other boys
But this time it's real
It's something that I feel and
I know you heard it from those other boys
But this time it's real
It's something that I feel and
If it feels like paradise running through your bloody veins
You know it's love heading your way
If it feels like paradise running through your bloody veins
You know it's love heading your way
If it feels like paradise running through your bloody veins
You know it's love heading your way
If it feels like paradise running through your bloody veins
You know it's love heading your way

After all our dancing around, we end up presses together. She's looking up at me with Wide-ish eyes. The audience begin to chant
"KISS HER! KISS HER! KISS HER!" I look at them then back down at south. She's blushing while looking up at me, her eyes sparkling. I bring my hand up to cup her cheek, before leaning down and pressing my lips against hers. The crowd starts roaring, and the gang are all yelling, too, but I hear none of it. My mind goes blank, knowing only the fact that I am actually kissing her. Her lips are soft, and she tastes distinctly of the cherry cola I've seen her drinking so many times. The kiss lasts about 5 seconds, before I pull back. Her eyes flutter open, and she goes red again, burying her head in my chest. I laugh and the others come at us, hugging us.
"How was that?" I laugh into my microphone and hold it to south
"Er... I might get assassinated by Fangirls" she says. The audience laughs.
"I'll protect you" I kiss the top of her head and she hides in my chest again as the audience all go 'awe'
"That was all for today! Thank you Nottingham!" I yell into my microphone, the audience cheers as we make our way off stage.


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