60- come back for us

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finally, a viking times one! also, 60 chapters? how is that even possible? small bit of context for this one. basically, hiccup and south got married when they were 18 (so season one of rtte) and did the whole marital bed thing (there may or may not be a flashback to that, i haven't decided yet) and south got pregnant. they were happy and stuff. yeah, that's all you really need to know beforehand.

hiccup is 18

toothless let's out a croon next to me, which brings me out of my sleepy state. I look over to my left to see that south is still fast asleep, her hair splayed over my chest. I look to toothless who is watching me with a small gummy smile. it's just past sunup so toothless knows he has to wake me up at this time.

"south... south, baby, wake up" i shift onto my side and gently shake her. her pregnant belly is pressed against me. her eyes flicker open, and she gives me a smile

"hey" she murmurs. I gently kiss her head.

"good morning. we have to wake up." she let's out a small groan but does, swinging herself over the side of the bed. she's wearing one of my shirts, as she always says there the easiest to fall asleep in. we both quickly change (her into her usual grey cotton dress, me in my basic armour) and we head out to the clubhouse, holding hands. when we arrive, we see that we are the only ones there, so we sit down to wait. before long, everyone else comes in, smiling when they see us.

"morning guys!" snotlout says. for some reason, everyone seems to be in a pleasant mood today.

"hey guys. wheres heather?" south asks, looking around to see that everyone but heather is there.

"oh, she's making breakfast in our hut" astrid says. south nods. I warp my arm around her waist nd she leans into me.

"gods, you two are sickening" snotlout says with a smirk. I grin.

"thanks snotlout." snotlout salutes me, making me chuckle. heather then walks in holding multiple bowls filled with oatmeal and some fruit. south stands up and takes a few bowls, passing one to me, one to snotlout and one to astrid. then, takes her bowl from heather (along with an apple) and takes her seat again. she cuts up the apple into small squares and drops them into her oatmeal. we all eat and chat amiably, before heading off to do our respective jobs. Astrid is going to train with snotlout, heather is going on patrol, the twins are helping fishlegs create some more gronkel iron, while me and south continue working on the dragon eye 2. nobody else knows about it, only we do. as we continue working, we hear explosions outside. I quickly look out and see a bunch of singetails. (in this, hiccup and astrid didn't leave to find the oil)

"south, stay here" i say to my wife before sprinting off. I quickly sling myself onto toothless back, and he takes off.

"guys! a bunch of singetails are trying to take over the edge!" fishlegs yells.

"really, fishlegs, we hadn't noticed" snotlout replies, looking disgruntled.

"c'mon, we have to drive them away" we begin to go after the singetails, but i see something that makes my heart stop. I see a man, riding the singetail

"uh, guys? did i just see someone on one of those singetails?" fishlegs asked.

"um, no..." snotlout says, fear in his voice


"you saw someone riding on all of those singetails" snotlout finishes as the singetails emerge from the trees, all with someone on their backs.

"guys! flee to defender of the wing island, i need to go back for south!" i cry out. everyone nods and flies east. I urge toothless to power dive. we land and i jump off, sprinting into my hut with the men on singetails blasting at me.

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