140- 6* of seperation

227 3 2

For the record, the * in the tittle is supposed to be a degrees sign, but I couldn't find one, so the asterisk will have to do

Hiccup is 22, south is 18

"So, does anyone know the rule of six degrees of separation?" My psychology teacher asks. I raise my hand
"Six degrees of separation is that at most, you know a person who knows a person who knows a person who knows a person who knows a person that knows the person you are referring to"
"Correct. Here is an example" the slide changes, and my husband hiccup comes up onto the board.
"Here is a man. His name is hiccup haddock. He is the richest man in America and the You gets ever human to own a multi million business" he's the richest man in America? How on earth didn't I know that? I frown a little.
"Does anyone in this room know him?" I put my hand up
"Yeah right. Does anyone know someone who knows him?"
"No sir, I really do know him" I say. The teacher scoffs
"Oh yeah? I don't suppose you can call him?"
"Ha. He'll be working"
"He has the day off" I bring out his co ta t and call him.
"Hey babe" hiccup says when he picks up
"Hey hicc. I have my psych class here. We're
Doing 6 degrees of separation. They wanted me to prove I know you"
"Oh? Well, I'd be worried if you didn't. You're not carrying my baby because we've never met, right?" A bunch of people gasp. I giggle
"That's true. Anyway, I think I've proved myself.
I'll let you get back to whatever you were doing"
"Wrestling a chair-leg off toothless isn't as interesting as it may seem"
"How did he even- never mind, I'm sure I'll find out when I get home. I love you"
"I love you too" I hang up the phone
"That means you guys are only one degree separate from hiccup haddock, since you know me and I know him. Shall we move on?" My teacher looks at me apprehensively for a moment, before going on. I get lots of comments like gold digger and slut throughout the day, but I try to ignore it.

Snotlouts p.o.v

It's the end of the school day. I see south haddock stood talking to some guy. He looks like a walking beanpole. I shout 'slut' as I pass, just for fun. Suddenly, something clamps down on my shoulder hard and spins me around. I'm about to punch whoever it is, but when I lift my hand, the person catches it
"What did you call her?" The man says. His bright green eyes look really angry
"I called her a slut" I say.
"Listen close, pal. I can make your life miserable in the worst ways possible. I can get you denied from whatever football scholarship you could ever dream of. Understand"
"Don't you know who I am? I'm the richest person in this school! My dads gonna buy me into college" I say defiantly. The guy smirks
"Oh, so not only are you a bully, you're also uneducated. Whatever money your daddy makes in a year is what I make in a day. I am the richest man in America. Do not cross my wife, or we will have problems" he says before pushing me back and walking back to souths side. I glare as he goes before turning and leaving
Souths p.o.v

You didn't have to do that" I say. He smiles gently and cups my cheek
"Of course I did. I won't let anyone hurt you" I sigh
"Still. Also, you're in a lot of trouble"
"Uh Oh" He grins. I cross my arms
"Why isn't I know you're the richest man in America? L"
"I seriously thought you knew" he looks at me, shocked
"Nope. Hiccup, we've been together for 2 years and married for 6 months. Surely you know I'm extremely unobservant"
"Hmm" he chuckles and leans down to kiss me.

Short and crappy but I haven't uploaded in 3 days and I was getting worried so

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