34- assassins promise

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hey so this is another joint idea with @LightlyFriedShrimp (we have looooads), full creds go to my darling sister for the idea. thanks bitch XD)

hiccup's p.o.v

steady breath. point the gun. steady breath. find your target. steady breath. fire. it's what we call assassins routine. the target drops, and i flee. let the police deal with cleanup. i make it back to my underground bunker within the next ten minutes, adrenaline pumping and breaths heavy. i place my sniper rifle, a barrett M95, back into the cabinet with extreme care. my mask limiting my vision slightly so i remove it, placing it back onto the stand. my work phone (per se) buzzes with a new client. I open it, and see an email, requesting my services. I accept the deal and give them the location for my bunker. i have many all over the city, so if this one get's infiltrated, i move onto the next. i'm the infamous night fury, renowned assassin by night, geeky high schooler by day. i hear a knock on the door, so i pull o my mask and press the button, letting them in. i hear light footsteps behind me, I don't face them, just wiping down my knife collection.

"a-are you night fury" a timid voice i recognize says from about 6 feet behind me. I tur around and see my classmate, south grimborn, stood behind me, shaking like a leaf.

"well well well. south grimborn. guess the shy girl isn't so innocent after all" i chuckle darkly, my voice changed to be deeper.

"h-how do you know me"

"oh, i know you very well, south, after all-" i pull of my mask and she gasps.

"we do go to school together" i change my voice so it's normal, smirking wickedly.

"guess you aren't so innocent either" she says, her voice a bit steadier after finding out who I am.

"guess not. so, what can i do for you?" she starts shaking again.

"um... i need you to kill someone for me" I chuckle

"i would assume so. i'm gonna need to know who and why though" her face drops even more.

"d-do i have to tell you why?" she says quietly. i nod.

"look south, i may be a sadistic assassin, but I don't kill innocent people. whoever is going to die has to deserve it." she sighs

"my father and my uncle. viggo and ryker grimborn" she tells me, i nod, writing it down.

"okay, why?" she sighs

"I overheard them talking. they're planning on selling me to someone named... drago, i think? I don't know why, but they said that drago is planning to use my to his... disposal. i've been locked up and starved for days." she says shakily. I sit next to her and place my hand on her shoulder

"that's why you weren't at school this week?" she nods

"yeah. I escaped and searched for you. I really wasn't expecting it to be you, hiccup"

"after i do this for you... where are you going to go?" I ask her. she shrugs.

"no clue. I suppose i'll leave the city and try to get a job somewhere" i bite my lip.

"are you sure?"

"not really. hiccup, why do you do this?" she asks. I gape a little

"d'you mean, why do i kill people?" she nods.

"well, my mom was murdered by my father, and my father had been beating on us for years. it happened when I was 15. I suppose i just... snapped. I stole his gun and fled. he as arrested. I broke into the police station and shot him point blank in the head, running before I was found" she gasps

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