93- translator

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so in this, south is deaf. she goes to mainstream school as her family cannot afford tuition at a special school, so the school has enlisted hiccup to help, as he is fluent in sign language.

hiccup is 17, south is 17

south's p.o.v

the world is silent, and to be honest, i like it. i'll admit, i miss some things, such as music and talking, but when everything is quiet, it's rather peaceful. today i start at a new school after my family moved to america from england. i'm led into an office, where i'm told to sit and wait. then, a man comes in and sits across from me, taking out a notebook and pen.

'hello south. my name is mr fisher. im glad you're joining us here at berk academy' i give a smile and a curt nod.

'i'm happy to me here.'

'i'm going to call for a student who will be with you at all times, to help you in lessons.' i nod. he walks over to a speaker, pressing down the button.

hiccup's p.o.v

i'm sat in homeroom, boredly doodling with my pen when the speaker crackles.

"can hiccup haddock come to mr fishers office. can hiccup haddock come to mr fishers office. thank you" i frown as everyone turns to look at me. i swiftly pack up my things and leave the room, walking along the corridor to his office. there isnt a window on the door, so i just knock. i hear a shout, beckoning me in so i open the door. there, is mr fisher, a woman i don't know and a girl my age.

"hello hiccup. take a seat" i do, placing my bag next to me.

"hiccup, this is south grimborn. i have spent some time looking for a student to help her, and you are the only one who can" i frown.

"why? i'd be happy to help, but why me?"

"you are the only student in this school who is fluent in sign language. south is deaf"

"ohhh... okay" i nod and turn to her. she's looking nervously at me.

"don't be nervous! i'm nice, promise"  my approcah makes her giggle. her laugh is louder than i assume she thinks it is, and slightly slurred

"i'm sure you are. i'm south"

"hiccup. it's nice to meet you"

"nice to meet you, too" she holds her hand out, and i take it, shaking it.

"hiccup, please translate for me" i nod, and prepare to listen. translating is hard, as you have to keep up with what they are saying while focussing on signing as well.

"south, in this school, you will be placed into every one of hiccup's lessons and sat next to him. your teachers will be notfied as to your impairment. if you wish to answer a question or say something in class, hiccup will translate it." he says. i translate it, mouthing it as well. i change my name into 'i' to make it easier for her to understand. she nods.

"i understand." she says.

"alright, 1st period is about to start, so head up." i nod.

"follow me"  i sign. she nods, grabbing her bag. i grab mine too, and we walk up to biology together. we walk up to the teacher.

"miss, did you get mr fishers email?" i ask. she shrugs.

"probably, but i haven't checked my email yet. what's up"

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