64- yes officer?

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what is it with me and modern au'swhere the police is involved? i'm watching too much chicago p.d. gods help me XD okay so some context. hiccup and sout are 16 and married (yes, it is possible to get married at that age if you have a judge and the parents sign off on it) and they have a babay. baby was not planned, she just kinda happened, so yeah. legally, a person can move out at 16, so for hiccup and south's birthday (they share a birthday) stoick bought them an apartment. stoick pays for and will continue to pay all bills until hiccup and south finish their part time schooling and get a full time job. they both have part time jobs to pay for groceries and all that.

hiccup is 16

south's p.o.v

"no, i'm telling you, chinese is better!" i say, waving my arms to make a point. hiccup jokingly scowls at me.

"pizza is superior! how can you think anything else?" he retorts. our little shouting match has us both rolling in tears of laughter by the end of it.

"okay okay. let's agree that chinese and pizza are both as good as each other" he chuckles. i nod and hold out my hand. we shake hands and laugh again.

"ok seriously. i gotta feed storm" i stand up and brush my clothes before walking into storms room. she coos at me

"hey big girl, you hungry?" i ask her in that high pitch voice you use with babies. i pick her up into my arms and nurse her. she's still too young to go on formula, and i don't trust store bought breastmilk, so i will continue to breastfeed her until she can go on formula. hoccup alks in and wraps his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder. i hum as he kisses my cheek. once she's adequately fed, i place her back down as she's fallen asleep.

"i'm gonna go make sure we don't need anything from the store" he nods and begins tinkering with the baby moniter as it keeps glitching and i'm useless with that stuff. as i'm looking through the kitchen cupboards, a knock sounds on the door. i walk to it and look through the peep hole and see two police officers. my eyebrows furrow as i open the door, the latch only letting me open it about 2 inches.

"officers? can i help you?" i say politely. due to having a duaghter, i'm paranoid about letting anyone in before they give me a reason.

"yes, there has been a noise complaint made against the residents in this apartment. may we come in?" i nod and close the door, before unlatiching and opening it. i let the officers in and lead them to the couch.

"would you like anything to drink? coffee? tea? juice?" both officers ask for coffee. i quickly prpare it and bring it out to them. hiccup seems oblivious to them being here.

"okay, so about a noise complaint? we weren't being loud" i tilt my head.

"we got a report of an argument?"

"oh, that was me and my husband. we were just joking around, each yelling that our preffered fast food is better." they look shocked

"husband? how old are you?" i smile lightly

"i'm 16"

"where are your parents?"

"well, his dad is at home, and his mom is with my parents in heaven, valhalla or some such place" i say, smiling kindly at them

"his father is home? may we speak to him?"

"he is not here"

"but you just said he is home" the officer says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. i don't lose my kind expression, no matter how much this fucking guy is annoying me

"i do not believe we understand each other. me and my husband live here together. his father technically owns the apartment. he pays the bills and will continue to do so until we finish our part time schooling and get full time jobs" the officer nods and writes this down. then, hiccup walks up, holding storm on his hip.

"hiccup! someone put a noise complaint in, so these two lovely officers have come to speak with us. officers, this is my husband hiccup and our daughter, storm"

"you have a baby?" one officer almost yells. this makes storm more fidgety. hiccup looks at me, confused, but sits next to me, holding storm in his lap

"yes. she was concieved during our honeymoon, so to speak. we weren't planning for her, but we were happy when she came" hiccup says, gently bouncing storm on his knee. the officer continues to write this all down.

"i'm going to have to get in contact with social services. two 16 year olds looking after a baby needs to be looked in to" i continue to smile kindly despite my growing desire to stab these men with rusty kitchenware

"we have a social worker who comes here fortnightly to check on us and storm. her name is sophie mccarrol." the officers look extremely confused.

"do you mind phoning your father up?" one of them asks hiccup, who nods and hands storm to me. i shift her so she's laying down in my arms, graciously sucking on my finger.

"i must say, you are very well spoken" one of them says. i just smile. i'm actually not, i just do that around strangers. i don't know why.

"thank you. my father raised me to do so" ha, my father didn't raise me for shit.

"what is your name? the complainer never gave any names, said he didn't know who lived there"

"mu name is south. south haddock." hiccup returns with his father on the phone. the officers and stoick breifly talk before they decide to finally get out of here.

"thank you for your time. just please be mindful of how loud you're being" i nod and close the door, holding storm in my left arm. i then collapse of the couch, hiccup doing the same next to me

"my god they didn't half go on!" i snicker. hiccup laughs.

"i know right!" he laughs.

"i'll put storm to bed" i do as i say, returning to the couch. hiccup is laying down with his eyes closed. i straddle his stomach, and he opens his eyes to smile at me

"y'know, you've been naughty, hicc" i lean in close, gently trailing my nose along his jaw. he shudders

"but so have you. looks like we both need punishing" he murmers huskily. i lean down and kiss him. i'm sure you can guess the rest

so i actually dreamed this for some weird reason, and it was too funny to pass up so welcome to this shitty chapter!

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