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Hiccup and south have a nine month old daughter. Short chapter

Hiccup and south are 16

Souths p.o.v

"Babe?" Hiccup says, waking inside the house
"Up here!" I yell back, shifting thyra slightly. He appears.
"There you are" He says, sitting next to me. I'm currently breastfeeding thyra.
"What's up?"
"I do live here, you know" he raises his eyebrows at me. I giggle
"Well, Yeah, But you've got that face on. You need to tell me something" he gives me a look
"You must really pay attention. Anyway, bucket and mulch haven't docked in three days. The riders and I are going out to look for them." I nod:
"How long will you be?"
"I'm not sure, maybe a day, maybe two?" I grin
"Right. C'mon baby, surely you've had enough by now" I look down at the baby's still attached to my breast. As I say it, she moves back, so I shift her so she's facing up.
"Here, I'll take her" hiccup wraps his hands under her arms and lifts her out of mine. Stoick walks up just as I finish re-wrapping my bindings and sorting my dress.
"Hey lass, hey lad" he leans against the doorframe
"Time to go?"
"Yup." He nods and stands. I walk with him to the front door.
"Bye bye, little one. I'll miss you" He coos quietly to his daughter. Thyra makes grabby hands at him. Stoick takes thyra out of his arms. Hiccup settles his hands on my waist and pulls me in for a swift kiss.
"I'll see you soon" he whispers. I nod
"Don't die, please?" He chuckles
"I'll try" he leaves the house. I take thyra from stoick and cradle her. Her head nuzzles into my breasts and she falls asleep
"You okay, lass?"
"Yeah, I'm alright. I just have a bad feeling..." I trail off, stroking the small fluff on Thyras head.
"Hm... well, he's hiccup. He's too bloody stubborn to die" stoick grins. I grin back
"Just like you, eh stoick!" I nudge him with my elbow. He bellows out a laugh
"Oi!" I giggle. Thyra is still fast asleep.
"Well, I should probably put her down to sleep. I'll be back down to make dinner in an hour, if you're not eating at the great hall?"
"Don't worry about dinner, lass. I'll make it" I giggle lightly
"I'm a wife, stoick. I'm gonna have to get used to it" he shrugs
"The laws are different here, lassie. Hiccup can't force you to do anything. You have your rights, and he has his. That's all" I nod
"Alright. I'll remember that. Thank you, stoick" he places his hand in my back and smiles warmly
"Lass, you're my daughter in law, and the mother of my grandchild. You're nice to be around" I grin
"I'll remember that." He nods and shooes me upstairs. I set thyra in her cradle and begin to draw to pass the time.

"Where could they be? It's been three days" I bite my lip, looking at the clear sky. The others returned without snotlout and hiccup. Suddenly, I hear a roar. My heart soars, thinking they're back, but hookfang lands. He has no rider, and he looks extremely agitated. I instinctively back up, keeping thyra out of the way of his wingspan
"Woah, boy!" I shout. He puts out his flame and whines at me. I approach and place my palm on his snout.
"Guys, something's wrong. Hookfang wouldn't be here without snotlout." I say worriedly
"We'll go looking for him." Fishlegs says, jumping in nestling. They all fly out, hookfang following. I sigh and sit on the edge of the wooden platform, looking out to see.
"Oh, baby. Your daddy is such an idiot" I murmur.
"D-d-d" She begins. I freeze
"D-da-d-dada" She babbles, looking pleased with herself. I gasp
"Dada! Yeah! That's it!" I cheer quietly for her, my heart sinking into my stomach knowing she's said her first word and hiccup wasn't there to hear it.
"Dada!" She says again. I smile.
"Well done" I coo. I stay on the platform for hours, until I see a shape coming in the distance. All the dragons land behind me, including toothless!"
"Afternoon, m'lady" hiccup greets sheepishly
"You are in major trouble, mister" I glare. He wilts with a sheepish smile
"I'll explain it at home" he says before taking thyra out of my arms
"Hello my baby!" He says in that over-excited voice you use with babies. She giggles and grasps his hair. The gang watch hiccup with his daughter, all with smiles.
"Dada!" She cheers. Hiccup freezes, as does everyone else
"Can you say that again?" He says to her.
"Dada!" She says in an almost demanding tone. Hiccup's eyes flit to me
"Did you knows about this?" He whispers, astonished.
"She only first said it a few hours ago." He lets out a breath and holds her close. The gang start to cheer. Stoick walks up to hiccup and places his hand in his shoulder
"It's odd, isn't it?" Hiccup murmurs.
"Aye, lad. I remember your first word. I cried for an hour! It always goes by so fast with the wee ones" hiccup nods
"Yeah, it feels like only yesterday that she was born. Gods, she's growing up too fast" he whispers, tears in his eyes. The gang disperses and we head home. I lay myself on hiccup's shoulder, thyra laying in hiccup's stomach, fast asleep.
"I'm so sorry.. he whispers into the dark room. I squeeze his hands
"It's okay... you were in trouble... you have nothing to be sorry for" I whisper back
"Still. She said her first word, and I didn't even know. Not to mention she said my name, well, her version of it. Gods..." he wraps his free arm over her back. Her light snoring continues.
"Don't worry about it, love. Just know that she said it, and let that be enough"
"Okay" He whispers. I smile and untangle myself from him, taking thyra an putting her in her cradle
"Now that we have a spare few hours... your wife would like your attention" I crawl on top of him
"Mhmm" I lean down and kiss him, feeling safe in the knowledge that he's safe.

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