27- skaters

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welcome to the first modern au and my cheesy intro! my sister mentioned that it was hard to tell what ages i was using for each chapter, so for now on, i will try to remember to say hiccup's age at the beggining of each chapter to make things a bit easier.

hiccup is 15.

hiccup's p.o.v

i pull my jacket tighter around me as i walk into the rollerskating rink, i'm instantly hit with the loud noises of people chattering. i walk up to the desk

"c-can i rent a pair of skates?" i ask the bored looking guy stood behind the counter

"sure. that will be £4 total. he says. i hand over a £5 note. he hands me my change and a pair of skates.

(ahhh yes, we're going british today)

i walk out and take a seat. i quickly fasten my skates on, before painstakingly making my way to the actual rink. i've never been skating before, so this is going to be hard. i watch the other people for a moment, trying to figure out how to do this. my eyes land on a group of 3 girls. two girls around my age, and another much older, probably their mother. one of the girls is wearing a blue cropped hoodie and black leggings. i can't take my eyes off her. she breaks off from her group and expertly skates to an exit, going over to sit down. i slowly make my way over to her.

"umm hey" i say when i reach her. she looks up at me and grins

"hey there! what can i do for ya?" she asks cheerfully. she gestures to the seat in front of her, and i take it

"i uh, saw you skating out there. you're really good" i rub the back of my neck


"i was wondering if um... you could show me how to skate? i've never done this before" i say bashfully.

"i would love to! my name's south" she holds her hand out. i take it.

"hiccup" she narrows her eyes at me, and i gulp

"hold on... i feel like i've seen you before. what school do you go to?" she asks as she helps me up.

"oh um, i go to berk academy" she gasps and grins

"holy shit no way. what year?"

"i'm about to go into year 10" i tell her. she laughs out loud.

"aha! we go to the same school. i'm 10-06, yellow house" she tells me. i smile lightly.

"10-04, red house" she leads me over to the rink.

(some context, this is how my school does things. there are four houses, blue, red, green and yellow. there are a total of either 6 or 8 tutor groups in a year groub. mine has 8. the 10 is the year, and the 06 is the group number.)

"okay. so basically, you just push your feet out, like this" she demonstrates. i copy, and i slowly move forward

"yeah, you got it!" she skates over to me and presses her hand tlo the small of my back. my face flames, but she doesn't notice.

"okay, you're doing really good. okay, so we're coming up to the turn. for now, justlean in the right direction" she moves her hands to my shoulders and guides me to turn.

"great! now, i want you to go on your own" i nod slowly, before she let's go. she skates backwards in front of me, as i wobble a little towards her. she's grinning from ear to ear

"you're a natural! i'm gonna make a skater out of you!" she claps twice. i laugh at her enthusiasm. suddenly, my foot slips from under me, and i fall back. she gasps and lunges for me, and we end up in a heap on the floor. i land on my back, while she lands on top of me. she groans and moves onto her knees

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