181- hope

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North passed away in a car accident that south was involved in. Hiccup is her teacher. Possibly sad chapter

South is 17, hiccup is 24

Hiccup's p.o.v

I flick through the register, frowning when I see that the trader twins have been off school for a few days. At the end of the lesson, I flag down Astrid, a close friend of theirs. It's Friday today, so everyone is headed home.
"Hey, Astrid?" I ask
"What's up, mr haddock?"
"North and south. You're close with them, right?" Her face softens
"Where are they? They've been off for a few days" Astrid sighs
"Mr haddock... on Monday, they were on the way home from school when they got into a car accident. North... north didn't make it. South has been off school for grieving. She'll be back on Monday " my heart falls, and I gasp
"North? Oh god..." I whispers, taking a step back. Astrid wipes a tear off her face and leaves the room. I sit down at my desk and bury my head in my hands. After a few minutes, I don't know what else to do so I call my dad
"Hey hiccup! What's up?"
"My... one of my students died..." my dad gasps
"Oh gods, hiccup... that's awful..." I spend some more time talking to him about it, and once the call finishes, I head home.

I wake up the next morning with a slight hangover and a great sadness. Toothless meows and jumps onto my bed, laying on my stomach. I absently pet his head, trying to figure out how I'm going to cope seeing south every day knowing what happened to her. I shake my head and scoot the feline off me and stand up, making myself a cup of coffee. As I drink it, I figure out what I can do. With my plan in mind, I begin to make arrangements. I call the headmaster and ask him if I can take my students out on Monday. He agrees after I explain my reasons. I then head to the store. I remember for a party we held for New Years, all students had to list their favourite snack and drink. I pick up a load of cans of cream soda, and a bunch of snacks she liked such as snickers, skittles and some other goods. I head to the aisle that sells part goods and pick up a pack of thirty white balloons as well as a bunch of sharpies.

Monday morning

I wake up extra early and get to the school for seven in the morning. With the help of the site team, I take a bunch of tables out to the field and set up all the balloons, drinks and snacks. I bring out a load of blankets and pillows I brought from home and set them up as well. When I'm done, it's about 8 so I head inside to get some work done. At 8:30, the first few students come in. At long last, south walks in. She looks tired, beyond all things, as well as sad and downright in pain.
"Morning guys. I'm sure you've all heard of the loss we, and especially south, has suffered" I say softly once everyone is sat down. South looks at me with stricken eyes.
"I want you guys to come with me" I say, walking to the door
"Should we bring our stuff?" Astrids asks
"Yeah" they grab their bags. I lead south to walk next to me, further in the front. I keep my hand in her shoulder as we walk
"South, I am so, so sorry about north. I know how much you must be suffering so I thought I'd do something to help"
"There's nothing anyone can do" she mutters wretchedly
"Probably not, but I can at least try and put a smile on your face" and with that, we walk out the back door of the school leading to the field, and the setup comes into full view. It's a warm day. South gasps as we stop a few feet away from the setup
"Today will be a day of honouring and remembering our friend, and classmate, and sister." I call out to everyone. They all cheer. South begins to sob, covering her mouth. I slide my arm around her shoulders, offering my support. We all grab plates and get sodas, filling our plates with snacks. We all sit in the blankets and recount memories.
"Who remembers that time in the exam when north stood up and shouted real loud that she hates snakes, then just sat back down?" Fishlegs laughs. I chuckle
"You guys better believe I went in the system and removed her Saturday detention"
"That was you?" South laughs. I grin.
"What about the time that mr haddock's mother, my aunt, died, and she brought him flowers, and sang him a song until you were practically rolling on the floor laughing?" Snotlout, my younger cousin says. I smile
"North was... as good a person as you could have ever hoped to know. Every day she made people smile, no matter what happened to them that day, she could make you happy. She made me happy every single day" south smiles slightly, tilting her head to look at me
"She was lucky, as we all are, to have a teacher like mr haddock. He's done all of this so we can remember her" everyone says their agreement. I smile at the commendation
"This isn't about me. This is about you and your sister. Someone like north deserves much more than this" I reach over and squeeze her hand. She curls her fingers around my own. My watch says it's about 6pm
"Guys, c'mere" I stand up, walking over to the tables where the balloons are all blown up, attached with strings to a weight.
"Everyone take one balloon and one sharpie" I instruct. They do.
"Now write a message for north on the balloon, and we'll release them into the sky" south chokes out a small sob and begins to write. I grab one and a sharpie, sitting cross legged on a blanket and I write.
'Hey north! Thank you for being our friend, and we all miss you so much. Stay safe in heaven, and we'll see you soon. Mr haddock.'
Once I'm done, we all walks some way away to make sure they won't hit the trees, and we release them. We watch all thirty balloons fly up, the entire time we watch, South is gripping my hand. I look down at her, and she looks back up at me with watery eyes. I wind my arm around her shoulders and pull her against me more. She smiles
"Thank you, so much. You truly have honoured my sister today" she murmurs. I smile at her
"North was an amazing person. She deserves this, and so do you. You deserve a little more closure" she squeezes my hand and we all go back to sit around the blankets. People begin to fall asleep under extra blankets, until only me and South are left awake. She's watching the small campfire I made, and the flames cast an orange glow over her skin, and I can see the flames dancing in her eyes. I slide up next to her and take a one pence coin from my pocket and place it on her knee.
"Penny for your thoughts?" I whisper.
"I miss her. Me and north were so close, and now she's gone, I don't know how I'm gonna be able to keep living" she whispers back. I frown
"You owe it to her to keep going. You survived that accident for a reason, so you just need to keep going for a little while longer" we make eye contact, and my heart begins to pound. She looks inhumanly beautiful against the light of the flames, and as wrong as it is, I really, really want to kiss her. Her eyes flicker down to my lips, and back up to meet my eyes, and at that point, I can't stop myself. I lean down and press my lips very gently against hers, trying to test her reactions. She reciprocates the kiss, sliding her hand up to cup the side of my throat, her thumb brushing against my cheek. I know how risky this is, any one of the students could wake up and see, or she could report me for taking advantage of her. But still, I can't stop. I don't want to stop. I don't push her, I let her take the lead so she doesn't get spooked. Her kiss is soft and warm, and she has a faint taste of jelly sweets, the kind she was eating earlier. What feels like an hour but can only have been a few minutes passes by until she pulls away, our lips disconnecting with a soft pop. I instantly miss the warmth and I'm tempted to chase the kiss, but I know I've already gone too far.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that..." I whisper, pulling back. She searches my face
"You're hurting and looking for a source of comfort. I shouldn't've taken advantage of you" she giggles silently
"Don't worry, mr haddock. You didn't. I've been wanting to do that for weeks." I sigh and wipe my hand across my face
"South..." as soon as my hand moves, her hands are on my cheeks and she pulls me in for another kiss. I give in and kiss her back, placing my hands on her waist. I don't let her try to progress the kiss, because the other students are sleeping only a few feet away. Eventually, I pull back, but only a little
"We should get some sleep, see if this still makes sense in the morning"
"Okay" I settle on my back, closing my eyes. I really want to hold her, but it isn't worth the risk of someone waking up before us and seeing us both fast asleep, nestled together. I'm pretty cold under only this thin blanket, but I manage to fall asleep.


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