40- happy mistake

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so ummmmmm 40 chapters? is that even a thing? oh well, i hope you enjoy this highly shitty chapter.

hiccup is 15-16

south's p.o.v

i carress his face as my father loads his trading boat, ready to leave berk. tears are running down both of our faces.

"goodbye, hiccup. i'll see you in a year" he wraps me in a hug and the closeness vaguely reminds me of last night. the soft touches, two bodies joined together, drowning in pleasure. he pulls back with a sad smile

"i'll see you in a year" he kisses me one last time, his soft, thin lips capturing mine.

"south, it's time to go" i hear my dad, trader johann, call out to me sadly. i turn back to him and nod. i look to hiccup who gives me a smile and a nod. i walk onto the boat and wave as we float away from shore. when berk is out of sight, i sit against the wall of the boat, tears running down my face. my dad comes and crouches in front of me, cradling my palm in his cheek

"i know you really love master hiccup. i can see it. you will see him again when you next come back with me. i wish you could come sooner, but alas your mother would not allow it." my dad kisses my head and stands up, walking away and leaving me to my thoughts. i just hope that this year will pass by swiftly. i think back to last night, our first time, how it was not supposed to happen like that, but it did, and i have no regrets. the way his body felt under my hands, and the way my body felt under his. i have no words to descibe it. i let out a shaky breath and look out to sea.

6 months later

"momma, can i talk to you" i say nervously, the baggy shirt i'm wearing now struggling to hide my swollen stomach.

"of course dear" she says, her hand in a bowl, kneading dough

"you might wanna put that down. this is very serious" i say, my voice quivering with fear. she looks up at me and see's my fear, nodding while putting the bowl on the table.

i sit down on a chair, my back aching a little.

"as you know, me and the cheif of berk's sone, hiccup, were together when m e and north were there. the night before we left to come back here, things with him got so out of control and i..." i mo stands up and wals over to me, gently making me stand up. she pulls my shirt to my ribs and gasps

"oh my... oh my baby" she cries, pulling me into a hug.

"what am i gonna do momma?" i sob.

"we need to tell your father my dear." i sniffle

"he knows. he knew before even i did. he told me i was... y'know" i choke a little on my crying.

"honey... you know you have to go back to berk" she says

"momma, i can't. he's the son of a chief. he will lose everything if it's found out that he even did that with a non berkian he was not married to and is now having a child out of wedlock."

"i know sweetheart. but it's much worse to deprive a father of his child, and the child of his father. " i sigh, knowing she's right.

"can i go after he or she is born? it will make things easier" she nods, kissing my head.

"okay. me and your father will help you through this"

"thank you" i say, my voice thick with tears.

"c'mon, help me with dinner"

3 months later

"push! you have to push!" i scream at the pain ripping through me. i do as i was told, and suddenly the pressure is gone. a loud crying fills the air as i lay back, exhausted. i hear a gently snip and some shuffling, until my mother appears, holding a bundle

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