154- stand by me

168 2 10

So I'm gonna use Amora for this, as hiccup and oc are NOT in a romantic relationship.

Amora has been bounced from foster to foster for a while. She ended up in an orphanage where she was mistreated by one of the other boys.

Hiccup is 28, Amora is 14

Hiccup's p.o.v

I hear my phone ring in the kitchen, which isn't unusual for my line of work so I head over to answer it
"Hello, am I speaking to mr haddock?"
"This is him"
"Hi, my name is Sandra, I'm with social services. We have a 14 year old female in need of an urgent foster home, and you were the only home within a five mile radius that is readily available. Are you alright to take her tomorrow night?" I groan inwardly at the lack of notice
"Yes that's fine. Is there anything I should know? Allergies, conditions, preferences etc"
"She has extreme ptsd and a history of self harm."
"Is she on any medication?"
"She's in antidepressants"
"Okay. Yeah, I can take her. Is there a specific time she'll be dropped off?"
"Around 6pm"
"Great. Thank you" I hang up the phone. Great. I'm a foster dad. I became one because I never married, and I wanted to be a father. I head into the spare room and begin to prepare

There is a knock at the door. It's about 6:30 so I head over and answer it. Sure enough, there is a woman with a case worker lanyard stood with a young girl, around 14. She looks absolutely terrified. I smile warmly at her
"No need to be afraid, honey. Come on in" I open the door wider and they walk Inside. She looks around, yet never says anything. The case worker has me sign the papers, and then leaves.
"Are you hungry?" I ask her. She timidly shakes her head.
"It's okay if you are. I've some pasta bake in the oven, ready to eat." She just nods slightly and dips her head, not looking at me in the eyes.
"Come with me, honey. I'll show you everything" she nods and follows me through to her room.
"This is your bedroom. Mine is across the hall there, so if you need anything at all, that's where to find me. I've left you some toiletries in the bathroom through there, and some snacks in case you get hungry during the night. That's pretty much everything. I'll leave you to get settled in" I give her another warm smile before leaving the room.
That night, I wake up during the night to some quiet crying. Toothless looks at me and meows.
"Yeah, I know." I murmur to him before silently leaving the room. I find Amora sat in the couch, quietly crying into her hands. Toothless jumps up next to her and meows at her. She sniffs and looks at him
"Awe... thank you kitty" he whispers hoarsely. She's british? I didn't know that"
"His names toothless, hun" I say softly. Her head snaps around to look at me
"I-I'm Sorry, sir, i d-didn't mean to" She says frantically. I approach her and she lifts her arms to shield her face. My chest falls when I realise that she thinks I'm going to hit her.
"P-please don't hit me" she whimpers. I very gently lay my hand in her shoulder. She flinches.
"I don't know what happened to you at that orphanage, but I can guarantee that it won't happen here. You're safe now." I whisper to her
"I'm never safe... you're gonna get sick of me and I'll be right back where I started" she says mournfully. I sigh.
"I don't know what the future holds, because I'm not psychic, but I can tell you that I won't let you get hurt again. Toothless will keep you safe, won't you bud?" I look at the little feline who gives me a meow of confirmation.
"Toothless... how did you choose that name?" She asks me softly, looking up at me, and finally looking me in the eyes. I smile.
"Well, his previous owners had pulled all his teeth out because he bit them. Luckily, he was only a kitten so they grew back. He had no teeth, and would nip me with his gums so I nicknamed him toothless, though his old name was actually terry. The nickname stuck, so I changed it to that, though I still call him terry when he pisses me off" she giggles slightly. Toothless meows at me in indignation
"Yeah, you know, terry, fuckin cat" Amora bursts out laughing, clutching toothless to her chest, who happily purrs and licks her cheek.
"Feel better?" I ask her, she nods
"Yeah... I'm sorry for waking you"
"It's alright. I wasn't really sleeping anyway" I chuckle. That's actually a lie, but that wouldn't make her feel better.
"Okay... if it's still available... I might take you up in that pasta" I grin at her
"That's the way. C'mon, let's go" So there we sit, each holding a bowl of pasta, at four in the morning, talking about everything. I tell her about why I started fostering kids, and she tells me about the boy who would beat and rape her in the orphanage. When the officials found out, they moved other out of there and gave her to me. I hold her close as she cries.
"Sorry, I'm such a wimp" she sniffs. I shake my head
"No, you're not. When I was your age, my father used to beat on me, too. We made or peace when I was 15, but I never forgot what he did. I understand better than you think." She peeks up at me
"I... I never would have guessed" I smile lightly and stroke her cheek.
"Look" I gently shift her off me and remove my shirt, revealing all of my belting scars. She gasps.
"Woah..." she trails her finger over the biggest scar which goes from my chest, over my fight shoulder and ends halfway down my back.
"That's awful... And to think I was complaining! You have had it much worse than me" she whispers, withdrawing her hand
"No honey, I haven't. This happened about 13 years ago. It doesn't bother me anymore. It bothered me then, like what happened to you bothers you now, but eventually what happened to you will only be a bad memory. The pain doesn't last. Trust me" she lets out another sob and crashes against me, gripping me tight. I hold her against my bare chest, whispering sweet nothings into her hair.
"C'mon, honey. You need to get some sleep"
"I... I don't wanna be alone" she cries. I just smile, reaching down and picking her up bridal style. She grips my neck as I carry her through to my bedroom. I lay her on my bed and then slide in beside her. I know I could get in lots of trouble for this, but she really needs it. She soon falls asleep nestled in my arms. Toothless gives me a little meow, and I can't tell he's asking me if she's okay. I nod and gently scratch under his chin. He lays against her and goes to sleep, so I soon fall asleep too

A year later

Amora's p.o.v

I'm sat at the kitchen counter doing some homework when hiccup walks in. Over the year, we've gotten really close. It upsets me to know that soon enough I'm going to be back in foster care again. I can't stay here forever. Hiccup places a letter in front of me, looking at me with a knowing smile. I tilt my head at him, but he just kisses my head and walks away. I place down my pen and pick up the letter. Ya addressed to him, but I assume he wants me to read it. I frown but slide the paper out of the already opened letter.

Dear mr hiccup haddock

We are delighted to inform you that your application to adopt miss Amora grimborn has been approved. You are required to come to the courthouse at the below address to sign the paperwork needed, but as of today, you are the adoptive father of miss Amora grimborn

I finish reading there, feeling faint. I grab the letter and walk into the living room, where hiccup is sat, brushing toothless' fur.
"I-is this real...?" I ask him. He looks up at me and grins
"It's as real as I am, honey. I told you I'd never let anything happen to you." I let out a cry and run at him, jumping up and wrapping my arms around his neck. He holds me tight.
"Oh my god" I cry. He laughs
"I know!" This is truly the best day of my

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