32- when lightening strikes

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South's p.o.v

"more supports?" hiccup turns around with a small smirk, looking to gobber who shrugs.

"well, they are dragons" I place my hands on hiccup's shoulders and look at the paper, detailing the design of the supports. i hum in approval as hiccup looks up at me.

"what d'you think?" he asks. I grin.

"they're great. i think this will really help. mildew will have one less thing to complain about" hiccup snorts.

"he will never run out of things to complain about. he's mildew!" I laugh and quickly kiss the top of his head.

"I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow" he smiles up at me.

"bye" i walk out with gobber, who gives me a look.

"what?" I smirk at him. he smiles back.

"you really like the lad, huh?"

"...yeah, I do." i blush and look away as me and gobber walk towards the forge.

"just... don't hurt him, okay lass? he's like a son to me." gobber sighs.

"i wouldn't dream of it. I'll see you later gobber" i wave and walk off as we reach the forge. I go back home and my changewing windwalker greets me

"hey girl" I rub her chin, receiving a happy warble. I head upstairs and draw some random things. before long, north walks in. we nod at each other.

the next day

I stand next to hiccup as we see watch as Astrid and stormfly hover one of the supports. stormfly seems nervous so Astrid says something to her, effectively calming her down. stormfly lands on the support, and it holds. we all cheer.

"yes! it works!" hiccup grins up at it, I hug him.

"you did really well" I nestle perfectly under his chin. everyone says hiccup is really short, but i'm even shorter.

"wait, so we built these things so stuff wouldn't break?" tuffnut asks, looking around. I roll my eyes and pull away from hiccup, still holding his hand.

"i don't understand you people" ruffnut adds.

"i feel so used... and sweaty" they drop their hammers and walk off. me and hiccup share a look. that night, me, hiccup, gobber and stoick are all sat around the haddock's table. me and hiccup have small mugs of water, while gobber and stoick have mead.

"perches for dragons, son. some of your best work yet!" stoick announces, grinning at his son. hiccup smiles up at him. he then peers into his mug and scowls

"although we may have to move the one over the well" gobber looks into his mug with a shocked look. hiccup doesn't seem to notice as he continues rambling

"and the perches are just the beginning" hiccup goes to drink out of his mug, but stoick stops him. he still doesn't even notice.

"we could build landing areas for them, maybe even stables in the caves underneath the village and-" stoick cuts him off.

"easy son, remember berk is still for people" i chuckle and reach over placing my hand on top of his. he looks over at me and does his little shy smile that i love.

"Vikings before dragons" gobber adds, waving his mug. toothless looks over at him, while windwalker cracks open an eye from across the room.

"yeah, I said it. deal with it" gobber sasses toothless. suddenly, there is a loud crash, and i yelp. toothless runs up the stairs. we all walk outside, me clutching hiccup's hand tight.

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