156- make me happy pt 3

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This a flashback chapter to when they were 13

Hiccup and south are 12

(Don't worry there isn't gonna be smut.)

Souths p.o.v

"You good?" I ask hiccup. He shifts a little, but grins at me
"Yeah" I reach out and pat his cheek. He laughs and swats at me. I return the action, and we end up wrestling in his bed. He soon has me pinned underneath him, and then things change. He's hovering only a few inches above me. He glances down at my lips and back up to my eyes. We haven't kissed yet, though he is my boyfriend. I nod at him, so he leans down and gently places his lips on mine. My heart fizzes as I kiss him back. His hands travel around my rather underdeveloped body, and I feel a very strange but good feeling grow in the pit of my stomach. He pulls away and watches me for a moment
"You good?" He repeats my earlier question. I nod, and kiss him again. He surprised me my gently sliding my jacket off my shoulders. His hands pull at the hem of my shirt. This isn't something I've ever thought about, I mean, I've only gotten my first period a few months back. My entire body freezes when his kisses travel down to my neck. It feels... good. I let him keep kissing my neck as he unbuttons my school blouse, revealing my little bra.
"I-is this Okay?" He asks after pulling away. I swallow
"Okay" he kisses down my chest, leaving hickeys as he goes. Things get very out of control from that point. I'm on the pill for my periods, but I had forgotten that I didn't take my pill yesterday because I stayed the night at hiccup's and left it at home.

A week later

We didn't do that again after that. We didn't speak of it, just went about our lives as normal. I'm on my week break off my pill so I can have my period, however, it's been a week and a half and I haven't bled at all. No cramps or backaches like I usually get. Nothing. I sit and look at my tracker app, confused. I look back through the history and freeze. It's listed as I didn't take my pill the day before when me and hiccup... oh god... I slowly walk downstairs and go to talk to my mom
"Mommy?" I ask after finding her in the living room. She looks up at me
"Yes south?"
"C-can you come here?"
"Okay" She follows me back upstairs
"Mommy... I... You know how I have a boyfriend, hiccup?"
"You shouldn't have a boyfriend at your age, but yes"
"We did a really bad thing... a really, really bad thing..."
"What did you do? Did you drink? Steal?" She asks me, slightly angrily. A few years drop down my face
"No... something much, much worse. He bedded me, and I let him... I thought we could just go on about our lives and think of it as a one time thing that wouldn't happen again, but I had forgotten my pill the day before... mommy, I think I'm pregnant" I cry. She freezes, her hand clamped hard around my shoulder.
"You what? Come with me now. We'll get you a test, and it'll be negative and I will give you your punishment" I nod defeatedly and follow her out of the house and to the shop. She picks up some tests and hands me them, pointing me to the store bathroom. I take them, my mom leaning against the door, telling me how to do it. We wait for a few minutes, then my mom grabs the tests of the sink. She looks at them
"They're positive..." I burst out crying
"Mommy, what am I gonna do" she grips my wrist so hard that I cry out. She shakes me.
"You will come with me now and we will tell your father, you stupid, stupid girl" she hisses. I cry, but follow her. She drags me into the house and into my fathers study
"Sybil, What is the meaning of this?" He raises his eyebrow at my mom
"The meaning is, Viggo, that our stupid daughter has gone out, been a whore and gotten herself pregnant" she throws me o to the floor. I land on my hands and knees
"I'm sorry, daddy! I didn't mean to! It just happened" he stands up and walks around the desk. He kicks my side and I fall down onto the floor. I just lay there in shame
"You stupid girl. How could you shame us like this! You're twelve! You've hardly had your first period!" He yells at me. I just lay there and cry.
"I will make an appointment. We'll kill the vermin and never speak of this again" he spits. I sit up
"No! We can't kill this baby! It deserves a chance to live! W-we can pretend that it's your baby, not mine! We could raise it as my brother or sister!" I cry desperately, grabbing my fathers leg. He kicks me off.
"No. I won't hear of it. Either we kill the baby, or you can raise it in the streets" He grits his teeth. I take a deep breath
"Good. I'll call-"
"No. I'll leave. I'm sorry mommy and daddy, but I can't kill this baby. I just can't." I stagger to my feet. My father swings out and punches me in the face. I fall back to the ground with another cry
"You think you'll last out there? He won't want you. No one will" he shouts
"I'll just have to take that risk" I wipe the blood from my split lip and leave the room. I walk to my bedroom and pack what I'll need, which is just a few pairs of clothes and underwear, my phone and charger. I leave the house, throwing one last glance behind me. I walk the 5 miles to hiccup's house and knock on the door. His father answers it
"Oh, lass! What are you doing here, it's late. Did your mom drop you off?" He asks
"No... I walked... I need to talk to you and hiccup" I tell him. He nods
"Of course. Come in" he leads me in
"Hiccup, south is here!" I hear his door open and him running down the stairs. He looks perplexed
"South? What's up? Woah, what happened?!" He yells when he sees my face. I flinch a little. Stoick takes a proper look at my face
"Pass, What happened? I'll get you some ice" he says. I follow them to the kitchen where stoick hands me an ice pack and sits me down at the table.
"Im sorry for coming so late... I had nowhere else to go" I say.
"Why didn't you go home?"
"My parents kicked me out, after hitting me a bit." Stoick frowns
"Why'd they kick you out?" hiccups asks. A tear runs down my face, and I swipe it away
"Um... do you remember when we... y'know..." he looks at stoick, stricken. Stoick gasps
"You guys...?" He nods, looking down
"It only happened once. Did they find out?"
"I told my mom" he frowns a little
"Why? You knew what they'd say"
"That's not what they were mad about. I came off my pill for the week, but I never got my period. It was weird, so I told my mom I believed I was... pregnant." I sigh and look down. Hiccup freezes
"Y-you What?"
"Yeah... we got a test. It was positive" I let out a sob. Hiccup lets out a sharp breath
"O-Oh my god... you're pregnant?"
"I'm so sorry!" I cry desperately. I feel arms wrap around me. I flinch, but settle against stoicks broad chest. Hiccup stays where he is, staring at me in shock. I pull away from stoick to look at him
"Hiccup, says something, please!" I bed.
"I... I don't..." he sighs and looks down, before looking back at me
"Your parents just kicked you out?"
"They told me that they would make an appointment and I'd get an abortion. But I just can't do that. I just can't" He curls his fingers around mine.
"South... we'll figure this out. Dad?" He looks up at his father. I see the resolve in stoicks eyes
"South. You're staying here, with us. We'll take care of you and the baby."
"Yes." I hug him again. This time, hiccup joins, wrapping his arms around my waist.

9 months later

I lay back against the hospital bed, scraggly with sweat.
"A healthy baby boy!" The midwife announces. I let out a breath. Hiccup grips my hand and look over where the midwife cuts the cord and cleans him up.
"Woah, south... he's beautiful" hiccup says. He sounds shocked. The midwife wraps the baby up and hands him to me. I stare down at this bundle in my arms in wonder.
"How... how can this happen? This little baby was created from every cell in my body..." I cradle the baby as he cries. His cries eventually calm, and he falls asleep.
"Come get me when he wakes up, and I'll go through nursing with you" I nod at the midwife, and she leaves.
"Hiccup, c'mere" I say. I shuffle over and he sits in the bed next to me. I gently pass him our son, and he cradles him with such care.
"No way..." he whispers. Smiling at our little boy
"Dad... did you feel like this?" He looks up at his father. Stoick smiles
"Indeed I did, son. It's the most wonderful feeling."
"Yeah..." he smiles back down at the little baby he's holding.
"Dad, do you wanna hold him?" Hiccup asks. Stoick smiles wild and walks up, gently taking the small boy out of hiccup's arms.
"Oh, lad. He's so cute..." stoick smiles, stroking his cheek with a large finger.
"Course he is. He's half south" he jokes. I laugh a little
"I think he looks quite a lot like you, hiccup" I say, looking at him after stoick sets him down in the little cradle
"I think you're right" he smiles.
"We need a name" I say. Hiccup nods.
"Yeah... what about... Arlo?"
"Arlo... I like it. It's beautiful" I smile. Hiccup nods
"Arlo it is"


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