73- big man on berk

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so i was watching the episode big man on berk of rtte and got this idea, and i totally couldn't help myself so here we are. this is a kinda spin off from come back for us, but instead rosaline was born at the beginning of race to the edge and stayed with them on the edge and south looks after her when the go on missions

hiccup is 19

i'm in my hut with south and our daughter, rosaline, just sitting on the bed, sout is behind my with her legs wrapped around my waist, her chin on my shoulder, with me holding rosaline on my knee. our conversation is interrupted by fishlegs just walking in, sneezing like it's nobody's business. i frown and south untangles herself from me. we walk down to him. i'm holding rosaline on my hip

"fishlegs, are you alright?" south asks. he shrugs

"i have *achoo* no clue *sniff*" south walks up to him and gently places her hand on his cheek, frowning

"well you have a fever, minor face flushes... red eyes... could be... no... ah, yes." she seems to confirm something to herself, before walking away.

"south? wanna say what's up?" i ask, shifting rosaline to my other hip, she grips my wrist

"he's allergic to something. he's having a reaction." she explains. i nod.

"hmm. what should we do?"

"we need to get him to gothi. i don't have the things i'd need here. i can treat his flushes, but that's it. gothi can properly cure him" i nod. south did lots of training with gothi when she found out she was pregnant, as she said she wanted to be prepared for anything. i assemble the other riders

"okay guys, fishlegs here is sick, so we gotta go back to berk" snotlout groans

"ugh, can't south just treat him?" i roll my eyes

"no snotlout, she can't. she doesn't have the things here" i state the obvious. south sends me a small look

"i can speak for myself, babe" she scoffs. i grin

"oh, i don't doubt that. you're taking rosaline?" she nods.

"yeah, you have to control toothless" i nod, handing rosaline to her after giving her a small kiss.

"i love you" i murmur to her. she smiles lightly

"i love you too, fishbone" i chuckle and swiftly kiss her before climbing onto toothless. the flight is uneventful, only having to stop once because rosaline needed to be fed. of course, snotlout complained

"why can't she feed the damn thing in the air?" i stiffen

"snotlout, don't call my child 'that thing', she's a human. and also, i'm not entirely sure you know what south has to do in order to feed rosaline. ask your mother when we get back" i galre. snotlout wilts under my gaze and nods. south emerges from the bushes and nods.

"she good?"

"yep, out like a light. let's get back up" we all take off and fly the rest of the way to berk. when we get there, we go straight to gothi. in the end, fishlegs get's hypnotised and snotlout babbles on about creating the perfect viking. then, gothi snaps him out of it. he stands up straight and cracks his back and knuckles. south is behind me, slowly rocking the now awake rosaline

"er... fishlegs?" i ask. he looks at me with a scornful expression

"fishlegs? who is fishlegs? my name is thor bonecrusher!" he announces, shoving past me and snotlout, south quickly moves out of the way.

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